I was deliberating on buying a few titles with recent price drop, this turn up and everything else got forgotten! Playing on the iPad, very crisp visuals, very smooth frame rate, responsive controls... Although I would prefer a system a little (or a lot) like SpirIt HD whereby it does not matter where you position your movement point on the screen, it controls the cell. It seems you always have to keep your control very nearly the cell onscreen, but this is a minor issue. Played the first three levels and loving it so far. Will write up more details in the morning, when I am not so tired! it's 2am here
Ok, here's my gameplay video (watch it in 1080p for best quality). Sorry about the slight lag, it was due to my screen recorder, the game itself runs fine. And also there's no in game sound so I replaced it with music. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Thanks for posting the gameplay vid. Useful, man. BTW, who is on the soundtrack you used and what is the name of the song?
The song is called "Return of the Starlight" by Woolfy vs. Projections (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lRjw21nbyI)
Thanks for the vid, most useful. How long is the game? (I mean play time) I am thinking buying this instead of Chaos Ring...
Hard to tell how long it is at the moment. There 35 levels and the levels I've played so far have been about 2-3 minutes long. So probably about 1.5 hours. Sorry, I worded that wrong. The app I used to record that footage doesn't record any sound so when I edited it, I added my own music. The actual game has both sound effects and in-game music. Nice ambient electronic music. It fits the game perfectly.
He means his video recorder didn't capture the sound, so he just stuck a song overtop of it so it wasn't dead silence.
Price complaint Well, I'm not usually one to complain about app pricing, but I was really hoping this would be more expensive. C'mon, it looks like Shadow Complex and plays like Spider meets Soul? By a developer who got thoroughly jacked, even though they released one of the best games on the platform? Then, just to rub salt in the wound, after they get EDGE back on the app store, they have the gall to support it with retina display support and make it universal so we could all enjoy it again on our shiny new iPhones and iPads? Please, I was hoping for at least $7.99, but preferably $9.99. Ah well, guess I'll just wait for the inevitable price increase, which you know will happen, just so they can stick it to the early adopters who were unfortunate enough to have paid less. So typical. Sorry, I hate lashing out like this, but it needed to be said. /off soapbox
Had a couple of crashes on my ipod touch 4g. If I exit in the middle of the game, when I go back the game crashes and I have to start that level from the beginning. Can anyone else confirm this?
"What's his sarcasm level?" "OVER 9000!" Seriously though, I applaud you for the well thought out post.
The game runs fine on my iPhone 4. Try rebooting and clearing the multitasking bar if you haven't already done so.
I haven't played it yet (half an hour to go before it arrives in the EST zone) but this site needs a +1 or "like" button or some damn thing.
Great little preview http://www.touchgen.net/perfect-cell-preview Looks like you can actually play through the whole game without killing at all. That might be a bit too stealth-y for me but it sounds like a pretty cool concept. Can't wait to hear some more impressions!
Looks like a gory version of Shadow Complex (a game I love), but with all the big releases lately, not sure if I can part with another $6. Will wait for more impressions.