Universal Pascal's Wager (by TipWorks & Giant Network)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jan 15, 2020.

  1. Lyhh

    Lyhh Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    What achievement are you missing?
  2. Lyhh

    Lyhh Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    oh there is another thing I haven’t tried or found out if there is anything special about it as well.
    You know when you are about to enter the karst cave, you meet that vampire looking guy again who asked you for a favor, but he never really say what the favor was. Did you manage to find out anything about him? I only just came up with the though of going back to him after defeating Teresa with the bracelet you found at the Colossi Grave to see if it gives you anything but I only have one slot left to keep my first run save point just before fighting Teresa so I can’t try it until I have completed my second run. Did you managed to find anything special with him?
  3. chillywilly

    chillywilly Member

    Feb 8, 2020
    I need to get all tales and formulas for all achievements. Not the hardest ones actually.
    Yes, I tried multiple times in two runs. Most likely this is to do with DLC or NG+, because in early game trailers they showed him and Teresa as playable characters. Same about items you get when finish contracts, will probably use it in next updates. Sadly next update delayed to 28th February related to coronavirus situation in China. There might be a chance that if you don't finish headless knight quest and bring a bracelet from that woman to him, something will happen, but realistically speaking, if you kill Teresa, the game is over in terms of story and you continue the game after only for gameplay purporses, no way it will force you to go back and create some new story out it, so I didn't even try.
  4. Clayborne

    Clayborne Member

    Feb 11, 2020
    Im trying to get the two formulas from benitas blessing. I read the stuff about it on the previous page, but I’ve blessed successfully over a hundred elixirs and gotten nothing. Is that normal? I haven’t gotten the formula from the candle guy. I just beat the boss of the last stage but didn’t go through the portal. I got all 3 argils for Benita. Now I’m back in the carriage tryna roll the formulas
  5. Lyhh

    Lyhh Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    #185 Lyhh, Feb 11, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2020
    Somehow I don’t think the white hair lady in the grave is Jeny (the headless knight’s bride). The story kinda suggest it’s more like Viola’s mother, both Viola and that white hair lady give a bracelet saying it’s something special to them, both had white hair, and I’m not sure what it is but it gives me that feeling. Or otherwise it’s someone related to the vampire looking dude, maybe also someone from the east. She was talking in riddles so I can’t make much out of it. I did try to go back to talk to Viola after defeating Teresa but nothing new came up. Only just thought about the vampire looking dude who was still waiting for me at the bottom of Katib.

    I’m hoping that guy is the next playable character though, he looks fun. Or at least he is contaminated by sendril, let me fight him :). Can’t imagine Teresa being a playable character though, after fighting her in the last battle can’t imagine what her standard attack moves will be if she becomes playable.
  6. Lyhh

    Lyhh Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    Did you ever managed to get any formulas out from Benita’s blessing? My thought is there can only be 2 formulas that comes out of blessing And it doesn’t matter which two came out (whether the right formulas or the bugged formulas). If you have already gotten 2, then you may not get another one through blessing no matter how many times you try. That’s my theory at least because that’s where I think I got bugged. But if you haven’t gotten anything from Benita yet then bless away, they should come. Formula dropping chance is random, but the item itself needs to be successful so upgrade Benita’s talent on blessing first. But strongly suggest you do the candle guy first, in my run blessing does drop the anti-sendril elixir, but that was supposed to be given by the candle guy so don’t get it bugged like I did, unless you are adventurous and want to see what the candle guy gives you after you bless that one out of Benita. I didn’t make that attempt.
  7. Clayborne

    Clayborne Member

    Feb 11, 2020
  8. Clayborne

    Clayborne Member

    Feb 11, 2020
    Er meant to quote you Lyhh lol. Anyway, I took your advice and did candle guy first. Thanks! Trying Benita now, but which formula does she give? Just need to check to make sure I don’t already have one or something.
  9. Clayborne

    Clayborne Member

    Feb 11, 2020
    Alright I’m pretty sure I’m bugged too. I just blessed somewhere between 150 and 200 more elixirs and nothing.
  10. Lyhh

    Lyhh Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    I think she is supposed to give the formula for the elixir of epiphany and the formula for the petrification powder.
  11. Lyhh

    Lyhh Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    #191 Lyhh, Feb 11, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2020
    Seems like we are all having trouble with this achievement so I’ll do a detailed write up about this one on what I found (I haven’t obtained that achievement myself, these are all from other researches. I’m missing the elixir of epiphany).
    Recovery Formulas:
    Elixir of Recovery - Third Argil with Benita
    Elixir of Stamina - Purchasable
    Elixir of Health - Story given
    Elixir of Energy - Second Argil with Benita
    Elixir of Hallucination - Return to Adamina after defeating the Holy Father and defeat the potion making witch
    Elixir of Sanity - Story given

