Cirqus Voltaire and Funhouse are the next two, due out some time in May. Yeah! Cirqus is awesome and even though Funhouse is a repeat, I'm looking forward to that too. Great game.
Funhouse is great, but circus voltaire boring. Still hoping for Eight Ball Deluxe, Paragon and Attack from Mars. The only problem I´ve got with the released tables is, that they are far to easy to play.If you ever played a real pinball table, you have noticed, that you never have played for 10 minutes or more on the first go. These tables were designed to earn money. Pinball Arcade is no real simulation in that way. People are getting million and billion scores without practicing long.Please Farsight,make the tables harder and more realistic in that point.
Top players regularily can play most pinball games for longer than 10 minutes. Database of some of the best pinball players out there, with some tutorials and more for many of the tables included on pinball arcade. Also, the developers, while adding new tables, continue to update the old tables for graphics etc. For the small team, they continue to keep making pinball arcade even better.
Great source. Thanks! Found a good video of the real machine Bride of Pinbot there. For all of those kids never having seen a real pinball machine before. The person plays mediocre (never uses nudge/tilt) but shows some essential pinball techniques and skills. The view (straight above from the top) is a bit unusual for real machines but anyway a really great and precious source. You can see the scores display. Sound is okay as well. You can listen clearly the ball(s) rolling (missing in some pinball software ) and the mechanics switching. Best use an iPad in portrait view for watching those 9:16 video clips. BTW can we embed vimeo clips here in a tA forum posting? And if yes: How? Anyway: Here the other table of Pinball Arcade in this collection: Theatre of Magic (better player; multiball @ 2:23), see how lightning fast a pinball game can become. So what do the owners of the iOS software version tell? How does iOS Pinball Arcade match to the real machines? Physics? Tempo? My personal opinion is they got it pretty right. (Tested on iPad 3rd gen.)
Pinball arcade has really excellent physics and recreations of real tables. Unfortunately, the tilt is total fail. Hopefully that gets fixed eventually.
As the other person said, the games play *way* easier than a real machine. Bride of Pinbot is ludicrously easy in Pinball Arcade, for example. On a real machine it is not easy to get the billion shot, and I'm a pretty good player. In Pinball Arcade I got the billion shot *twice* in my first game, and have gotten it a bunch of times more in subsequent games (though I haven't repeated getting two in one game yet). Not all of them are this easy though. Medieval plays harder than Bride, though it's still much easier to do things such as getting Barnyard multiball. That was easy once I learned the shot/situation that works every time for making the catapult. It's not nearly so easy on a real machine. The physics engine is too limited and shots are too easily repeatable. Having said that, I still think this game is great fun and it's still the best thing out there, just that it could certainly be improved. Maybe we need faster processors before we can have the kind of realistic, less repetitious, physics we need.
Iám one of the guys, who can play a real pinball table for much more than 10 minutes. But not at the first time.! You have to practice a while and learn, how the ball moves and table "feels" The problem with Pinball Arcade is, that you can get very far at your first game. Nothing to learn.Even beginners have no problems. A simulation should simulate the real thing.Not only the sound and graphics. At most of the tables tables at visual pinball, the simulation is much more realistic. But the graphics are better at Pinball Arcade. But as I pay for Pinball Arcade, I expect that the physics are great too.
Looking forward to Funhouse! Played the heck out of it back in the day. Would love to actually have Terminator and Adam's Family as well as others I can think of. Some older games like Wizards, Bally's Chicago, Captain Fantastic, and the original Playboy are just a few that come to mind at the moment. So many others I spent a lot of money on!
If any rookies out there are wondering when is a textbook time to tilt, it's when you shoot the ball up the left ramp in Medieval Madness without enough power so it rolls back on you. Without a nudge, the ball is most likely going to drain right down the middle. Give it a nudge to the right just before it leaves the ramp and you'll send it over to the right flipper and save the day! Personally, I have a hard time applying nudges effectively in video game pinball (physical pinball tables I beat like a redheaded stepchild), so I'm pretty happy that I've found such a reliable ball saver.
I don't think you ever want to tilt. LOL. Well, unless the game has a rollover score and you want to get as close as possible to that score without going over.
Sorry for the confusing language, at the arcade I used to play at, we used to call it all "tilting", whether you tripped the sensor or not. I had to remind myself partway through the post that other people call it "nudging". (In my brain it will always be tilting )
It's still not quite as awesome as the PS3's lighting graphics, which I hope will come to other versions soon.
Ios 4.3.3 I do not have much online-time because i am in hospital. Are there any news about the problem with pinball arcade with IOS 4?
I don´t know anything about the IOS 4 problem, but why don´t you update to IOS 5? With your nickname you should be in jail, not in hospital
If you read this thread carefully you will find a few persons with problems with IOs 4 and the last pinball arcade update. Maybe it will take a lot of more time than stupid postings like "Where is the update?", but it helps, i am sure. Not farsight and also not you decide which IOS i use. The are good reasons to stay at IOS 4 and do not update to IOS 5. But how can i continue my series if i am in jail? The most important reason: No iPads in jail.
^So what are the reasons on keeping at ios4 and not ios5 ? I was nervous about upgrading to ios5 as i have 100's of apps and was worried they might not work, its all been fine, glad i've upgraded to ios5 so i can play games such as Pinball Arcade. And whats with the childish 'serial killer' forum name and rubbish about you cant play in jail ? Grow up. Talk about teenage angst
The problem is that this app is sold as working with IOS 4.3 and i payed money for it and now it does not work. I like these pinball machines very much and i think the price is ok, if it works !!