Universal Phoenix 2 (by Firi Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Styrixa

    Styrixa Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2013
    PA, USA
    There is one, although there is almost no activity on it. If Emuser is okay with it, I might repost his reviews there.
  2. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    I have to agree!

    I've always loved the ships with the powerful beam lasers. So I immediately went for the Exarch after watching all of the previews and maxed it. It's a really powerful ship and fun to use.

    The next type of ship that I like to use is the lock on ships so I then went for the Sonah. I REALLY like this one too. I LOVE the reflex EMP. It's a very fun ship to use.

    Selachii will we be getting new levels and new enemy assets? I love new ships and I always contribute financially when you guys do a content update but I really want some new levels.


  3. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    You could if you wanted, it is more like a rough draft and would be more interesting to see a full take from a few people. It's hard to properly rank 60 ships now :eek:
  4. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    Really wish there was a new mode (e.g. arcade, survival?) that went along with the daily mission and community mission...

    It's so hard to earn money and it takes forever to save up for new ship :eek:
  5. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    Swapping abilities?

    i've had this idea for awhile but i never said anything because i was thinking that it was just a matter of balancing, but i want to pitch this anyway.

    Alot of the ships have very awesome main guns, but their other abilities don't match up and the lack of symmetry causes the ship to tank in quality.

    So i wanted to suggest that once you have maxed an aura ability, then you should be able to do a sort of 'prestige' and change the ability to whatever other aura ability you want, and it gets reset to the minimum upgrade.

    I think that it will be fine if we just do this for the aura abilities since most of the zen abilities are about equal. (maybe not personal shield lol i don't think personal shield is efficient enough.)

    I just think its a shame that so many beautiful awesome main weapons go to waste on abilities that don't work together.

    and thanks for the new ships they just keep on getting better :D
  6. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    #866 BulletHellion, Apr 2, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
    It is a free game it is understandable money comes slow. I emplore you to patronize the lovely gentlemen that make this game available.
  7. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    Agree... should be an option to create our own "custom ship" :p

    Some skills for some ships are totally BAD.

  8. Destroytheself

    Destroytheself Active Member

    Feb 3, 2017
    Custom ships would kill balance and variety in one fell swoop. No thanks. I think the devs are doing a pretty good job making sure as many kits as possible have a meaningful place in the game.

    Question from a rookie: How do you manage your energy on ships that have personal shield? I can never seem to find the right time to use it, as I'd rather use my offensive ability.
  9. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017

    With all due respect mister rookie, the leaderboards are anything but balanced. There are a select amount of ships that actually work and alot of ships are just trash.

    Plus it would give the endgame players something to do for awhile.
  10. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    And another Lol

    And do you see the Hypocrisy here? Lol

    I'd rather use my offensive ability

  11. Destroytheself

    Destroytheself Active Member

    Feb 3, 2017
    #871 Destroytheself, Apr 2, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2017
    What's with the lols?

    I offered an opinion and asked a question. I realize I'm new and have no idea what I'm doing, no need to point that out.

    As for energy management, hypocrisy would imply that virtues were at stake, but what I asked was this, a question about an element in a game, I'll try to be clearer:

    Could anyone offer me a run-through on how they would typically use a kit that has personal shield?
  12. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    Sure thing

    I said that your comment was hypocritical because what i suggested was to allow for a little customization of ships, and you said you can't find good usage for energy shield, probably because it doesn't really synergize with many aura abilities. which i actually said in my comment i don't think personal shield is efficient enough to be as useful as other zens.

    as per when to use it, it's a last resort ability and should only be used as such, when you are confident you cannot dodge the coming bullets.
  13. Destroytheself

    Destroytheself Active Member

    Feb 3, 2017
    Ok, thanks.

    I didn't realize personal shield is considered a bad perk, I've seen it get praise elsewhere, but what you say makes sense and correlates with my experience using it.

    As for customization I'm just against it in general. If the game offered that then I think I'd grown tired of it really quick, as it would kill the incentive to challenge myself using kits I'm not familiar with. As a feature when everything is unlocked, perhaps, but then it would have to be kept away from the leaderboards as it would take about one day before someone found the ideal setup and one more before everyone and their grandma would be using it.
  14. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    Granted, but solvable imo

    I share your concerns about ideal setups and that is why i suggest restrictions.

    like only allowing aura abilities to be prestiged.

    And also that is why i said that it should only be available once the built-in ability is maxed, but we could make it so that you would have to max the whole ship.

    It could also be that a prestiged ability would be more expensive to upgrade than a normal ability.

    additionally, we could set this to only be available to players at certain levels. like 95 and over or something.

    Anyway, i sort of share your concerns, but overall i think this would allow for more ships to be practical than there currently are.
  15. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    Granted, but solvable imo

    I share your concerns about ideal setups and that is why i suggest restrictions.

    like only allowing aura abilities to be prestiged.

    And also that is why i said that it should only be available once the built-in ability is maxed, but we could make it so that you would have to max the whole ship.

    It could also be that a prestiged ability would be more expensive to upgrade than a normal ability.

    additionally, we could set this to only be available to players at certain levels. like 95 and over or something.

    Anyway, i sort of share your concerns, but overall i think this would allow for more ships to be practical than there currently are.
  16. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    I don't really like the idea of custom abilities since it would be a huge mess trying to show on the leaderboards what a custom ship may be using for it's setup.

    On the note of personal shield, I haven't got a damn clue how to effectively use it, I personally think that it should get some kind of adjustment to follow the trend of other Zen abilities technically not requiring energy to use. Personal shield is the only one now where you cannot use it at all if you have no energy plus it doesn't seem very cost effective.

    Every other Zen ability has some way of being used for example when activating laser storm or missile swarm, but personal shield cannot be used at all afterward without more energy collected. Maybe releasing press for a second or two can activate personal shield, then you can continue moving around and using your other ability as normal? Personal shield could either last a few seconds with no limit on absorption or be active unit a specific amount of damage is taken and it breaks, after which the ships could flash a hue of color to indicate that personal shield is recharging?
  17. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    Very valid, still.

    I completely agree with you on your ideas for personal shield as i have had the same ones, just never posted about it.

    and for displaying that on the leaderboard, yes you are right, it would be a royal pain to convey how the ship was customized.

    my ideas for this are to come up with a stamp system, like each aura ability would have it's own definitive stamp, each stamp would be in a different color and that would be stuck either onto the ship, or it would be on the corner of the area where it shows the ship used.

    either that or make recolors for all the ships which is just entirely impractical. I can't think of anything else.
  18. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    Yes, after thinking for a bit custom ships would be bad...

    currently playing SS and the leaderboard is just all Aurora ships... wonder why this ship is so popular when it seems so terribad? Maybe I should upgrade it and see how it performs...

    Looks like Cinnri is crap? Don't see it on leaderboards anywhere in S or SS league... anyone know what the top ships are in SSS? :eek:
  19. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    how tho

    How would a little bit of customization be bad tho

    I guess we won't need it if they keep making more ships but the main idea behind it is to utilize every type of main weapon on a useable build.

    And Aurora and Cinnri are both top tier ships.
    I have them both maxed.
    I have destroyed 22k something invaders with my cinnri, so that makes it my most commonly used ship. the thing is anything but crap lol.
    And Aurora is like two last ditch save abilities and half a mega bomb had a crazy three;) and created Aurora.
    Although playing Aurora feels like swatting gnats.
  20. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    Having 22k kills means nothing if u are in A league or C league... can just mean you like playing the ship ! :p:p

    Mm I see no Cinnri's in SS league in a few days now... dont think it's that good. Will keep testing others and trying to find a good ship

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