Universal Phoenix 2 (by Firi Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    #881 BulletHellion, Apr 4, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017

    well yeah it doesn't but i am in ss

    and right now the number 2 on ss leaderboard is a cinnri
  2. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    You are correct :eek::eek:
  3. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    Cinnri is a really good ship, as it has strong homing shots that pretty much invalidate some ships on that fact alone. The way they work allows some room for Cinnri to setup a mega laser for the next wave at times. Being able to stun and have time for 2 mega lasers to delete whatever it wants is also pretty good.

    I may have some ideas for the Phoenix 2 Reddit tomorrow.
  4. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    #884 Osterus, Apr 4, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
    Why are none of the 5 new ships in the ladder anywhere :confused::confused:

    They all suck?:p

    edit: holy crap balls just got my 7th OGON... WORST. SHIP. EVER.


    .... Wish I could delete this "Bug" ship. It looks totally out of place and should not even be in this game.... and yet this game keeps trolling me.
  5. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    #885 Selachii, Apr 4, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
    Thanks :)

    I think he meant the balance of Aura : Zen : primary weapon types across all the ships, rather than effectiveness of a specific ability. And you are right about the effectiveness of some ships though, but we are working on that balance.

    Bingo, and that's what we are going for, currently it is an expensive panic button.

    It is tricky how it is then supposed to work, but with the success of the Reflex EMP and the diminishing returns on the reload of it, it is a nice solution for a shield with a fixed duration... anyway, changes in progress :)

    They are both pretty good ships but really have their own play style which might not click with you personally (yet). A lot of different ships are completing missions on different difficulty levels. Those near the top are just able to do it in a better time because of their current offense/defense balance. It does not mean they are easier to play per se. In the case of the Aurora it is generally an "easy" ship to survive with as it has 2 defensive abilities. Its main weapon has its downsides, missing a shot wastes a lot of damage, but hitting a shot makes it very efficient at clearing smaller enemies.

    Don't hate the Ogon for disliking its appearance :p:cool: There's a place in the universe of everyone.

    It usually takes some time to really get used to a ship. For example, if I play with a Mega Laser for a while and then switch to a ship with teleport, I keep accidentally teleporting between fights because I thought I could charge my Mega Laser -_- New ships also take a while to get used to. On top of that, players don't see those ships at the top of the leaderboards so they tend not to pick them.

    The Chrono Field is also not as effective as we want it to be, but we are currently prototyping some very cool tweaks :cool:

    With regards to the Phoenix 2 subreddit, I will start posting there as well, though it will be different info than here. Info that is more suited for reddit posts and less for single thread discussions like this one. The subreddit is a bit of a mess with typos like "Pheonix" in the page title, which also makes the subreddit even harder to find. I have messaged the current mod but he is not responding and hasn't posted anywhere in a couple of months. My reddit Karma is super low as I am not very active there, but if some of you high Karma users can take over moderation of the reddit section that would be great and I will gladly help making it relevant.
  6. Ronera Lenny

    Ronera Lenny New Member

    Apr 4, 2017
    I realized that now you can't hug the wall to the core anymore.. Died a lot now since I'm used to dodge by hugging the wall :')
  7. Styrixa

    Styrixa Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2013
    PA, USA
    #887 Styrixa, Apr 4, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
    I'm working on fixing these things. My karma isn't very-high either, but I may try working around that. I am also putting work in that sub-reddit to post the best posts from here as seperate posts, etc.. For example, with Emuser's permission, I've reposted his rankings from a couple pages ago. I've also contacted the moderator. I think may just create a new subreddit.
  8. Styrixa

    Styrixa Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2013
    PA, USA
    #888 Styrixa, Apr 4, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
    An idea on customized ships.

    Maybe you could create a separate league, a "playground league" that uses customized ships but without league rewards other than badges. Players can test different combos, and those live tests would also be enlightening for the dev. As a separate and less rewarding league, it wouldn't undermine the powers balance of the primary league.

