Universal Phoenix 2 (by Firi Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. jbsib

    jbsib Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2011
    Haha this really made me chuckle
  2. forsakenxe

    forsakenxe Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014
    Hey! I don't know my login credentials any more, how can I reset my password?
  3. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    Thanks :) We intend to have stuff like inspecting scores/pilots on the leaderboards eventually. So it's on our to-do list, but I don't have a date for it.

    Which Zen Mode do you mean?

    This is indeed intended but you make a fair point. For now, the temperature of the fire is too high ;)

    Please email [email protected] or me directly at [email protected]. Please mention your account name/email address.
  4. Mrbestapps

    Mrbestapps Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2015
    I love the game so I decided to make a wishlist, Here is my top 5 ideas for future updates.

    1. Community chat for obvious reasons. Would be nice to chat and get advice and it would make the game a social game.

    2. Low power mode/lower graphics, currently takes too much battery. Also some effects are very bright and it hurt my eyes

    3. Reduced shaking on smaller devices. The smaller the screen, the harder it becomes to control your ship with all the shaking. While it's easy to go through tiny gaps on an iPad, it's insanely hard on the iPhone 6 (for example) as you need to swipe ever so gently and with the shaking, it makes you die most of the time.

    4. Android support. Not sure how much work this would take, but it would definitely increase the amount of players and income. This isn't a must, but it would be awesome.

    5. Weekly missions, like a boss fight or something. Every week you get a mission with a boss and if you kill it ,you will receive a badge and credits. Also everyone will use the same ship upgraded to the same level to make it 100% fair.

    Nice update btw, love the new zen tutorials for beginners.
  5. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    what about oran tho

    sooo.. i kinda understand now that the shaking is meant to be a way to balance, like you have to put up with the shaking for a better clear time, but oran doesn't get better clear times since it doesn't have an offensive ability. it just shakes alot.. :confused:
  6. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    and if you're talking heat

    it doesn't even make any sense that you would be getting heat from the destroyed turrent, unless your ship is physically touching the hole. Space is a vaccum, so theres no oxygen to transmit that heat. or to even fuel fire for that matter. and also, since space is a vaccum, its impossible for sound to travel, therefore there shouldn't even be shaking from shockwaves. I know i'm supposed to use my imagination, but shaking is really annoying.

    PROXYMAR Active Member

    Nov 23, 2016
    If it is taken seriously, this game should have no sound;)

    The destroyed turret thing should be adjusted... it is like that the devs put the "damage" option to the wrong object (the hole) and forgot to fix it.

    Shaking is ok if the devs don't want to fix it. I accept that...
  8. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    fair enough. still

    ya lol there wouldn't be any sounds if this was realistic. i just thought it was funny that 'the fire is very hot and damages the pilot' since the science is so iffy there. but my point is that shaking isn't always a balance on all ships, and its more of a handicap in some cases.
  9. space avocado

    space avocado New Member

    Feb 6, 2017
    you know, I was thinking about that as well, however then I realized that much of this game does not take place in space; a lot of it occurs on the surface (and/or in the interior?) of planets and across terrestrial landscapes, so sound makes sense :]

    Also I love this game very much <3

    PROXYMAR Active Member

    Nov 23, 2016
    About the Rewards

    The devs may consider rank/performance based rewarding system... The player gets some extra € if he manages to reach top ten or #1 like this...

    This will motivate us to try a bit more:D
  11. jbsib

    jbsib Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2011
    Guys it's a fictional game in which you fight giant alien ships and fire weaponry which could never exist and have an unlimited amount of ammo, in two dimesnsions. You can't read into the science or logic too much. Like if the enemy ship really wanted to kill you, particaularly the bosses, why would they fire nice bullet patterns with gaps to allow you to survive, surely they would fire waves of bullets with no gaps?
  12. Mrbestapps

    Mrbestapps Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2015
    Found my new favourite ship. The "EXO4239" has the perfect shaking. It shakes, but not enough to ruin the experience. Love this ship, even though it's a very hard one to use.
  13. Den Den

    Den Den Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2014
    There's this guy in the "toucharcade" community, always #1 on the community mission leaderboards with that ship...

