Universal Phoenix 2 (by Firi Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #221 LordShad0wz, Aug 6, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2016
    I have spent $15 in Phoenix 2 and $6 in Phoenix HD. I would absolutely be willing to spend money on permanent options in this game to earn more credits while playing. I have a bunch of fighters unlocked but most of them are not even close to being upgraded decently because I've been trying all the different fighters. I have the Jericho maxed as well as the mist star but everything else isn't. Those so far are my favorite two. I like the Phoenix for Nostalgia so I'm working on that but I've been playing since thismorning as I rest from my surgery and honestly I earned only 200 credits today. That's it. I've played and played and played and tried so hard to keep beating my scores on both levels and keep walking away with nothing. I'm frustrated. That's a problem. It's way way way too unbalanced. I can't upgrade anything with 200 credits. I love the gameplay and the graphics. I love so much about this game. I just hope they address this.


    Edit- also I do understand there are no ads in this game. I know people would do their best to never spend a dime. I'm not one of those people. Maybe to combat that you would only earn credits playing every game after you've made a purchase or maybe it could be a permanent purchase. I'd love a credit doubler too. Anything permanent!

  2. Liquidmark

    Liquidmark Active Member

    Aug 5, 2016
    Likewise :D

    Anyhow, here's my finish time for today's mission with about an hour and a half before refresh.

    01:34:51 with the trireme. I feel that the 1:35 range is the best I can do with this ship.
  3. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    Can you post a video? I absolutely suck with the trireme. I'd love to see how you use it. I never teleport fast enough or I get taken out while using the missile swarm lol. It would help me to see it visually.


  4. Liquidmark

    Liquidmark Active Member

    Aug 5, 2016
    Ok, how/where would I upload the video? Could I upload it here or do I have to upload it to YouTube?
  5. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    Yeah, upload it to Youtube. If you can't record on device, use Reflector 2 (if on a PC) or Quicktime (if on a Mac).

    This is a decent suggestion, but I like my suggestion better - replace the 'Speed' tie breaker with a 'Bullet Defense' tie breaker. For every enemy bullet that LEAVES the screen, it goes up by 1 point. The lower the score, the better. This means that all ships are competing on the same fundamental goal - speed ships kill ships before they can release too many bullets, defense ships take longer but soak up the bullets they would have produced.


    To whoever Zync25 is, I salute you. Your 1:18.18 on 'toucharcade' Community Mission #4 is nearly optimal :eek:
  6. Liquidmark

    Liquidmark Active Member

    Aug 5, 2016
    Ok, I'll try to play tomorrow and set up a YouTube or something. Recording kinda slows things a little and also kills the music.

    Oh, I also play beat hazard ultra if anyone wants to compare scores with different songs.
  7. Sikuzo

    Sikuzo Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2014
    #227 Sikuzo, Aug 7, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
    Just love using czar, maxed it out and it's easy to get into top 1%. Got it by pure chance from warp gate, now it's my favorite.

    Though it's a lot slower than pure damage ships. it's a solid ship with emp stun and teleport. :D
  8. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    Thank you! I look forward to this! I have the trireme now almost fully upgraded.


  9. Liquidmark

    Liquidmark Active Member

    Aug 5, 2016
    #229 Liquidmark, Aug 7, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2016
    I'll still try to make a vid. For some reason, I can't get in the zone while recording. I can show a vid of a partial run until I can complete it with a trireme on video. I'll say that to get a decent time with that ship, you have to play aggressively. Like, I just did a run and I only teleported once.

    Here's my time and rank for today. 1:43:70 I think that it'll be my final time for today. I'll settle for top ten because today's mission was crazy for me.


    I played it on an iPad Pro. You'd think the larger screen makes it easier but noooooope!

    Ok, managed to do a playthrough with the trireme. Here you go.


    Hope that satisfies your curiosity. :)
  10. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    #230 Patashu, Aug 8, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
    Nice play. Lol Teleport is good for survival. Some tips for speed:

    1) Enemy ships do not have hurtboxes. So you can fly into and over enemy ships as long as you do not fly into a bullet.
    2) Because the missiles come out of your ship traveling up-left and up-right, this has some consequences for how you should use missile swarm:
    2a) If you are flying over a ship or slightly SE/SW of a ship when missiles are released, they will automatically hit.
    2b) Due to the way missiles curve, there are specific blind spots relative to your ship that missiles find hard to hit (find them out for yourself).
    3) When releasing missiles, you should start in the center of the screen below all enemies, and 'nudge' into enemies in ways that they can't shoot bullets at you as you move up the screen.

