Even the simplest games can be so much addicting. Look at Bejeweled: all it is is swapping gems to match. And try out the PC version: http://www.popcap.com/games/free/peggle/?icid=peggle_HP_OL_1_8_19_08_en
I'm on the rabbit, so far it's pretty much perfect. There is a slight lag or slowdown that's a little out of place on the last peg (slightly diff then the Pc). But other then that I couldn't recommend it enough!
Try the demo, there are a lot of little things that happen, like the extra ball bucket, abilities, etc... As for me, already hooked to the demo, and am now off to buy this game!
It seems that way because the game is good in the first place and it got ported to the iDevice and it's pretty much the same game....
Anyone still having trouble with the backround music? I've tried the headphones, restarting my iPod, and re-installing the game. Nothing works.
Reading is for suckers that's why I make threads without searching if there is any threads like it cause when I say it, it matters haha
So what's the final verdict on the sound? Is it a bug, on purpose, or can it be changed to listen to the background music?
Yeah, after a bit more play, I noticed it too. Not a big deal, though. With a gorgeous game like this, running so perfectly well in game, I can give some lee-way on this. If they release an update that fixes it, I'll be damn happy though.
Well he has experience or he wouldn't have become a mod. It's also because of the other commenters who finally convinced me. And because gameplay videos looked pretty fun. We'll see. EDIT: Sigh, 7 bucks left in account. Hope that's enough for Zenonia!
wow the graphics are really.. bad... like rasta monkey but not AS bad iirc everything else is great though, woot
What in the world do you mean? That's outrageous! These graphics are as gorgeous as ever, especially running on an iPhone. Give the devs some freaking credit. Holy Cow!
Man...that sucks. I hope they consider an update to add music . They did with Bejeweled 2...well, adding more music, but still. File size shouldn't be a problem. Only 10 MB surprised me.
Well I have Peggle & Peggle Nights on 360 and Mac. There graphics could be better. You can even see where some the background images have compressed poorly. Great game though and I'm going to love playing Peggle when out and about. It's the best, most addictive game I have played over the last year.