I just realized that. It would have been a nice little treat to get it for free, but it is totally worth it. I would still rather have a paid IAP and get 60 more levels then to have a free upgrade to the graphics.
Yes. I wish there was a retina update, but alas; 'twas not to be. I personally prefer this over retina, though. Retina would motivate me to play a level or two. Peggle Nights will give me a whole new game. xD I wish they'd update w/ retina, though, seeing as I'm getting my new iPod Touch 4G in a day or two. UPDATE: It also appears as if they've redone some of the graphics. They look slightly cleaner now, I think. The thinned text takes a little getting used to, though...
Holy cow, that was a big surprise. Very happy about this. Was just wondering a day or so ago if they would ever consider releasing it as a seperate game. I'd much rather have it this way; one app, two games. Definitely will buy the DLC. Now just for Retina and Game Center and then it'd be perfect! Really hope they do the same for Bejewled 2 and Plants Vs. Zombies. These games are just dying for Game Center achievements. Please PopCap? Please!!!! EDIT: New icon is.... new. It's Pinkish-Violet with the Ball and P on it. Seems terrible at first but I actually kinda like it a bit already. No doubt a lot will dislike it just like when they changed the PvZ icon.
Darn, it's iAP? D: I already racked up the full price...if I bought it on sale, I would JUMP for it, but now I'm not sure...
Looks like they improved the graphics - actually looks half-decent on my iPad. Still...would love an iPad-native version. I'm somewhat surprised that they haven't released one yet; and this is one game I'd actually consider purchasing twice.
Game is crashing on startup (popcap logo screen) after installing the latest update (night). I have iphone 2g 3.1.2 jb.
Yep, i've got touch 3G and no JB and game crash at same moment. I was tryin delete game from ipod and reinstall from itunes - it crash again. Hope to not to wait so long for this bug fix.
Seems a pretty cool update, especially as they're not taking up another app space for it. It's only a shame it doesn't launch now, which makes it hard to even get to the IAP .
The only problems I'm getting are longer load times for the original screen...which is a small price to pay for Nights!