    You could limit what someone could use as customizable based on what abilities they've already maxed on other ships. This would again give great late-game content for experienced users, but also let newer users mess with other combos.

    For example, I love Veil and Razor VI, and I'd love to combine them, sort of like a Tempest but with a laser-like regular attack. But maybe it is a terrible combo. It'd be fun to try out in the playground, especially as I haven't unlocked Tempest yet.
  9. ThousandSon

    ThousandSon Member

    Feb 21, 2017
    Customization is unrealistic and doesn't fit into the theme of the Phoenix series. I think some players here are being a bit unfair to the developers with the complains and radical ideas.
  10. Styrixa

    Styrixa Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2013
    PA, USA
    i don't mean to be unfair. I think it's a great game, and doesn't really need anything more. But I also think customization would be fun. Probably a lot of work though, so I don't expect it.
  11. Phrog

    Phrog Member

    Feb 23, 2017
    sad person
    Thoughts on the new shippies, and some tips, and a few questions

    Orion: With Teleport and Point Defense, I feel as if it would be a great defensive ship due to it's ability to break through lines of bullets and teleport through large amounts of bullet spam and lasers. I also like the doughnut design and projectile design, hehe

    Exarch: Running the Vorpal Lance and and Mega Laser, I feel as if it isn't hitting it's full potential, as the prisms at the back of the ship cannot be used too well due to the lack of defenses. Would love to see a more defensive build such as Stun EMP + Reflex EMP (most importantly the stun, it would be great for the back prisms). Very unique ship concept, I will definitely still be buying this ship because it looks awesome.

    Njöurn:Chrono Field and Personal Shield seems like an odd combo to me, as I do not know how they compliment each other. Maybe Chrono Field is for bullets and and the shield if for lasers? The main weapon is also interesting as well, and has a nice design.

    Boxer: Phalynx and Reflex EMP make this ship a very defensive one. I recently got the Boxer out of the warp gate, and I have to say the main weapon fires too slow for me (like the EX0 but worse).

    Sonah: Ion Cannon and Reflex EMP makes the Sonah very much like the Barret, except with the Teleport vs. Reflex EMP decision I had before with the Vani-Vith and Saber. The main weapon also looks awesome, I might buy it later on.


    I find that Personal Shield is sort of like Barrier and Point Defense mixed together, as it is great for breaking lines of bullets and blocking lasers. It is advisable to not sit in it too long, though, as it may drain your energy too much.

    Vorpal Lance also seems to be good for taking out turrets on ships hiding behind the large ships, contrary to what I thought before about it; It takes 3 shots (out of 4 when fully upgraded) to take out the 3 turret ships! Aim carefully and pick off the dangerous turrets, and do it fast!

    Reflex EMP takes a bit getting used to, and after using the Yigothu for a bit, I can tell it is definitely a good zen mode. I bashed the Saber earlier thinking that it was too weak of a defense, but after learning the cooldown time (like, the time it takes so the charge time returns back to normal), I can tell the Saber is a fast-paced, high risk high reward ship. In other words, be smart (and accurate!) with the Vorpal Lance, get a grip on the Reflex EMP's times, and you'll beat a few missions!


    Finally, the Questions:
    Who is the creative mastermind behind the ideas and artwork of the ships? Just wondering, because 5 mostly unique ships an update is a difficult task.

    Also, do the squares take more energy from the Personal Shield than other bullets? (I call them "squares" because in Phoenix HD, the bullets are much more squared out rather than pointy.)
  12. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    I feel like my account's been flagged or something.

    Just got my 8th OGON and 6th TAR'CAH.

    The Ugliest and shittiest ships in existence and i only have around 20 ships. This game likes to troll it seems. :eek:
  13. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    Everybody is free to post their wildest ideas, of course. Some of those customisation concepts are as much work as creating a whole new game :)

    Nice write-up, thanks!

