your wrong.....i have the 360 version and there is background music. i think it's a bug, because when you go to the Options section in game and there is a slider for Music Volume. i hope they fix with an update, cuz the background music is a nice addition to the game.
Yeah there is definitely background music in the PC version too. Its one of those games where you hardly know its there, but then after playing it for a while you can't get the Peggle tunes out of your head! I noticed the Music Volume bar as well. Must just be a bug. Popcap will definitely fix it, I'm sure.
There's always a chance for a price drop. To be honest I thought it'd cost more due its popularity. The current price is indeed a steal for this kind of production.
It just came out. :/ And if this app follows bookworm's footsteps, you won't see a sale anytime soon.
pop cap doesn't drop prices, atleast not for awhile. look back at bejeweled and now bookworm. bejeweled down to 2.99 and bookworm still sitting at 4.99. i doubt you see any more than a 3.99 sale within 6 months.
The game just came out and you already want a sale? And the game, which is a 100% port of Peggle is only $4.99. Out of all the systems it's been sold (PC/Mac/DS/360), this is the cheapest the game has ever been. It's honestly a steal as it is.
As the "unofficial" cheapest guy on TA, I do not look for a drop any soon, other that the practices of PopCan (Bookworm is still on my snipe list), I am actually sold after the video and reading this thread. May be it worths better than CJS and Siberian Strike combined (sorry can't help)...
I love the game very much but it is lacking the atmosphere of the originals without the music. I hope they add it in eventually.