Universal Phoenix 2 (by Firi Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Wrath

    Wrath Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    Any tips for a complete n00b player?? Such as, is there one ship which stands out head and shoulders above all others despite the mission selected which I should focus on upgrading? Since I never seem to get any coins unless I'm am trying a new ship - is there a strategy of like dying in each level in succession so you get coins for making it one stage past the previous to get coins that way, rather than getting to a high stage right away but never being able to better your score in order to get coins ? And is there a game play strategy to avoiding the rain of bullets, such as to stay closer to the center or to the outside edges of the screen, or do you memorize bullet patterns, etc?

    I don't have a lot of patience, and I'm so close to uninstalling, since I can never seem to get past level 4-1 no matter which mission or ship. In reality, I think I may just have to accept the fact that one-life games are not my thing - I'm too old school, I need a minimum of 3 lives to start any game, haha....
  2. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    I would go by Emuser's tier list:

    S+: Trireme, Buhloo, Proxymar
    S: EXO4239, Razor VI, Fujin, Mist Star, Photurius

    Any 1 of these ships is very strong. Note that some of them have an offensive secondary ability and some of them have a defensive secondary ability, so try one of each kind.

    Nope, you get the same amount of coins either way.

    Memorizing bullet patterns only works to an extent, since the way enemy ships swerve is random. If you're finding a wave tough, write down how it opens though.

    Tips are basically the same as general shmup tips:

    1) If you're steadily moving ('streaming') in a certain direction, all aimed turrets will miss you (except for their initial shots, since there's a rotation speed cap). When you approach the edge of the screen, sharply cut upwards, wait for aimed turrets to re-align with you, then stream the opposite direction (or sometimes even go ABOVE and around the ships!).

    2) If standing in front of the ships is too difficult, considering standing beside or even BEHIND them.

    3) If lasers are giving you trouble, lure them to fire in a certain direction and just before they activate, go somewhere else. In general, all aimed attacks can be misdirected in this way.

    4) Use proper eyeball control. Despite how your brain fools you, you can only see red bullets if you are directly looking at them ( https://xkcd.com/1080/ ), so don't just stare at your ship, stare at the enemy ships to see new bullets as soon as they appear and mentally store them as approaching you, stare at the area of the map you're about to move to to make sure you're not about to move into a stray bullet, ETC.

    5) Your hitbox is very small and aligned on your reactor, so if you need to slip through a small gap, you can with proper timing. Practice it if uncertain of how it works.

    6) It should go without saying, but - don't place your finger exactly on your ship's hitbox, place it to the side or behind so you can make precise dodges and see WTF you are doing.

    7) Practice! If you need more shmups to play for practice, I recommend rRootage, Danmaku Unlimited 2, Bug Princess, Bug Princess 2...

    You can do it! Give it a week more of playing and you WILL improve. (Also, swapping to one of the S/S+ ships and getting it upgraded will help.)
  3. Wrath

    Wrath Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2011
    Wow, thank you so much for the in-depth tips, Patashu, I appreciate it!! And since I make sure to check for free ships every 12hrs without fail, I am happy to say I have each of those recommended ships except for Fujin! :)

    I will definitely pay attention to these tips and see if I can't progress further - I love the graphics on this one and wasn't quite looking forward to deleting it just yet. :)
  4. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    #524 Emuser, Oct 8, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2016
    Today's daily may be the absolutely most brutal thing I've ever seen. Act 5 kill me for real x_x

    Edit: Wrath if you haven't already done so, it would be highly advised to join a community so that you have an extra mission to get credits out of. You can join "toucharcade" like me and some of the others on here. I'm getting ready to finish wrapping up a final tier list until further updates / new ships / tweaks to any ships etc. Just got to get a clear with the Gorthaur and I'll be done, but I am NOT gonna beat today's daily with any chance in hell with Gorthaur.
  5. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    #525 Emuser, Oct 8, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2016
    This will be my final revision for a tier list unless nerfs/buffs ever happen:
    Old vs New

    09/21/2016 Tier List
    S+: Trireme, Buhloo, Proxymar
    S: EXO4239, Razor VI, Fujin, Mist Star, Photurius
    A: Havoc, Atlas, Krillou, Prime X, Essin, Geist, Veil, Juggernaut, Aurora, Jn'dur, Elyon, Ogon, Oran, Tempest, Cinnri, Wrackr
    B: Heechi, Gorthaur, Sakura, Yoth-Hola, Xaniea, Von Braun, Jericho, Phoenix, Tar'cah, Shinova, Vuxine
    C: Kada Veni, NC-150, Czar, Arietis, Tillat'or

    S+: Trireme, Buhloo, Proxymar
    S: EXO4239, Razor VI, Fujin, Photurius, Cinnri
    A: Krillou, Prime X, Havoc, Geist, Atlas, Aurora, Juggernaut, Veil, Tempest, Xaniea, Mist Star
    B: Essin, Elyon, Jn'dur, Ogon, Wrackr, Heechi, Yoth-Hola, Tar'cah, Sakura, Vuxine, Von Braun, Phoenix, NC-150, Kada Veni
    C: Arietis, Shinova, Czar, Jericho, Oran, Tillat'or, Gorthaur

