Universal Pinball Arcade - (by FarSight)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Echoseven, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. AnarKitty

    AnarKitty Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2010
    Minneapolis, USA
    At the risk of sounding stupid, how do you find the option to purchase and download the new tables? Please tell me it doesn't require you to be logged into Facebook to buy new tables now; I don't have it, and never will. :confused:
  2. famousringo

    famousringo Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2011
    No, the plunger power varies depending on how much you pull back your touch.

    The problem is that the skill shot on this table isn't a tidy ramp. There's a big rounded bump between each slot on the skill shot. You might expect that if plunger power X gets you 100k, plunger power X+1 would get you the 200k score, but with all these bumps, that little +1 might send your ball skipping over it and into the 25k slot, or it might send it bouncing backwards into the 75k slot. That's what I mean by non-linear.

    It's kinda like the skill shot on Arabian Nights, but with way more chaos.
  3. famousringo

    famousringo Well-Known Member

    Jul 25, 2011
    Update your app and Bride of Pinbot and MM will be in the gallery. Just swipe to them and tap them to start. The app will ask if you want to restore purchases, if you haven't bought them on any device yet, say no. You should then be offered free play, to purchase the table for $3, or to purchase both new tables for $5.

    Choose both. ;)
  4. AnarKitty

    AnarKitty Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2010
    Minneapolis, USA
    I was certain I'd synced after updating; I guess not. I got them both, although now everything's a crashy mess and I can't get as far as playing before the app goes boom. Has anyone else with an iPod Touch 4 had issues with crashes in this game?
  5. kaplanfx

    kaplanfx New Member

    May 11, 2009
    Anyone else have a tiny UI now on the iPad 3? Graphics and performance seem upgraded but UI is kind of annoying.

  6. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    #526 crunc, Apr 17, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2012
    Several issues. Medieval is partly munged. There is no way to do the super skill shot because you can't hold a flipper up while you plunge - Any tap results in launching the ball. Also, there is no way to use Troll bombs because you can't press the launch button while the ball is in play. :(

    Bride of Pinot is ludicrously easy. In my first game I got the billion shot twice and probably 6 big wheel rewards or maybe more. I have never done even remotely close to that IRL. It's hard enough to get one billion in a game on a real machine, let alone two. High scores on this will be in the 10s of billions before long. Every shot is super easy to make. It doesn't have any play issues like Medieval has, though.

    Also, after I installed the update the app had no icon. It was blank. I decided to delete and reinstall, and that fixed it, but of course progress was lost. The blank icon didn't seem to cause any harm, so I could have just left it until the next update.

    Lastly, FYI, the free ad-supported play on Medieval does not credit you with achieving goals. I thought it was a bug, but the paid version works correctly so I guess it's intentional, but I bet they'll get some flak in reviews for that not working. They should have made it clear that this was the case.

    I'm playing on an iPad 2 and it looks and plays great. I get some annoying lag if I get a notification while playing, but that's probably an OS issue.
  7. Fafner

    Fafner Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2009
    Much better!


    On the iPad3 it seems to play just a hair too fast. It's nice and smooth now but just a bit fast.

    On MM it is impossible to get a super skill shot! You're supposed to hold the left flipper then launch the ball but it launches the ball as soon as you touch the left side of the screen!

    I still don't like the tilt mechanism in the game. Should have a swipe to tilt option.

    It looks amazing though!

    I also encountered the blank icon issue. I Deleted the app and reloaded it and that fixed it.
  8. kaplanfx

    kaplanfx New Member

    May 11, 2009
    Is your UI tiny now? Mine is 1/4 the size it should be, like it's hard coded to the old iPad Rez and isn't scaling to the ipad 3.

    Also how the heck does the skill shot work on MM, it seems Imget it just by pressing the button.

  9. Fafner

    Fafner Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2009
    On the last update the ui was tiny but it's perfect on my 3 now!
  10. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Even more - I don't believe it's possible to launch the catapult, so you just get the default every time. That means Barnyard multiball is impossible, and it's impossible to complete the wizard goals since that is one of them. This was rushed out with little thought it seems. :(
  11. emb531

    emb531 Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2008
    not true, i launched the catapault and beat all regular goals unlocking wizard goals, barnyard multiball is one of the goals

  12. Bad Hanson

    Bad Hanson Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    The Westcountry UK
    I clicked yes to restore my tables on my iPad 3 and it seems to have charged me again for Black Hole (I'm 99.9999 sure I bought them all before)...so let me know if anyone else notices this- I didn't get the usual 'you have already purchased this' message.
    Otherwise they have fixed the scaling problem and we can play the game again.
  13. Rudi

    Rudi Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2009
    My app icon is also blank on ipad 1.The game works fine.
  14. Rudi

    Rudi Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2009
    I donĀ“t like the scrolling camera at Bride of Pinbot. Most of the time, you only see the whole table. The scrolling to the uper parts is far to short. It scrolls only up, when the ball is on the peak of the table. Then switches to the whole table much to early.
  15. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    Finally ! Bought the table pack and installed on my ipad 2, all seemed okay, did ask for my password a lot of times so i'll check my itunes invoice when i get that in case i've paid duplicate times.

    Then installed it on my ipod touch 4th gen but have the empty icon issue, game seems to work fine but weird about the icon issue.

    Glad theres two new tables at last, shame about the bug though
  16. Habakuk

    Habakuk Well-Known Member

    Yes. Same here. Will check my invoice as soon as I have it.

    No problems with homescreen icon, but UI still tiny (but useable). iPad 3rd gen., 64GB/4G.
  17. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    #537 crunc, Apr 17, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2012
    Ah. Both flippers at the same time launches the catapult, so yes it can be done. I was thinking it was the launch button. Doh!
  18. MJFox

    MJFox Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2009
    Vienna, Austria
    no problems with homescreen icon and UI is fine on my iPad 3rd gen. 64GB Wifi only


  19. Robotwars

    Robotwars Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
    Your post? Yes it was.
  20. aceyprime

    aceyprime Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2010
    Pinball Arcade just gets better and better. So nice to have everything smooth on the iPad 3 now and the 2 new tables are fantastic. I'd never played Bride of Pinbot before but I'm really enjoying it - it's not as complex as some of the more modern tables but it's a lot of fun. Medieval Madness is a true gem - the theme is great and there's so many fun pieces to the table itself. Plus it has voicework done by Tina Fey! Here's an MP3 of an excerpt of her voice-over recording session for anyone interested.

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