What world do you live in that thinks online petitions work? E-mail the IP owner directly if you want it made.
The ULTIMATE Lemmings experience is two player--with two mice and two teams of Lemmings (blue and green) on one map. You could only control your own Lemmings, but ANY Lemmings you tricked into your own goal counted as points. Stealing enemy Lemmings was fun... blowing up enemy bridges and digging pit traps was even more fun IIRC only the Amiga version had this mode. Do that via WiFi/Bluetooth and you'd have an awesome iPhone title! (Wasn't there some other Psygnosis title already coming to iPhone? Am I crazy?)
You could try Kamicrazy for iPhone which is a Lemmings-like game...There is a lite version appearently http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Luj135LK_lk http://www.appcraver.com/kamicrazy-iphone/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamicrazy EDIT:nevermind - saw it was already suggested...
Erm.. I may be wrong, but wasn't it a massive online petition that persuaded the Devs of Sam and Max to port it to the Wii?
To the poster who said Dev's don't look at the forums to decide to make a certain game is wrong. Many developers see these forums as a community that provides ideas and advice, and sometimes not-so-thought-out opinions, and use that information to create and modify games. I say that to say that you should keep it up. Blake said an "Official" Lemmings would never be released, but a comparable clone would still be a great addition.
Heres something nifty I stumbled across a couple months ago... http://www.npunk.com/iphone/ Hope it'll be out soon
well there is a homebrew lemmings port for DS i play it all the time having it on the iphone would be cool but for me, my lemmings needs are satisfied
I live in a world where there is no good lemmings clone on the iPod touch, thats where I live!! I knew from the start that it would be a long shot, but dev's do look at forums, like a earlier poster said. They don't totally reject the idea of looking for game ideas on the forums. Like I said, if there is even a SLIGHT chance that this will spark anything, I am willing to take that chance. What have I got to lose? lol. I am nothing more than a simple fan making a request, I am just hoping others would join me in my cause so far there are other that seem to want it just as me, maybe not as bad, but yeah. I would get it for the DS, but I carry my iPod touch with me EVERYWHERE I go, the DS only comes with me at certain times, but much less frequently than my iPod touch. So thats why I dont have that or the PSP port. I still have it for the Super Nintendo, I just think it would be cool to see if I could get it on my touch ^.^ Also, that Dodo's game looks pretty promising so far. Hopfully it REALLY DOES stay true to the lemmings format of actually using the lemming's classes to get through obstacles, and not like how they did in Kami Crazy. I played the lite version, wasn't impressed. It seemed like it could be a potentially fun game, but its not exactly what I am looking for. I will be keeping an eye out for this though. Thanks for the heads up on it!
I posted a comment on the "Dodos" lemmings clone upcoming game developer. (Did that just make sense?!?) Anyways, hopefully they respond.
I too have lemmings homebrew on my DS and that was the first time I had run across it and it is wuite interesting. I guess I had actually played a lemmings take off when I play that mini marios vs donkey kong DS game but I am not counting that. I think a lemmings port on iPhone is a great idea, hopefully someone picks it up.
There's a pretty obscure game called Lemure which came out last year for the Mac; not sure how old the Windows version is. It's basically Lemmings, with lemurs. I got it last week. The levels generally aren't as clever and devious as those in Lemmings, but it's reasonably well done and entertaining, especially if you haven't played Lemmings in ages (like me). Maybe they'd port it.... --Eric
Have you seen Miner Brigade Lite? http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=310121639&mt=8
We developed Lemmings for PSone but I too think that Sony are very unlikely to release it for iPhone. They did release it for Mobile phones a few years ago but they probably see iPhone as directly competitive with their PSP so I doubt they'd bring it out for iPhone. Simple puzzle games seem to sell better on iPhone that more complicated ones and Lemmings does get quite tricky to play - exact timing and placement is required along the way. So, many even the great Lemmings wouldn't sell well in the App Store. It's still one of my favorite games as a player! Nigel