Add me, very active player sending gifts every day and will give good ratings on good rooms! USER ID: KRUTTEN
Add my friend as well! My friends name is WatchHOBOdotcom Plz add her! Thanks guys, comment below if you add her and she can add you back!
follow me: Beauty4Beauty <3 I am currently working on my room so don't think that's how it's supposed to look! xd I send gifts everyday too
Social Connection Still Not Working? Are the social tabs removed again as of now? I didn't mind at first but now I have some social quests needing to be done.
Posted by catzilla Originally posted by catzilla follow him/her first!! Just adding myself to the list: FlorisM Andyplier AnnAntics Anotherkellydown ArchXIII AwesomoCat Awsomnes BigSexyNation BlackCops Booksy candycow Catzilla Carlijn CarRamRod CrystalFire0979 DemoStapler DestroyerofSouls DiGGitydan DoctorSaucey Dondo DonRob3rt Dragolds EatinApplesauce Eurydice Fallenkrew FlamJam FlorisM Gunther4C HatakeChico IvicaTV Jinsune Jocken Julab Justcallmejake Karldrogo KingMayo KirinBeer Klaorman Krutten LordSnow LyxiQueen Maka00 MasonsCorner Medlet MQMX Neobloodsin PauTheRebel PracticalGhost PwNaGeDaN Qualle QuaneZA ReynaMirai ReZer0 RichtheKid Ringosfire rukiia SatanicFigure SCreamALot Sea14 SirJamieGrant Sk4its SleepOfPeace SnakeKitten Sommmmmme (7 m's) SOOSOO SteamedHams stebach Taseri TheSamurix16 Turbosaur Viennasausage whitelil xblitzer Xerox19 Yokehan Add yourself in and let me know so i can add more of you !!
Andyplier AnnAntics Anotherkellydown ArchXIII AwesomoCat Awsomnes BigSexyNation BlackCops Booksy candycow Catzilla Carlijn CarRamRod Chatteratatsch CrystalFire0979 DemoStapler DestroyerofSouls DiGGitydan DoctorSaucey Dondo DonRob3rt Dragolds EatinApplesauce Eurydice Fallenkrew FlamJam FlorisM Gunther4C HatakeChico IvicaTV Jinsune Jocken Julab Justcallmejake Karldrogo KingMayo KirinBeer Klaorman Krutten LordSnow LyxiQueen Maka00 MasonsCorner Medlet MQMX Neobloodsin PauTheRebel PracticalGhost PwNaGeDaN Qualle QuaneZA ReynaMirai ReZer0 RichtheKid Ringosfire rukiia SatanicFigure SCreamALot Sea14 SirJamieGrant Sk4its SleepOfPeace SnakeKitten Sommmmmme (7 m's) SOOSOO SteamedHams stebach Taseri TheSamurix16 Turbosaur Viennasausage whitelil xblitzer Xerox19 Yokehan