    Enhancement Formulas:
    Potion of Wealth - First Argil with Benita
    Elixir of Epiphany - Appear at random chance upon successful blessing (may need to bless some advance items, I’m not sure if it makes any difference). Try not to bless this formula until you have given all 3 Argils to Benita and obtained the anti-sendril elixir, if you do there may be a bug and she may instead give you another formula that is obtainable by other means
    [Update: credits to Clayborne - try blessing the elixir of epiphany to get the formula for it]

    Petrification Powder - Same as the Elixir of Epiphany [likewise, try blessing the petrification powder to get the formula for it - credits to Clayborne]
    Brute Force - Purchasable
    Powder of Defense - Purchasable
    Anti-Sendril Elixir - Buy the candle for the candle man in Edith, go do the holy sword side quest in Blessedland, and bring back the blood sealed letter to the candle man
    Elixir of Inertia - Purchasable
    Dimming Elixir - Purchasable
    Antitoxic Potion - Purchasable

    Battle Formulas:
    Fireworks Barrel - Purchasable
    Blinding Smoke - Purchasable
    Stub Crystal - Purchasable
    Poison Awl - Purchasable
    Wildfire - Purchasable
  12. Clayborne

    Clayborne Member

    Feb 11, 2020
    I think I figured it out
    the formulas for epiphany and petrification only drop from blessings on those same potions. I blessed the elixirs of epiphany and petrification powder that id found in chests (and saved so that I had 10 or 8 of each) and the formulas for each dropped almost immediately. Only had to reload maybe twice. I’d been only blessing the cheap ones, to save bones. That’s why I wasn’t getting them even after 300ish rolls.
  13. Lyhh

    Lyhh Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    I don’t think it’s necessary that they are of the same type, but I think it may be that it needs to be an advance potion. I did manage to get a formula while blessing for another (I think I was blessing an elixir of epiphany and got the formula for petrification powder), but I think it’s true that you need to bless an advance elixir in order to get a formula.
  14. Lyhh

    Lyhh Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    #194 Lyhh, Feb 11, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2020
    But I’ve been blessing for the final formula tons of time with an advance potion but still nothing.

    Update: I think you may be right, I tried blessing the elixir of epiphany and just now got my final formula. Maybe I did bless the advance potions tons of times but only blessed the elixir of epiphany a number of times (as there is a limit as to how many you can bless). Hurray. I’ll update my write up up there. Who knows, maybe all other formulas can also be blessed, that way you don’t have to waste your bones to buy them from sifters. Worth finding out.
  15. italodance

    italodance Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    #195 italodance, Feb 24, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2020
    After defeating the final boss I forgot to check on the mysterious woman in glossal grave, now the grave is closed and she gave me a necklace to give it to someone and now what?!
  16. Lyhh

    Lyhh Well-Known Member

    May 30, 2017
    I think it’s a bracelet, and I think that’s it for now, maybe it’s something for the next dlc or something but I haven’t found any use for the bracelet yet. Plus you’ve defeated the final boss so I am guessing that the main story has officially ended, it’s just an opened world for more farming I guess. Personal opinion. If you found any use for it please let me know. I haven’t tried talking to the guy at the bottom of the sacred tower in katib after defeating the final boss though, we have discussed this in previous threads but haven’t reached any conclusion.
  17. agreen437

    agreen437 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
    Update incoming this week including a casual mode to make the game easier t play for someone with a disability like me I think it’s really cool devs are thinking of all players
    stubbieoz likes this.
  18. italodance

    italodance Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    Nah doesn’t work with him, I still have Frollo alive and it doesn’t work on him either.
    Tried the child in the cage, Nope.

    no one else left? Right?!
  19. yury1975

    yury1975 Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2014
    Moscow, Russia
    #199 yury1975, Feb 27, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2020
    How to get reward for/from Heggies? I fed hem with all items but without any result.
  20. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    @yury1975 each heggie requires different food. Watch the animation. If it’s happy, it jumps and rolls over, rubs its belly. If you see this kind of animation, give it more of the same food. It usually takes three pieces to satisfy them. After the third one they dig in the ground and give you your reward in form of a crystal. If you give them wrong food twice in a row, they might get annoyed and disappear. So you need to come back to them later.
    yury1975 likes this.

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