    The first 40 ships (and all the enemies and 3 of the worlds) were drawn by a personal friends of ours, Romano Molenaar, who is a magnificent comic book and game artist. At some point a talented friend of his, Rogier van Beek, started helping out to keep up with the blistering pace at which we were developing updates ;) Eventually Rogier took over completely and is personally responsible for the past 20 ships and the Prometheus Array. Rogier is free to design the ships and we provide some direction to get to a desired end result.

    I implement the finished ship art and then design the visual effects style like the engines, optional static effects and primary weapon.

    Though the various people are responsible for their respective tasks, with these small teams *everybody* provides feedback and is generally involved with the whole process.

    All projectiles deal the same amount of damage and have the same 'strength'. There is a slight difference with those big MIRV bombs though. In their MIRV bomb form, before they go off, they require additional shots from a Point Defense laser before being destroyed.

    You sir, are very unlucky. Just to be sure we checked the Warp Gate numbers this morning and everything checks out.
  14. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    ANyone know how to beat today's SS mission (4-4?)

    There's like 4 ships with double lasers.... and 2 big jumbo ships in front of them.

    It's impossible :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
  15. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    Haha, I was struggling with the 4-3 -> 4-4 combo in SS for like an hour or maybe 2 just now! It's sooo tricky with those super fast lasers. I am playing with a Juggernaut and don't have an Aurora on my personal account.
  16. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    De-Rank day :(

    Back to S-League I Go! Finally saved up for a Cinnri and still can't get past 4-3 or 4-4... :eek: Double laser beam shields x4 too stronk
  17. Phrog

    Phrog Member

    Feb 23, 2017
    sad person
    Do you have a ship with a maxed you Teleport? If so, here's a nifty little trick that I found that saved my butt a ton:
    Teleport all the way up to the upper left/right corners, or somewhere behind the ships. This buys you a little bit of breathing time so the turrets rotate to you, and thus freeing up the bottom of the screen a bit. Be careful, though, as you do not want to get shot at point-blank or run over by an enemy. Also, important to note, don't do this too much, as the teleport charge-up penalty will start to kick in and make your teleport charge slower.
  18. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    Yes mang

    i do that too, and i also like to teleport behind and fire off a missile swarm really quick with my trireme then teleport right back.

    takes care of alot of support turrets if not all of them and is very fun to perform
  19. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    Selachii, you said earlier you make the weapons artwork. my lord good job.

    Anyway, chronofield as it is, like you said, probably needs a buff. because the only zen that can compliment it is reflex emp. maybe teleport.

    I think if there is gonna be an ability that manipulates time than it shouldn't only limit time one portion of the screen. something better would be like the grace period you get in teleport or stun emp except longer, and should let you move and fire in normal time.

    i think such a time ability would be best done with maybe, 3 counters? they should be as hard to fill as vorpal lance i think. each would give maybe 2 seconds of slowed environment? i'm not sure but that's how i think it should be done.

    and for next update can we get a ship with stun emp and mega bomb? cinnri with stun emp and mega laser works really well so i think a stun emp and mega bomb build would work well too with a main gun you need to aim with, reverse cinnri i guess lol.
  20. rino64

    rino64 New Member

    Apr 6, 2017
    #900 rino64, Apr 6, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2017
    New to the game and forum, just a couple of questions:

    1. Is there an easy way to search this thread, cause then I could probably find the answers myself? Primarily use reddit, and very much not used to this forum layout.

    2. What is the highest league? Just finished SSS and didn't expect that there'd be an S4. Is it infinite?

    3. How does reflex emp work? I just got the Sonah and firestorm looks fantastic. But reflex emp looks like it has increased charge time or something after each use and I can't figure it out.

    EDIT: Randomly clicked to page 78 of this thread and found someone answering my question about the reflex emp, though not in exact detail. Anyone have more precise numbers of the ramp-up (to the charge time) and how long it takes to reset?

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