iPhone Panzer Corps (By Slitherine)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Aventador

    Aventador Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2013
    #81 Aventador, Dec 18, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
    Your logic fails from start as many, if not most people get iDevices as gift and with that said most demographic for them is younger people who usually don't have any income apart from what they get from their parents.
    Problem is that this game is niche genre, it appeals to people who already know what they're getting with it and many of potential buyers grew up playing this kind of games.
    New players to this genre and those who like AAA mobile games will see certain attraction to this game, be it because it's premium priced or because of many positive reviews,so you have to expect all kind of comments, this is forum afterall, not a filtered one- way discussion.

    I'm personally still on the fence , but leaning more to option of buying it because of all positive reviews so far.
  2. CoreyB

    CoreyB Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2011
    Aircraft Mechanic
    Chicago, IL
    #82 CoreyB, Dec 18, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
    Slitherine does have strong data to continue pricing games this way. Battle academy on ipad out sold pc something like 5 to 1. Your assumption that if the game was 99 cents they would make more money which in theory sounds right but is not the case. I don't know of anyone who likes the type of games slitherine makes, and l mean really likes quality, deep war games, is complaining about their price model. The type of people who will only spend 99 cents on the game are going to be the first to post 1 star reviews for bogus issues. To assume that for every 5 people who would buy the game at the current price 100 others who would only spend 99cents, would also buy the game. I'm not insulting anyone here several of my friends won't even spend 99 cents on a game. Slitherine is going to make a ton money on this game which is fine with me, I'm hoping they continue to bring other games from their catalogue to ipad.
  3. Farmer Harv

    Farmer Harv Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2009
    I see Panzer Corps is already #54 in the Canuckian App Store top grossing chart at the moment. Congrats Slitherine, it looks like you might know what you're doing after all! :)
  4. sabre31

    sabre31 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2012
    I agree with your points. This is not a game for everybody and it is for people that know about these type of games wether they grew up playing or turned to them later in life. On the other hand (and I could be wrong) Slitherine is the only company I know that brings full AAA featured games on the iPad. This is something to realize and be said. Most companies bring a "mobile version" of AAA game that is limited and either dumbed down or cut down so they can afford to offer it for cheaper prices.

    Let's assume the ipad can handle it and EA brought full BF4 or Madden or Activision brought the full game of COD to the iPad do you think they would charge 7.99 or whatever the standard app store prices are? They would charge the full premium price of $59.99. At least Slitherine is offering a cheaper price of $19.99 versus $29.99 on PC for the full game on iPad.

    Folks need to understand this is a full blow game and not some cut-down mobile version.

    Peace to all and Merry Christmas.
  5. Tucker

    Tucker Active Member

    Nov 14, 2009
    remember the true full version is 80bucks on Ipad. If you are on the fence there is a free panzer general game you can try out, and probably dozens of reviews of panzer corps PC available online.
  6. Farmer Harv

    Farmer Harv Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2009
    Not quite. The as released "full version" of the Panzer Corps game is 20 bucks.

    However, another full game (Afrika Korps) is available for an additional 15. And yet another complete game (Allied Corps) is 15 also. And a whole slew of Grand Campaign expansions are 5 bucks each.

    Or, you can optionally buy everything else at once for the complete gotta have everything experience in one shot for $60, bringing the total to 80. Which is not the same thing as saying "true full version is 80bucks".

    And as an aside, currently the same package on PC will set you back $117 if I did the math right.

  7. gmattergames

    gmattergames Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2013
    Ahhh, would "Brand enthusiast" be a more acceptable term, or how about just simply "fan"?
  8. Krebmart

    Krebmart Member

    Jun 11, 2012
    Well I'm hooked! I thought for sure XCOM (another $20 game) was going to cruise to the title of "Krebmart's Choice for 2013" but this late entry is making it a race.

    I only have two complaints: (1) the music is awful, and there is no option to turn it off; and (2) no campaigns for the Red Army.

