No word yet, maybe end of March when the XBox and probably PS3 versions get released. Must have more tables :-D
The game was released on feb 9th and they say a new table will be available every 2 weeks...that means something should have happened by now...come on farsight! This game is just too awesome, need more tables!
I also hope they'll get a fix out for the various bugs. Maybe they are delayed on machine releases for that reason.
Yeah maybe that's it. Though my only complaint is the bad nudging, lack of cam options...and it never saves my settings. Even with these complaints I'd still take new tables over them being fixed.
I would have agreed with you, except that I got bit by the bug in RBION where the ball can get lost and then there is no way to continue your game... and that was when I was having my best game. So I really think they need to fix that.
Yeah same here, i do love the game, bought all the tables but a bit frustrating if one minute they were promising new tables every 2 weeks (said this just as the app was out) and now weeks later nothing. Apart from that i'm loving it
Agreed, but first they do need to fix the game-ending bugs. I'd rather they did that then end up with new machines that then might run into the same issue. So I'll try to be patient.
Really looking forward to new tables being released, I've been pretty much addicted to this since it came out. Hopefully it won't be much longer.
Me too. I play almost every day, and find the depth in each table keeps me coming back for more. My wife is sick of hearing them! I'd like some higher resolution on the tables, but it's very playable as it is. I have hit some stuck ball bugs a few times as well. Twilight Zone would be my dream table.
I coulda told ya they wouldn't come through with the additional tables in a timely manner like they promised! Get you all excited for months, then finally release it, then nothing... Wouldn't be surprised if it's two more months until the next set of tables goes live. But, rather wait than get buggy games in the end.
Its the fact they have crappy leaderboards i wont play it! They need to take a look at Zen pinballs leaderboards.
i didn't like the fact that the graphics are so low res on my ipad. I still prefer the look of Retro Pinball over this
I don't know where y'all saw tables every 2 weeks...I have seen 2 tables every month or so.....I never saw 2 weeks. They should be out in March though....there coming (and from what I have read....the first 2 are going to be sensational) !
I wouldn't expect much in the way of new tables prior to the game releasing on all the other platforms frankly. I'd imagine much of their time is being spent working on issues that have arisen since the ios release, and on getting the other versions of the game finished up for release. Then, I'd expect we'll start to see regular table releases. The "new table ever two weeks" thing sounds like more of an ultimate goal than an immediate plan...
Hope the new tables ARE great! They were saying a month I believe, though. Just sayin won't be anywhere close... To NZer, Agreed. +1
They say 2 tables a month...thats a table every two weeks if they ration it out like that. I'd also take 2 tables at the same time every month as long as they come through with it. I can see what zevious said being true, but for me I only plan to play on my iPad 2 since I travel constantly for work. I'm stoked medieval madness will be out, loved the wiliams collection for xbox360. Where have you read what the first 2 will be? My dream tables for now: Theatre of magic, medieval madness, champion pub, twilight zone, Indiana jones, and the old star wars. I really hope those happen!
This. That struck me as pretty much common sense - right now, iOs and Andoid pretty much have Pinball Arcade as an "early release," and new tables aren't even a possibility until at least the PS3 and 360 versions have been released late next month. I can see them playing "catch-up" for systems like the Vita, but don't expect any new tables until April as they desperately try to keep Android, iOs, PS3 and 360 on the same time table. Once the Fab Four are up and running, THAT'S when you'll start seeing your two tables a month.
Now that it's been mentioned, I do think I recall them saying new machines every month, not every two weeks. It might have been one or two per month, but I don't think they said every 2 weeks. So they aren't behind at all. Folks are just impatient, and so am I. LOL.
Yeah they said two a month (its in their app store description). So i'm hoping we'll get some more soon ! A month will be about 8th March. At the end of the day most of us are begging for new tables as we're huge fans of this app and obviously we're impatient and want them now now now
Well, I don't want to spoil any surprises, but I have a feeling that Theatre of Magic at least will release soon. Veeeeery soon.