So I can confirm that if you have a jailbroken iPhone, then you can play this game on that. Text is small even on 6+ but that's nothing new with these kinds of games. I can't seem to be able to buy gold in order to buy expansions though. But I think that could be an IOS 8.1.2 thing because I've had this before (sentinels of the multiverse had the problem). Will be trying to buy gold on my iPad and hopefully it syncs across. Otherwise I get notification that I logged in ok in gamecenter but as mentioned I am back on IOS 8.1.2
I've completed the first scenario (Brigandoom) and I'm on the inventory management screen. I've adjusted both my characters to the correct deck composition but I can't move on because my Available cards are wrong. I don't see any way to put those cards "back in the box" or trash them or whatever. Any ideas?
I agree, the gameplay is not very intuitive, and terms used for card actions, confusing: "Recharging" is really shuffling a card back into your deck. "Revealing" cards adds extra dice and sometimes bonuses, but so can "Discarding" a card, but not always. I'm sure there is rhyme and reason to it all, but to the uninitiated, that logic isn't very clear. Never played the actual card game before so didn't know what to expect. Unless I'm missing something, the game is a repetitive cycle of discarding and reshuffling gear/skill cards in attempt to maximize the number dice rolled against a series of skill checks (cards) that define each stage of a scenario, and doing so before you run out of cards/turns. While the challenge is managing your cards to gain bonuses, success is ultimately dictated by die rolls, so even the most skilled play can succumb to bad rolls. I don't want to scare anyone off with that simplification and perhaps I'm just not getting the hook, it's just not for me.
It takes a little time to wrap your head around, but discarding is basically injuring yourself a little each time where recharging a card doesn't (because it is still in your deck). Healing puts cards from the discard back into your deck, but can't if the card has been buried or banished. If you run out of cards in your deck, you can die.
I tried it on my daughter's iPad Mini (1st gen) and it occasionally crashes. It runs, and it looks great, just random crashes. Luckily you can continue where you left off. I can't imagine this on a smaller screen, though. The Mini is really as small as you could go to viably play this.
Thanks. I enjoy this so far. But not quite sure how the various IAPs work, would like to wait for reviews before decide.