    Seriously, at least add a music toggle. Better yet, add an option to play music from my music library. And please give me a legion of T-34s to run over those Nazi scum! We will win it for Mother Russia!
  9. thematrixx

    thematrixx Active Member

    Feb 12, 2013
    Bad enough I had to have "Carriers at War" then "Command-Modern Air Naval", AGEOD Civil War then Civil War 2, (all for PC) but when I think I will settle down to a nice quiet evening of their latest release "Pandora".... Damn you Slitherine! (A teaser comes up to remind me that Panzer Corps has just been released on ipad...so instead of Pandora I must fire up my ipad and instabuy this one too! Will I ever catch up?
  10. MrLogan

    MrLogan Member

    Jun 23, 2012
    If that's how you really feel, then this game is not for you and you were never one of its intended players.
  11. jForsythe

    jForsythe Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2013
    Omg I just checked on iTunes App Store everything is $64:99 ouch that is way to much for me they have the Allied Corps Expansion for $15:99 that's all they have listed on the IAP part in the App Store page.
  12. Parkingtigers

    Parkingtigers Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2010
    Bought this minute one, and zero regrets. It runs beautifully on iPad mini, and when I get some spare spending money I will be spending $60 on the mega expansion pack. Yes, it is worth the money if you are in the target audience. You get a full featured mobile port of a popular and successful PC game with the 30% discount on the price.

    Battle Academy was worth $20, and so is this. They complement each other well. Sometimes you want a 1:1 tank ratio, with every soldier and unit shown at a realistic scale. Other times you want to zoom out, put an entire city in a hex and work on the grand strategy of how to capture it. I like being an armchair Captain, but sometimes I want to be an armchair Field Marshall.

    The game has a history of excellent reviews on PC, there are tons of let's play videos on YouTube, the only concern this thread needs to have is the quality of the port. And the port is as close to flawless as you could hope.

    Fine job from Slitherine, which is why I continue to throw money at their games so I can get more games like this on iPad.
  13. djflippy

    djflippy Well-Known Member

    Mar 9, 2009
    For all intents and purposes, this is a bang-on perfect port of PanzerCorps on PC. If you want to read about what makes it good, feel free to seek out the reviews of the desktop version, because it is the same game.

    There is really nothing bad to say about this title. In fact, I actually like it better than the original, because the approachability, core gameplay, and presentation are such a good fit for the iPad and it's audience.

    The fact that all of the sequels and expansions are available from the outset is just icing on the flammenwerfer.

    Slitherine House wins.
  14. Lord Zimoa

    Lord Zimoa Member

    May 6, 2012
    Hi guys,

    Just so you know in the next update we add volume settings, some more polish, more languages support, etc... we wanted it to be all in, we just run out of time, but be sure we add it all asap.

    On your Soviet request, we announced a few weeks ago Soviet Corps the next standalone expansion for the Panzer Corps series coming in 2014, so you will be defending Mother Russia against he Evil Hun next year. ;-)


    Tim aka LZ
  15. CoreyB

    CoreyB Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2011
    Aircraft Mechanic
    Chicago, IL
    Any chance of getting full retina graphics on the UI? It looks a little burry, especially the small buttons. Either way, great job, can't wait until I get my iTunes card for Christmas so I can buy the mega pack.
  16. Slitherine Iain

    Slitherine Iain Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2011
    Is there anywhere specifically on the UI you think looks blurry? Because of the volume of content we had to use PVR compression wherever possible but in some places this does not look as good as it could so we have selectively turned it off for these places. The issue with increasing the resolution of any graphics is that this is a monster game that is pushing the envelop of the iPad's resources and anything extra could just tip it over the edge and make it unstable. Increasing the resolution of any image adds to the memory usage so we'd have to very careful with any changes.
  17. Slitherine Iain

    Slitherine Iain Well-Known Member

    Apr 10, 2011
    Forgot to say if you like the game please rate us. We are shooting up the rankings but everyone seems too busy playing to post ratings and reviews!
  18. Tucker

    Tucker Active Member

    Nov 14, 2009
    Can anyone give some idea as to battery drain (iPad3 here)?
  19. scarypharaoh

    scarypharaoh Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Medical Professional
    With Carmen Sandiego
    Is there a way to access the library whilst in a mission? Would like access to read up on the different units without having to save and exit the map.
  20. iPadisGreat

    iPadisGreat Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    I played it on my iOS 7.0.4 iPad 2 and Retina iPad Mini. Hardly any battery drain, compared to those games that drain a lot of battery.

    Pacific Corps?

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