Universal Phoenix 2 (by Firi Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    #501 Emuser, Sep 20, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
    I do have minor shifts in my previously made list moving a ship one or two spaces, but I'm gonna wait a while before I bother posting an updated list of my opinions on the overall roster.

    I've been pretty busy lately and only been playing for a few minutes a day and haven't cleared in a while, I do notice less clear scores on the leaderboards it seems, anyone else feeling the same struggle lately?

    It would be hard for me to recommend a particular ship to someone, but if I had to pick a well rounded package my vote would go to Atlas, I've been playing it the past couple of days and it has two good abilities. Tempest is another well rounded ship, and Proxymar is also great for the offense-only savants to go ahead and pick up.
  2. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    The Atlas is one of my top favorites. You can't beat it's offensive and defensive abilities. It's definitely a fun ship.


  3. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    #503 Emuser, Sep 21, 2016
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2016
    I decided to post my updates on my previous rankings:

    Old Tier List
    S+: Trireme, Proxymar, Buhloo
    S: Mist Star, Razor VI, Fujin, EXO4239, Ogon, Photurius, Havoc
    A: Geist, Krillou, Oran, Elyon, Prime X, Atlas, Aurora, Veil, Jn'dur, Wrackr, Juggernaut, Tempest, Cinnri
    B: Gorthaur, Sakura, Heechi, Essin, Yoth-Hola, Jericho, Phoenix, Tar'cah, Shinova, Xaniea, Vuxine, Von Braun
    C: NC-150, Tillat'or, Czar, Kada Veni, Arietis

    09/21/2016 Tier List
    S+: Trireme, Buhloo, Proxymar
    S: EXO4239, Razor VI, Fujin, Mist Star, Photurius
    A: Havoc, Atlas, Krillou, Prime X, Essin, Geist, Veil, Juggernaut, Aurora, Jn'dur, Elyon, Ogon, Oran, Tempest, Cinnri, Wrackr
    B: Heechi, Gorthaur, Sakura, Yoth-Hola, Xaniea, Von Braun, Jericho, Phoenix, Tar'cah, Shinova, Vuxine
    C: Kada Veni, NC-150, Czar, Arietis, Tillat'or

    A summary of shifts:

    Buhloo over Proxymar
    Havoc and Ogon drop from S to A from being overrated previously
    EXO and Mist Star switch spots, EXO up and Mist Star down
    Atlas and Geist switch spots, Atlas up and Geist down
    Essin way up from B to A after realizing how Laser Storm + P.Shield is crazy
    Juggernaut, Xaniea, Von Braun minor bump up
    Oran, Elyon, Wrackr, Tillat'or minor bump down
    Can't find a redeeming quality for Tillat'or or I am an idiot and can't manage barriers, dubbing it the hard mode ship until further notice.

    I feel this is more representative overall vs the old list, and that there is still room for change especially everything in A after Geist. I like to theorycraft but came to realize that I had a few bias on the original draft. Feel free to debate or bring up points of contention. I won't bite ;)
  4. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    The daily mission leaderboards are going down yea, but the 'toucharcade' community leaderboards are still fine, with a lot of competition. Have you joined the group?
  5. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    Yea, I haven't been able to clear anything lately though, not really sure why or if anyone else felt the same way like the waves got harder or something. And yea I'm in the toucharcade community group, but I'm still messing around with all the ships, I can't beat Triremes dominating the leaderboard :/

    Past few days I've been using Atlas, Tempest, Juggernaut mostly. All extremely fun ships.
  6. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    UPDATE with the new world is live! It's downloading right now. Go get it! I'll report back after I've played for a bit.

  7. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    Well that was the most anti climactic update ever. I can't find it in the mission selection screen. I thought it was supposed to be a new world ?????

    I just read the update notes and it says we have to wait a few days before we see it because everyone needs to get the update?

  8. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Yeah from what i understand, when the stage with the new skins become active for everyone, the ones who werent able to update may encounter issues since the stages are pulled from whatever Firi has activated/scheduled daily.
  9. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    So they won't be selectable like the daily and community missions? I was hoping it was going to be a whole new world we could compete on and accrue money and all that. So your saying it's going to be partly of the daily routine where it would be a skin like today's daily #444 features it etc etc.


  10. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    AFAIK the missions haven't gotten harder lately. It's just that the variance between hard waves and easy waves is extremely high, so sometimes there's a streak of hard missions back to back and you struggle and get frustrated since it feels like you're getting worse.
  11. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Community level has the new stage layout...

    Looks fantastic on my 6S.