    Some examples of where you can get easy speed gains:
    Act 1: Just as a note, Proxymar saves about 0.5-1 seconds since it can missile 1-4 and mega bomb 2-1. But it might not be worth it, see Act 4.
    Act 2: On 2-3 you can release missiles in the center of the screen and move very fast upwards, all the aimed bullets miss you and everything dies fast. On 2-4 you hesitated to release missiles fast, so about 1-3 second loss.
    Act 3: 2-2 not grabbing all the particles at the start of the level and missiling immediately lost you ~7 seconds. 2-3 you can start the wave above the medium sized enemies and below the scouts, not sure if it's faster just noting. 2-4 you can as well since the medium enemy only shoots lasers, and that one definitely saves 0.5-1 seconds.
    Act 4: This is where you make up a LOT of time on my Proxymar run since you have Teleport to trivialize these hard waves and grab particles safely, but you can see on 4-2 ~3 seconds is lost since you release missiles into your blind spots.
    Act 5: Pretty good, only minor improvements like bumrushing 5-4 a bit better.

    So I estimate you could get sub 1:30 with this route if you wanted to grind it. Based on this, I feel like Trireme is better for consistently getting 1:20-1:30 times and Proxymar is better for total YOLO 1:15-1:20 times.

    EDIT: Holy cow! Daily Mission #220 5-3 is hard. This is the rare kind of wave where a fully charged Missile Swarm doesn't clear enough of the dangerous ships. I wonder if a Turret EMP ship would fare better?
  11. Liquidmark

    Liquidmark Active Member

    Aug 5, 2016
    Yeah, my deal with running on record is it throws me off. I made better time without recording. Still not 1:30, but still good enough to hold onto the #1 slot on my leaderboard. It's a bit difficult to play on my iPad Pro. With its case it's really heavy and I have to move my hand over further distances to move. Also I can't see the entire screen in my natural field of vision.
  12. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    Okay, I understand :D Thank you for the play.

    Let me know if you beat Daily Mission #220, and if so time/ship.
  13. Liquidmark

    Liquidmark Active Member

    Aug 5, 2016
    #233 Liquidmark, Aug 8, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
    Ill try to play it tomorrow. :)

    Ok, played today's mission. I can't get past wave 5-3. It's insane.
  14. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    Liquid mark thank you for the video! Wow that was really awesome watching you play!

    Has anyone played using the Geist? I unlocked it yesterday and upgraded it. I really really really like it. It has a awesome spread cannon as well as missile swarm AND then you have a shield. It has all the elements I like in one package. I'm going to fully upgrade it. I'm surprised more people don't use it.

  15. KyneTarse

    KyneTarse Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    It really is. I was #1 for about an hour last night after the change, was not expecting to still be #5 at the time of writing this. Only one person has completed? That's nuts
  16. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    The broke up the daily mission leaderboard into smal groups, so there are actually more people competing on the community mission (if you're in toucharcade) than on the daily mission.
  17. KyneTarse

    KyneTarse Member

    Aug 8, 2016
    Ah, that makes sense. Still kinda crazy though. I think 20+ people completed yesterday's mission; I still ended up #6 for 219. I like the Mist Star but it's definitely more of a defensive ship. These 1:20-1:30 times on other ships are blowing my mind. I guess I need to give the Proxymar another chance.
  18. Liquidmark

    Liquidmark Active Member

    Aug 5, 2016
    #238 Liquidmark, Aug 8, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2016
    I'm #1 on my leaderboard. If someone beats my score or finishes, I'll try again but I just don't have the energy to face 5-3 with that wall of crazy enemies. Like numerous high-ranking enemies with shields, multiple directed cannons, spiral canons, shots the fire orbs that explode and They fire the instant they are on the field? Noooopes.

    Hahah! I beat it!


    It was ROUGH! I basically needed to take my time and use the Czar. nullifying their weapons on 5-3 helps a lot, but you have to do it multiple times. Last wave was ez-pz.:D

    This was my face when I finished it. [​IMG]
  19. Mrbestapps

    Mrbestapps Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2015
    Would be nice if the devs added a boss fight for every wave

    So wave
    1-4 = boss
    2-4 = boss
    3-4 = boss
    4-4 = boss
    5-4 = Extreme mega boss

    Make the bosses have patterns and require tactics. Would make the game so interesting! Shouldn't be that hard to do aswell:)

    Bosses don't need to last longer than 20 seconds.
  20. Patashu

    Patashu Well-Known Member

    GJ Liquidmark!

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