Universal Phoenix 2 (by Firi Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    Interesting choice of words there @Chiller ONE :)
  2. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    thank ya b055

    thanks for changing the chrono field and adding all the new content.

    luv ya :D
  3. henrycupcake

    henrycupcake Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2015
    thanks for changing the chrono field and adding all the new content.

    luv ya
  4. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Im really happy for the new ships. I almost always just aim to maintain rank S, while using the ships i like most, so the new ships will give me something new to try out and invest in. W00t!
  5. Phrog

    Phrog Member

    Feb 23, 2017
    sad person
    #765 Phrog, Feb 25, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2017
    Vani-Vith or Saber?

    So lately, there have been a ton of those stages where little ships are hiding behind bigger ones, and I figured that I needed a ship with Vorpal Lance to destroy them.

    The contenders of the Vorpal Lance-off are: Gladius, Vani-Vith, and Saber.

    With the semi-defensive Plasma Missiles, offensive Vorpal Lance, and offensive (In this case) Kappa Drive, the Gladius is clearly an offensive ship. I find it extremely difficult to survive in the higher leagues with defensive ships like Aurora, so surviving with no defenses would be a nightmare, taking the Gladius off the tables of this little competition.

    Carrying the offensive Spark Fusor, offensive Vorpal Lance, and the mostly defensive Teleport, the Vani-Vith offers a balance of defense and offense, tipping more towards offense. The Spark Fusor is a high-damage, single, straight-shot projectile. Teleport is an amazing tool, which allows you to bypass waves of bullets, granted you have the space to bypass the bullets. Up in the higher leagues, though, Teleport becomes a bit less effective, due to the large amounts of bullet spam.

    Packing the semi defensive Nova Blaster, offensive Vorpal Lance, and the strictly defensive Reflex EMP, the Saber is balanced like the Vani-Vith, except tipped more towards defense. The Nova Blaster fires a burst of slightly homing, medium-low damage shots. One important note about Reflex EMP is that it takes some time to charge up, meaning it is best supplemented with assistance from other Auras such as Chrono Field (which it is not, in Saber's case). This charge also has a ramp-up time after repeated uses as Teleport does, but it ramps up much more quickly. Another note is that I don't have experience with Reflex EMP, so I do not know how effective it is.

    So, what do you think I should get? The familiar Vani-Vith with teleport (and a main weapon similar to 502-Q8), or the new unexplored ground of the Saber with Reflex EMP?

    EDIT: After thinking it over a bit, I figured that the Vani-Vith has a nice combo going for it with the Teleport+Vorpal Lance. You can pick off the ships which are problematic to Teleport (ships with large amounts of area denial, like those triple-bomb launchers), then use Teleport more easily. I don't think the combo can work as well with Reflex EMP though, as it's weakness is sustained fire (which when you gt in the higher leagues, is constant).
  6. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, nice read :) Don't underestimate an upgraded Reflex EMP though.

    Glad you all like the new content! We have submitted a small update to slightly increase the appearance size of the boomerangs while leaving the hit-circle intact.
  7. Phrog

    Phrog Member

    Feb 23, 2017
    sad person
    #767 Phrog, Feb 27, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2017
    You could have made the boomerangs a bit of a darker red as well, but I guess the size increase should work fine.

    Also, concerning my previous post (and not related to the quote), I chose the Saber. Vorpal Lance is really satisfying, but the reflex EMP will take some time (and upgrading) to get used to.

    Also, when is the screen record feature coming? i want to show off to a cousin, hehe.
  8. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    I think the size increase is sufficient, as this is something we anticipated.

    The recording is currently only available for iPhone 7, the performance is currently lacking for older devices. This is caused by ReplayKit performance, so we hope Apple will improve this.
  9. Mrbestapps

    Mrbestapps Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2015
    How does the reflex emp work? The first emp takes 0.9 seconds to charge, after that it takes like 3-4 seconds.
  10. Chiller ONE

    Chiller ONE Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2008
    I have been wondering about that too!
    It sounds much better on paper than it is because half of the time I can't get it to work and then I die.
  11. Phrog

    Phrog Member

    Feb 23, 2017
    sad person
    Reflex EMP works like teleport: The first charge is quick, while the next ones take longer. The difference between Reflex EMP and Teleport is that this rampup of charge time is much more quick. On teleport, you barely notice the charge time increase (sit in a corner with no threats and just charge the teleport repeatedly over and over again, you will begin to see the difference after a bit).
    To lose the charge time rampup, you just have to stop using the Reflex EMP for a bit, then the rampup will slowly wear back down to it's original charge time.
  12. space avocado

    space avocado New Member

    Feb 6, 2017
    #772 space avocado, Mar 5, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2017
    Fantastic update, thank you :D

    The first ship I got from the Warp Gate after updating was Yigothu, and it's so damned cool. Dragonfly is still my favorite, though; thanks for beefing-up machine gun weapons a few updates ago!

