Universal Phoenix 2 (by Firi Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    I only got the common 1 arrow ships from warp gate.

    Been playing for ~2months and have only ever gotten one "uncommon" ship (2 arrows up)

    I had to buy my aurora and cinnri

    edit: wait got a sonah 2 days ago. So I guess i have 2 uncommon ships from warp gate in 2 months.
  2. LoneWolf101

    LoneWolf101 Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2017
    This looks beautiful!

    I see the Ikaruga influences ;) very polished!
  3. Lockyn

    Lockyn Member

    Mar 18, 2017
    Mine was the Sakura. I got it from my 2nd draw from warp drive. So far, the best ship I got from Warp drive was aurora.
  4. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    Any chance the devs can add an "Challenge Mode" where only certain ships are available to play?

    I think this would be a fun way to see who is best at certain ships.

    A third mode would also be desirable as getting gold from the daily mission and community mission is too measly.
  5. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    One of the main features will be the enemy weapon loadouts. Currently each enemy has access to a lot of the turrets, we are bringing this down so you will see only a few enemy turret types each day. This way the enemies are more like 'specialists' of their specific weapon loadouts. It's a lot of fun and makes each daily mission feel very different from the other one. Player ship choice feels way more meaningful as well as you can pick one with abilities that counter specific enemy weapons. We are adding a couple enemy turrets where needed ;)

    There is a lot more stuff in there but I also want to highlight a small improvement that I personally am very fond of. As some of you may have noticed the Reflex EMP has a visual effect that actually indicates when it is about to go off. This improves the ability to judge whether you will be in time to use it or whether you need to doge the incoming bullets. I have updated both the Mega Bomb and Mega Laser with similar effects, in their own style, so it is now easier to see whether your charge will be done in time,

    It blinks while it is available, but it's not as obtrusive as the 'level up'-blinking :)

    Sakura! And played a lot with it because of it :p I recently got the Aurora, like last week.

    Thank you!

    We definitely want to add a third mission, preferably one that plays very different from the daily- and community missions. We have also discussed limiting ship types and choices, but it goes a bit against the whole 'collecting' aspect of the game. Anyway, we are looking into this as a possibility.
  6. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    Sounds good

    I like the idea of a third mission limiting to one ship. Levels the playing field. I may have just had a stroke of genius as well, i'll let you guys judge.

    This would drive me insane because i would never win but what if once a month on this third mission, there was a limited edition ship that only top placers, or place if you want to go that hardcore, get as a reward for coming in top spots.

    Of course, the mission would make you use the limited edition ship and no other ships would be used. How upgraded the ship would be is up to you, but the people or person who score best get to keep it.

    There would only be one a month to make it easy on developers, and the mission would run for a week. Final week of the month i'm thinking.

    Obviously this entales alot of work for developers but at the rate you have put out new ships recently, just one a month couldn't be too bad.

    If you really don't want to put in much work, you could just recolor an existing ship and change the abilities. These limited ships would be classed as four star, as they would be the rarest ships in the game.

    Thanks for hearing me out and i hope i don't come off as too insane. ;)
  7. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    I was thinking about a challenge mission where there are only 3 random ships available to play.

    If you do not have the ship unlocked, the ship will be 25-50% off

    If you don't have any of the ships unlocked, then too bad. :p

    Kind of promotes collecting ships and gives an incentive for players to spend $$$.

    On the other end, I think having a 4 star ship available will lead to way too many balancing issues in favour of the option above.

    wonder if anyone has any other ideas on an extra "challenge mission".

    Point is, I would spend way more time playing this game if there were 3 missions besides 2.... there needs to be more content.
  8. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017

    First off, if you want to give players incentive to spend extra money, make the 4 star ships buyable while the mission is ongoing. They would have to cost even more than 3 stars lol. maybe 4500? 5000?

    And the stars have nothing to do with balancing, it just deals with rarity. Have you ever played with a Razor VI?

    Lastly, it would be a big competetion between literally all players, and there would be quite a bit of content there. Also it's just a third mission which you agree with but anyway

    I have another little bit to add to my idea. Since these missions would last a week, and community missions have one more act than daily missions, how about giving these weekly missions one more act than community missions? ah the madness

    just to clarify, the limited edition ship would just happen once a month. however there would be a new weekly mission every week.
  9. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011

    I really hope they give another ship the "Barrier" defense... because Razor Vi seems to be the only one and it is very strong.

    I also feel like limited edition ships is the wrong way to go .. just imo. Anyone who misses out on a limited edition ship will feel like crap.

    Whereas rotation of ships will provide an interesting competition on the lesser used ships. It also forces players to play ships which they do not play or are not good at and are not one of the OP ships such as Razor or Cinnri or Exarch or the teleport ships....
  10. Mrbestapps

    Mrbestapps Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2015
    Update is out. Pretty small but still pretty awesome. Gj guys :)
  11. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    I just got the Hime today.

    First 3 star ship! Looks pretty nifty too!

    But pity chrono field is such a weak skill.....
  12. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    Congrats and we plan to improve the Chrono Field :)
  13. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    I really wish to use the Phoenix there is a Yes or No instead of a countdown timer...

    It forces us to wait 3 seconds or so until I can exit to restart and I just want to re-play the stage or quickly see how much experience or gold i got... so it messes up with the flow of the game.

    But oh well. If that's what it is then whatever...

    Also, it seems like the community missions give 1/10th of the experience of the daily missions. So question, why is the community missions basically 0 exp? Kinda don't wanna play community missions once I get 90% + because I basically get only 400-800 exp while in daily missions you can get 1000-2000 exp in 2 minutes compared to 100exp in 5minutes in community missions......
  14. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    I finally beat my first SSSS mission last night...needless to say it was absolutely bonkers to beat.

    I haven't noticed any difference in new enemy weapons or additional enemy weapon variety addressed in the last patch notes, has anyone else?
  15. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    Havent noticed anything from this patch other than the Phoenix countdown timer forcing us to wait 3 seconds in between games....

    Really hope the May patch is something more substantial.

    They really need to buff up the secondary weapon effects/defenses of a LOT of ships because most ships are utter garbage when compared to the Razor VI.
  16. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    phoenix timer seeming more like 5 seconds now...

    really affecting gameplay imo.

    why not just give us a yes or no.
  17. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    Anyone know if there are more ships in the May update?
  18. Lockyn

    Lockyn Member

    Mar 18, 2017
    Most likely ships, but they should add a way to sort ships out, like someone said before.
  19. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    Really hope so...!
  20. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    something i might also add...

    The "preview ship" should also show 2nd ability...

    It's really hard to know what something such as "chrono field" does...

    But might be too much work for developers. I would prioritise more ships above everything.... actually more content first would be nice.

    Please 3 missions. How about a WEEKLY MISSION????

    Since it's daily, 3 day.... then weekly? sounds good amiright

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