Hahahahaha! Oh my, crex is bragging again... as if his signature wasn't enough. But yeah, da shiz wiz nailed it again. Good you and shiz are still here. Well, at least we have a new attention whore on TA. "Hi, I am crex, I made it on the front page - and you not. Neener, neener! Oh, btw., I am the ImNoSuperMan of this and that and everything here! There's no topic where I can't participate and I befriend nearly everyone." *evil laughter*
Haha, I'm looking forward to a reply to that. Funnily enough I was just looking at this: http://boardreader.com/fp/TouchArcade_Forums_iPod_and_iP_962642/Lounge_2127533.html http://boardreader.com/fp/TouchArcade_Forums_iPod_and_iP_962642/iPhone_and_iPod_Touch_Games_2128813.html http://boardreader.com/fp/TouchArcade_Forums_iPod_and_iP_962642/General_Game_Discussion_and_Questions_19355309.html ...and since the topic is on self-promotion, I noticed I got a mention on here: http://www.superbrothers.ca/teletex010.html
Yay I made the top Lounge Poster! Do I get an award?! hahaahahaha By the way, wtf was that last link you posted? rofl insane.
Booch you lounge lizard whore you... Actually I'm shocked and disappointed I made the list too! I have no life, I guess I should get another job.. Nahhhh...
Lounge Lizard rofl thats me! I just didn't think I posted that much over everyone else. LOL. Yeah I need a new job too... the one I am at now allows me to surf TA and play with my iPod once in a while... but damn does it pay shit. LOL Oh well. Bout to lose it anyways, my position is getting cut thanks to the wonderful budget cuts from the government and I am about to land another job, that pays significantly more. However, my TA posting will decrease by at least a good 50%. And my times I post will change from Arizona mornings to Arizona nights. LOL