    Thank you for the post-release support, you guys friggin rock. =oD
  12. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    Thanks! It took a bit longer than we wanted, but we are happy with the result. More worlds will follow!

    @LordShad0wz I understand the confusion, but what you mean is what we refer to as Missions (Daily / Community). We'll add a third one of those as well at some point, but I have no date for that yet. Additional worlds and ships will be an ongoing thing. There will also be new Aura and Zen abilities ;)
  13. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    I will say that the extra background is a good change of pace. Will there be any extra music tracks later on? I've also wondered if the idea of an extra cosmetic skin palette or two for the ships was ever considered, just extra eye candy to get for those that really like a particular ship?
  14. Deez_Nuts

    Deez_Nuts Member

    Oct 1, 2016
    #514 Deez_Nuts, Oct 3, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
    Daily Mission #276 (Gau Prime) is a monster. I've only gotten to 5-4 once and this mission has a VERY different flavor from the others.

    I've been playing for about 36 or so days and this has been the most addicting level you're published, IMHO.

    More, please :D
  15. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    Agreed! The current Daily Mission(#276) is a lot of fun. Feedback with regards to missions you like or dislike is also very valuable for us as we tune the way missions are being generated.

    @Emuser: There is a new music track in the works, so yes :) We'll also add more backgrounds in the future. We did consider skins for existing ships, but have not made any decisions yet. I think we would rather do 'variants' than skins, where the ship would have slightly different properties as well.

    Currently though, I'm working on new player ships <3
  16. Deez_Nuts

    Deez_Nuts Member

    Oct 1, 2016
    Yeah, that was an awesome mission. Couldn't get past 5-4 but damn did I try. I left you guys a beaming review on iTunes - you have made a seriously awesome game, IMHO. I am a paid user, didn't need the creds but wanted to make sure you guys got some scratch for your efforts.

    If you guys are open for suggestions, I have a few:

    I would love the just have all flights recorded with the option to save after each death/completion.

    To really break the learning curve, or for us vet pilots, a new challenge!

    (3) MAKE ME FLY!
    I'm an OG SHUMP player. One of the single most memorable moment in my SHUMP timeline was the final stage in Blazing Lazers for the TG-16. The music was intense, the action faster, but moreover - the background was FLYING. I'd never seen something like that in a SHUMP and still haven't seen much of that with the exception of the last level in Einhander. Anyway, here's a link for a video of the level on YT...keep up the awesome work, I'm HOOKED.

  17. Selachii

    Selachii Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Nov 13, 2009
    Game Designer
    Thank you _so much_ <3

    We are always open for suggestions and feedback.

    1 - We totally agree, in fact programmer Tijmen takes every opportunity to suggest this to Apple, but alas, it is not possible yet.

    2 - We are sticking to 'red is bad' and we are using soo many colors that changing a couple around has many (many) consequences. Tuning the current color palette is challenging enough. For example, we are actually tuning the Zhey Auna background to be a bit less orange to improve contrast.

    For vet pilots we have other plans. *insert maniacal laughter here*
    (more info once we get further into development of this feature)

    3 - We also like to 'go fast'. More backgrounds are in development and we are definitely trying different speeds :)
  18. Deez_Nuts

    Deez_Nuts Member

    Oct 1, 2016
    Awww, come on. I just finished first in a field of 289 competitors for the last daily mission on Zhey Auna at 28.4k points, the palate helps cull the herd :D j/k

    Thanks for the replies and eagerly awaiting your next round of updates!
  19. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    I look forward to the updates as well.

    I managed to actually get a Tillat'or clear a few days ago and I am happy to have that one scratched off the bucket list. I've come to hate the Gorthaur much more than Tillat'or since the last list I made, really struggling with this one and I've come to realize Gorthaur may actually be worse.

    On the other hand, I discovered just how ridiculously awesome Photurius is after extended play. It's another ship like Juggernaut that has such heavy-hitting sounds with it's main shot you feel powerful when using the damn thing.
  20. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #520 LordShad0wz, Oct 6, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2016
    If the Photorius had a bullet EMP instead of the stun I'd use it more. I think the Juggernaut is more fun to play. I usually use it first.

    Phoenix HD just got a maintenance update. I had to update my review and play a few rounds. I still love that game so very much. It's so well done. It really is. Selachii you guys should consider content update for HD. I'd absolutely spend money on more ships and content in that game.

    Ok I got that out. Back to Phoenix II. Selachii I'm glad you will be messing with the colors. I was going to say something. The red on the Orange is actually making me have a hard time seeing bullets. I'm happy you are working on new ships. I really want that third level so we have additional daily revenue. I spent over $60 and I think I've done my part to financially support the game.



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