Try looking at the general crash/low memory logs and see if Peggle is at the top of the stack. I relied a lot on MemoryInfo to squeeze as much free memory I could out of my 2nd Gen iPod Touch after putting iOS4 on.
It occurs during the loading screen, when the bar is slowing being filled up with occasional humorous texts below it. Sorry to say that my sync cord isn't with me right now, so I'll have to try getting some crash logs to you tomorrow.
Just got my sync cord back today and I synced it. No crash logs showed up. However, the game seems to have started working again. Weird.
Well I'm glad to hear that you're not experiencing the crashes anymore. The lack of crash logs is interesting. Enjoy the new content.
does peggle nights have different charcters too? and do you need to finish peggle original before you can start nights?
yes, it has an extra character (it's a secret; google it if you want to know who ) no, peggle nights is available to play straight from purchase
I see it's 2.99 again but how did we miss it? It said it was the 19 and 20 and it's only the 19 right now..
The IAP is NOT on sale for the tsunami sale. The Thread title is talking about the sale that took place when the Nights expansion was originally released. I've changed the title to remove the old pricing
And still no HD version for the iPad, preferably universal since otherwise the DLC would have be paid for AGAIN. Sigh. It plays OK at 2x, but I want it iPad native.
The IAP could not be bought or restored. It says I have no Internet connection. But I do!!! I have iOS 5 beta 1. Bug of Peggle or iOS 5?