I send gifts every time! Coolio0980 Add me! Coolio0980 I'll make sure to send gifts to everyone everyday
Add Me on Tuber Simulator Looking for more people to add in Tuber Simulator, add my channel "Acadeus" and reply here for me to add you back! Tuber on Bros!
Add randomisthehero In the process of adding more people. Please add me back. Add: randomisthehero Active player, I play every day. Gifts sent out every day.
Trying to add everyone name in-game is "DarkenedAuras" if you wanna add me back Daily player and gift giver
Added 50 of you guys please add me back Added all 3 of you as well as the following (listed in ABC order): Acadeus Astaroth BadLuck Beauty4Beauty Bonz CASTLEFRANK Coolio0980 DiGGiTYdan Diphikult DLark DonRob3rt GeniePlay GlanST HumanTube Ipoopsometimes17 karldrogo KatissGaming kenpachiw00t Kinkyplier Klaorman Krutten KuraytoKeiko LameGame101 Leoeoeo liquidxavius Lizziep00 Lyanqt MagorJirous MarvilusJ Meshybro mn21 moistleg Mrdutchie randomisthehero Rollinginlaughs rukiia Sea14 SirJamieGrant Sk4its SnakeKitten sulyvaristo Supardupe thiemithry TonyDus UmUmHi vlognerd Yiffur my IGN is: DarkenedAuras and I'm a very active player who will gift daily I think I'm done adding people for now but I may come back and add more later