Universal Phoenix 2 (by Firi Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    #821 Emuser, Mar 24, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
    Aurora, Razor, and Cinnri flood the scoreboards in SS where I am right now. These are undoubtedly the safest bets for most reliable ships to use when climbing League ranks. Photurius is a smaller popular ship I see on the leaderboards too, everything after that is more sporadic. There's usually an oddball ship I see clearing missions, even things I hold in a lower regard such as Phoenix, Gorthaur, Vani-Vini, etc.

    There are plenty of workable options for clearing missions most of the time, very few ships are so awful that you literally should never use them.

    Edit: I SEVERELY underestimated Barret. I will wait until some time before trying to tackle another tier list.
  2. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    aurora and cinnri are 3k each, so am saving up.

    I get at least 1 dupe every day (only have 5 ships)... so might be a while till i can afford one of the S-tier class ships

  3. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    u are da best

    this was very very helpful :):)

    i will save up for aurora and cinnri
  4. Phrog

    Phrog Member

    Feb 23, 2017
    sad person
    Phoenix HD on the appstore. It's an endless shooter rather than a daily run game.
  5. IanAssault

    IanAssault New Member

    Mar 27, 2017

    Hi everybody! New user here who loves this game.

    My favorite ships: Jericho, Tempest, Atlas, Photoreous

    Commenting on ship balance, I feel like any ship that lacks a defensive ability is at a huge disadvantage. Maybe I'm just bad at the game but I feel like it's way too easy to be cornered by bullets especially in A League and higher. There are too many enemies that track you or use those annoying "bomb" type weapons to make taking an entirely offensive ship a playable strategy for me.

    Then again pure offense ships dominate the leaderboards all the time so maybe I'm doing something wrong. :confused:
  6. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    I'm in A league as well and love the game too.

    I also agree with you. Would love more ships with the "Barrier" Defense as it seems quite good. Same with "Bullet EMP".

    I do want to try leveling up one of the most popular ships (Cinnri) but the "Stun EMP" seems so lacklustre...

    Maybe that's why Aurora is so powerful. It has Bullet EMP + Teleport. 2 defensive abilities

    I think any ship without barrier and bullet EMP is just garbage... or perhaps I am doing something wrong too :)
  7. Phrog

    Phrog Member

    Feb 23, 2017
    sad person
    You're right on the fact that most ships have at least 1 defense. This rule drops off in the lower leagues, because as the bullets get easier to dodge, people can afford to trade off the defensive abilities for offensive ones so they can do more damage (and thus finish the level) faster. This is the same reason why there are people complaining how there are too many Aurora, Cinnri and Razor IV ships: The sheer amount of bullet spam is near impossible to dodge without powerful defensive abilities, so people cannot afford to trade out for offensive abilities.
    For example: Dodge this with the EX04239
    (multiple of those fast-bullet muli-shot turrets, on top of 2 bomb launcher things in the back, and of course the normal bullet spraying turrets)

    Also, curious question, why do you like the Atlas? the Missle Swarm+Personal Shield ability comb seems pretty bad in my opinion, because after you blow your missles you're left defenseless.
  8. IanAssault

    IanAssault New Member

    Mar 27, 2017
    #828 IanAssault, Mar 27, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2017
    You'd have to be some kinda inhuman bullet hell machine to dodge that!

    As for the Atlas, I love the look of the ship and I love its weapon, it's abilities could be better but I worked out the strategy of using the missiles in early waves and using the shield in late waves. It's still not my most effective ship (that'd be Jericho or Tempest), but I maxed it out anyway just because I like the look and character of the thing.

    Edit: I think how I would fix the problem is not by changing the ships but by changing how the levels are generated. The trick would be designing the level generator to create combinations of enemies that produce increasingly hard to dodge bullet patterns as the levels get harder, but not in the way they are now. Like, instead of having enemies just fire MORE bullets, have them fire TIGHTER PATTERNS of bullets that are harder to dodge as you league up but can still be evaded by any ship regardless of what abilities it has, and specifically avoiding combinations of enemy and weapon types that create undodgable walls of bullets.

    Look at games like Raiden, Danmaku Unlimited and Ikaruga that do the same thing. The trick is finding that sweet spot where the bullet patters aren't too easy or too hard to dodge. But that might be near impossible to do with randomly generated levels like this game has, because the computer could easily make unbeatable-without-abilities waves by accident.
  9. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    I will say barrier I've grown fond of since it has had some improvements since the beginning.

    Currently I'm in SSS league and it is insane. I'm tryharding my hardest and I can't even get to 5-1 to maintain my rank :/. You really can't screw around in this league, you need to use things that aren't too weak strengthwise that also have solid defensive capabilities.

    EX04239 is still good without a defensive ability since it's main weapon. Missile swarm, and mega laser all in tandem with each other will annihilate any enemy before they can start using a screen-filling attack. The other offensive ships can still place in lower leagues, but the later leagues are way too insane to even consider using them.
  10. Lockyn

    Lockyn Member

    Mar 18, 2017
    Should I purchase Fujin or Yoth Hola? Or should I save my credits for the ships coming at the end of March?
  11. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011
    There are ships at end of March? OMG! so exciting!

    Emuser - What ships do u use in SSS league?
  12. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    Well the furthest I could get is 5-1. I'm tryharding so hard with Photurius.
  13. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011

    Cool.. photurius looks neat

    anyone know more about more ships coming out tomorrow? (march end?)
  14. Lockyn

    Lockyn Member

    Mar 18, 2017
    They actually said it would be released on March 30th. By the way, I believe 2 new 3 towers are being released. One named Orion, which is a defensive build. It has a point defense and teleport. Another is Exarch, an offensive build. It has a Vorpal Lance and mega laser.
  15. Osterus

    Osterus Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2011

    Love games that constantly update their game with new ships and models.

    I wish I could play a ship that has a super-wavy laser-like beam(Like in Raiden)... that'd be cool!

    Is it true we can only play 1 community mission and 1 daily mission a day to get money? So there are only 2 modes?
  16. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    That's so cool to see updates every month leading up to July. I wonder what the new ships will have in store for us cause that Vorpal Lance + Mega Laser sounds mega crispy.
  17. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    Hey guys, very nice discussion going on, I continue to read every post and will of course respond if necessary, so don't hold back ;) <3

    The ships arriving this Thursday are very diverse and a couple also have primary weapon features that we haven't done before. And "no", they are not all rank 3 "super rare" either.

    As you may have read on the Touch Arcade frontpage we will be keeping up the monthly update cycle up to the one year anniversary. Trust me, these updates notes will not just read "Bug fixes and improvements" ;) We have tons of cool features planned and I will start posting about those when we get closer to the release of each update. New ships will also be added, but probably not every update. Even with the ships we have some plans that you guys will not expect :)
  18. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    Most excellent!

    I loved the Yigothu from the last update. I have a ton of fun with that ship. Every time you guys introduce new ships I spend more money hehe. I always give my support. It looks like I will need to pull my wallet out tomorrow!!


  19. Lockyn

    Lockyn Member

    Mar 18, 2017
    Yo guys, look at the Firi community leaderboards. One of the developers, tr, is probably using the new, unreleased ships because it is invisible.

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