    Speaking of which, I have a question to the devs... Do you have a plan to implement replays? It would be great if we could click on someone's name on either leaderboards and watch the replay for that particular score. I'd love to watch how the #1 guy with the EXO4239 ship plays and gets those insane times...
  14. jbsib

    jbsib Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2011
    I absolutely love this game but I agree it would benefit from some added motivation to keep playing. Once all top tier ships are maxed there's not a whole lot left to earn. Something simple like cosmetic variants of each ship to unlock would be awesome. Maybe something like if you finish top you unlock a gold version of the ship you did it with, to show off on the leaderboards. At the moment it just feels a bit like finishing in first place isn't really rewarded, especially considering it's not an easy feat by any means.
  15. Mrbestapps

    Mrbestapps Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2015
    Did anyone else here get bad fps on wave 5.2 daily? My fps dropped to 10-20fps then I died .-.
  16. Cyanid

    Cyanid New Member

    Oct 23, 2016
    True! I love the EXO, its an extremely fun ship to play and purely offensive. The Sound of the primary fire ist actually really satisfying.
    But i wouldnt actually call it "hard to use" since its really strong dmg wise, but without defensive options (besides mega laser somehow).

    I consider Jndur and Gorthaur as hard since they have extremely low damage on the later stages :l

    PROXYMAR Active Member

    Nov 23, 2016
    Btw, it is not EXO4239 but EX04239... Don't know if all you guys love "EXO" the guy so much................ :confused:
  18. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    buff chrono field? or just remake it?

    i like the idea of manipulating time and all, but i feel like compared to other defensive abilities, or just butt saving abilities in general, its kinda hard to use and it doesn't help set up things like mega laser and it doesn't bail you out last second like point defense.

    so i think it would be a good balance to make it more like whatever is in the aura field when you tap it gets frozen for 3-4 maybe five seconds so that you don't have to hold your thumb down and you can blast away with a mega laser if you're using hime or mega bomb if you're using baqlor

    and the upgrades on chrono field would increase the duration of the freeze

    maybe just make this a new ability on the next batch of ships if there are more released, but i feel like chrono field is quite shabby compared to other abilities. and lasers cut right through it too. it does nothing for those.

    PROXYMAR Active Member

    Nov 23, 2016
    #739 PROXYMAR, Feb 19, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2017
    Mega bomb

    Before the update, I have a suggestion.
    I think all Zen abilities are equal. However it is definitely not, for now. The MEGA BOMB should be adjusted.
    The ships on the rankings mostly only have MEGA LASER, which is strong, and nullifies bullets. The MEGA BOMB on the other side is weak, and takes a long time to charge. And it doesn't help in the S missions. This makes all ships equipped with MEGA BOMB useless in most cases, like the S missions and the onward, SS and up.
    My suggestion is that, it should be made stronger. The MEGA BOMB should be called HYPER SHOCK or something...;)

    1) Its range should be smaller, requiring some aiming planned ahead.

    2) It should have a much higher damage in the center. Maybe just 80% of the 1st generation MEGA BOMB.

    3) Its outer range should remain the current damage. So you have to choose to deal main damage to part of the enemies using the center part of the bomb, and the rest of the enemies take much little damage.

    4) Its center should (1) cancel out bullets. (2) stun a turret if hit (5 seconds recommended, for the highest level). The range shall be small, so the bomb is not overpowered, while still powerful and requires strategic planning like the MEGA LASER.

    I hope the devs can make it happen. However it is just my imagination.

  20. BulletHellion

    BulletHellion Active Member

    Feb 4, 2017
    true, when does anyone ever use mega bomb ships

    i agree with that completely. the charge time is too long and theres nothing it does to bail you out like mega laser does.

    tho we know you just want to beef up your proxymar ;)

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