    An explanation for shifts:
    Cinnri climbs to S after many more top placements and realization it is very strong for a homing weapon ship.
    Mist Star drops to the end of A. It's easy to use but cannot get the same clear times as other powerful ships.
    Essin dropped down to B after realizing it's greatness was previously overstated, main shot is sporadic.
    Xaniea placed in A after seeing the usefulness of Laser Storm and Teleport
    Wrackr, Jn'dur, Elyon, Ogon dropped from A to B, Oran dropped to A to C. Wrackr, Elyon, and Ogon are outclassed, Jn'dur is tricky to use and still hits a cap, Oran much weaker than previously realized.
    Kada Veni, NC-150 raised from C to B as they are still better than some other ships.
    Gorthaur, Shinova, Jericho dropped from B to C due to flaws.

    I feel full confidence in this making, even though A tier is still the hardest to be confident about. This isn't a list of what one should and should not use, this is merely my view of how I see everything over about 2 months of playing now, with all ships unlocked and fully upgraded. There is obviously still room for debate, I have thought about every ship though if someone demands an explanation for something.
  6. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    Don't forget that enemies have no hurtbox, so you can fly behind the mega enemy in 5-2.

    The tricky part is moving to the right part of the screen before 5-3 owns you with aimed bullets.
  7. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    Yea ultimately 5-3 is what got to me. Only one person got past 5-3 today. What's your tag on Phoenix 2?
  8. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    I saw three clears of that daily mission on my leaderboard, keep in mind they're sharded to about 1000 different leaderboards (don't know exact amount).

    I'm Patashu.
  9. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    Ohhhh I see, that explains some inconsistencies I saw in the past. I guess it would have been insane to have a daily leaderboard that included everyone around the world. I never really thought about it.
  10. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    For the first few days, the daily leaderboard DID include everyone (all ~100k active players). You'd see mindblowing scores every day, like sub 1:10 times (I forget if I saw a sub 1:00 or not lol). For performance reasons it was sharded into ~1000 leaderboards pending a more intelligent solution (like sharding by country or continent, or unsharding entirely).
  11. nix_water

    nix_water New Member

    Oct 11, 2016
  12. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    Nice posts guys. Great ship guide Emuser, it could almost be a sorted ranking with green and red, up and down arrows, to indicate shifts :)

    Nice youtube guide as well nix_water. It's funny how you write "Hope you can enjoy it before they change ^^" The current situation is indeed not how we like it and we will be changing it. In fact, there will be big changes to all offensive abilities.

    Offensive abilities are currently too powerful, so much so that it is easier to play offensive than defensive. We think it should be the other way around, offensive should be harder, but potentially give a better time. Without going into the specific abilities at this point we want them all to have stronger characteristics. The offensive Aura abilities will also have their power significantly reduced. Blowing up stuff with strong abilities is cool, but not so much if the ship is full energy again right after so you can keep doing it. We want the abilities to require more thought and timing to use to their best effect.

    These adjustments will be pretty big, but the current planning is to apply them along with the introduction of new ships and new Aura and Zen abilities.

    (disclaimer: we are working on this right now and everything I write is always subject to lots of changes, always ;) )
  13. nix_water

    nix_water New Member

    Oct 11, 2016
    Hope you didnt think i used harass words, cuz my english :D
    I have free time in a few weeks, so i want to share when i can
    Thank for replied ^^

    And this is Yoth Hola

  14. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    No not at all! Great videos and the english is fine <3

    It was a good opportunity to announce our plans :)
  15. jbsib

    jbsib Well-Known Member

    Oct 4, 2011
    Just picked this up again, anyone good communities I could join?
  16. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    Thanks, I typed small summaries of why I feel the way I do for each ship but haven't bothered posting them yet cause it would take up a lot of space. Maybe later on I'll attach it in the form of a word doc so that it doesn't fill the screen. It was pretty much just for fun to do and to see if others had input on it later on.

    I'm in the toucharcade community right now, there's one you can join.

    I got a surprising 2:25 clear time with Von Braun on the daily that just ended. I figured I'd try it since there were so many medium and big sized enemies, and this thing trashed them hard. Von Braun definitely feels like a good choice when there are few small enemies in the later waves.
  17. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    Daily Mission #287 5-1 is quite hard. There's a mess of bullets and lasers from the very start, coming from close ships, and one missile swarm doesn't clear it out. My leaderboard has a 3 minute clear with Cinnri so it is possible.
  18. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    I love the Cinnri. The main weapon does have a nice wallop.


  19. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    Are you going to then adjust main weapons of every ship as well to coincide with the changes to the offensive and defensive changes of the auras?

    It just sounds like an awful lot of nerfing is going on.


  20. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    You guys changed the Von Braun. I like the new look of the missiles. Did you make them slightly faster firing too?

    I've always liked that ship.


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