Universal Phoenix 2 (by Firi Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Considering missiles make you stop shooting for 1-2 seconds and lasers at up to what feels like 10 seconds, it's not even close. LOL

    And the fact that Missiles essentially let you SKIP waves doesnt help the speed comparison.
  2. Zync

    Zync Member

    Aug 9, 2016
    V1.0.6 Changes to Missile Swarm was needed but don't think it need anymore changes at the moment. You have to compare entirety of ships ability. For instance Ogon its primary a 2 chase aim laser and Mist Star with homing missiles. Compare those two to Trireme's instant auto aim laser not taking enemy vulnerability, Trireme will always and should rank higher. Now for 2nd/3rd ability, leaderboard ranking will always favor offensive ability. Mist Star having Stun EMP obviously will get behind. Now Missile Swarm vs Laser Storm, both requires enemy within its aura to be affected. Missile Swarm last 2-3s while Laser Storm about 10s both disables primary attack while active. It might seem that MS gets the advantage but LS gives you flexibility of wave positioning. For the third ability Kappa Drive is kinda so-so i myself move alot and in the process gather energy so Teleport will always a better choice.

    I recommend to check out Buhloo non auto aim primary Quantom Laser channeled ~5s with Laser Storm/Mega Bomb. Timed right you will be able to channel primary while Laser Storm active and also charging Mega Bomb all at the same time, it's really a devastating combo.
  3. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    Finally managed to get a clear with Shinova, something about the daily today made it a bit easier than yesterday's when I was right off the dot on 5-4 repeatedly yesterday.

    Attached Files:

  4. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    One advantage that MS has over LS that will always push it to the top is the current system of gaining aura in P2. On paper alone, you can essentially use MS every 2-5 seconds, while LS has to wait the full duration to use another one. Even against bosses, a missile swamr clearing the front line ships against a boss will fill the aura to then cast a second MS to destroy the big boss at the back, all within a few seconds, while LS still hasnt dealt the total damage the lasers do on the first cast. Unless one LS use deals about twice (maybe more) the total damage of one MS use, the fact that MS is easily spammed more will always put it ahead of LS.
  5. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    LOL, to all the people calling Missile Swarm > Laser Swarm - Zync has a 1:03 (!!!!) time with Buhloo (that's a Laser Swarm ship for those who don't know) on the current toucharcade community mission.

    Zync, plz make a video of a time close to this!
  6. Zync

    Zync Member

    Aug 9, 2016
    #446 Zync, Aug 27, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016

    This mission is an example of good wave positioning. But it's not to say Laser Storm will always be better than Missile Swarm, at certain times maybe but it will vary from mission to mission. Having multiple ship really helps, if I played Proxymar my time will probably get close to that.

    Sorry for the potato quality recording.
  7. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    Nice play.

    I take it the difference between 1:17 and 1:03 is better/more mega bombs and a very fast act 5?
  8. Zync

    Zync Member

    Aug 9, 2016
    Yup pretty much :)
  9. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    Such a beast. Can't wait to max out Buhloo now.
  10. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    As I said previously in my ship reviews of you take the Buhloo and the Fujin, which have similar weapons, exact secondary, and the third is the Fujin has the mega laser, the Buhloo wins hands down. Especially when the Buhloo costs so little and the Fujin is 3000 coins to unlock.

    I wish they'd balance the Fujin out more.

    The Buhloo wins hand down in everyway.


  11. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    Wow today's daily is hard, only one clear 6 hours in. I got to 5-3 with Phoenix and probably won't have any time to improve on it.

    Just in case anyone is curious as to why I am using Phoenix instead of a lot of other things, I am trying to get 1 clear with every ship eventually. I decided to get one with Phoenix next. Eventually I will want to make a longer post where I tier stuff or give a brief opinion on all the ships.
  12. xhui

    xhui Member

    Feb 14, 2011
    Can someone tell me If you charge mega bomb/laser quicker or not by leveling them?
  13. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    As far as I can tell it does not charge faster.
  14. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    No you can't but I really wish you could. I rarely use them.


  15. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    That's what I've been doing. What you need to do is post your comparisons without looking back through the thread at mine and then let's see what we both put! It would definitely give the devs good and different feedback.


  16. xhui

    xhui Member

    Feb 14, 2011
    Thanks...Look like you can only use between acts...else the risk is too great.
  17. Jayg2015

    Jayg2015 Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2015
    Player 1
    Liberty city
    I'm still signing on each day to play one game and collect rewards
  18. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    There are other ways to use them mid-act:

    1) If the only enemy left is a medium or large ship and you know its weapons won't hit you (perhaps it has no aimed weapons, or perhaps you used a defensive secondary?)

    2) this is one the jn'dur can pull off and maybe not other ships - at the end of the wave fire just enough slow moving shots to kill the remaining ships, put up a barrier and then charge your mega bomb. by the time your shots actually reach the remaining enemies, your mega bomb will be ready for the new wave.

    Also, a useful trick: You can flick your finger very fast and then immediately release to move your ship a very large distance WHILE charging the mega bomb/mega laser.
  19. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    Wow! Patashu! Thank you! Those tips are freaking awesome! I would never have thought to use the barrier like that!

    I was actually working on finishing off the Jin'dur before I read your post. It's one of the last few I have left to finish.

    I wish your post could be stickies somehow for new players. Selachii you guys need to make a Wiki with all the stuff from this thread for new players.

    Thanks again Patashu! You really are awesome at this game!


  20. Emuser

    Emuser Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2016
    I finally beat the community mission with Czar. I really dislike this ship because of its random targeting and hitting one thing at a time. You basically NEED to max it's weapon and stun emp(which I have not yet) for this thing to stand any chance in later waves.

    Attached Files:

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