    EDIT: Still love this game very much
  13. dika27

    dika27 Member

    Oct 15, 2016
    Economy staff, hotelier
    SSSS league is very hard to take > act 5.1

    Stuck using aurora only
  14. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017

    feels like everyone who beats the missions in higher leagues have to use aurora. maybe its the boomerangs.
  15. Phrog

    Phrog Member

    Feb 23, 2017
    sad person
    I think the reason why the Aurora is so dominant in the higher leagues is that it has a very good level of offense and defense, with the main cannon being very offensive and its abilities very defensive.

    While I do not think the aurora needs a nerf, if the developers want, I guess they can make the projectile move a little bit more slowly. (more slow projectiles= easier to miss and damage is more delayed) Or, they can slightly reduce the fire rate of the weapon.
  16. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017

    aurora wasn't showing up nearly this often until boomerangs. it was all cinnri's, razer's, maybe an exo or trireme.

    trying to avoid boomerangs when you're already surrounded by bullets is like trying to dodge a bullet in an iron maiden. you have to teleport out.
    and theres still too much so you need to use weapon emps too.

    maybe they wouldn't be so bad if they didn't shoot off as soon as the new ships drop in.

    sorry but the ships are really not adapted to dealing with the boomerangs in higher leagues.
  17. Mrbestapps

    Mrbestapps Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2015
    In my opinion ships shouldn't fire both Bullet's and boomerangs. They should only be able to fire one of them.

    What ends up happening in later leagues is impossible Bullet hell waves unless you use the Aurora. It becomes a game of timing your abilities and the Bullet hell aspect is basically gone.

    I like the boomerangs but they're simply way too overpowered with a ton of Bullets on the screen and those firework things spawning 30 bullets when they explode.
  18. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    o well

    i guess it's not too bad. i was able to scrape past s league with cinnri today. dunno how i'll fare in ss but maybe it won't be too bad.

    i just feel like its a bit of a shame that most ships don't measure up to ships like aurora razer and cinnri.

    maybe i'm just bad tho lol
  19. Phrog

    Phrog Member

    Feb 23, 2017
    sad person
    Here's the thing with boomerangs: They're too inconsistent. With the pattern the boomerangs create, you would think dodging them with the least amount of movement would simply be to slightly move up; What I found was, the boomerangs often undershoot or overshoot, meaning that the best way out of the boomerangs is to move to the side and forward a bit. Compared to just simply moving up, it is much more difficult trying to watch for bullets while dodging the boomerangs. If the inconsistency in boomerangs was fixed, I don't think the Aurora would be so prominent, as players wouldn't need the teleport as badly.

    Also, I agree with having a slight delay for the new enemy ships, so they can aim their turrets. It's very annoying trying to dodge bullets from the directed turrets, only to die to those bullets which happen to be scattered all over the place because the turret was rotating and shooting at the same time.

    I think boomerangs should stay, but they should be more consistent, like I said above. That way, the pattern would be easier to learn and dodge.

    Also, while the timing of abilities is important, it still requires you to dodge like in other bullet hell games. Phoenix 2 gives you many powerful abilities, it expects for you to use them. But, after you've used your ability, you still have to dodge while you recharge it. Maybe, in the higher leagues, they should get rid of or reduce the effectiveness of the "grazing for energy" mechanic, so you can't just rapidly spam little EMP safe bubbles.

    Here's the thing: Most ships don't have the balance or magnitude of power as the three ships you mentioned above do. Unbalanced ships like Czar or Fujin die before they can do enough damage. Balanced ships like the Trireme or Valkyrie need a little kick in everything in order to become viable.

    Also, unrelated to the quotes, has anyone noticed that the popular ships right now are mostly a 2 defense, 1 offense ship? Just wanted to see if anyone noticed the pattern too.
  20. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    WHAT THE?!?!?!?!

    After all these months... I just found out that i need to tap on the Level icon on the top-right of the screen to level up. I just earned 5400 coins through this.

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