I am playing on iPad Pro 10.5 and loving it so far. I hope there is a reward for getting all the pickups in an area. I think the first area has 22 and my best run is 13 so far. Also I wish it would track each vehicle and its best run in an area. After you unlock everything that would give you something to strive for.
Spoke to one of the Men via email. They are going to do something about the turbo button, maybe make it wider so it can be reached from either side. Also, the no bind for turbo on MFi is an oversight and will be fixed in the first update.
The game runs fine on my iPhone X and my iPad Pro 10.5. However the gameplay... very repetitive. I think I'm done with this after about 2 hours of play time. It could use some more depth and variety in its gameplay loop.
I am having so much fun with this game. Its so different from their first game. I was surprised when I first loaded it up. Billy
iPhone 6 Hesitate at first, then took the plunge as it says iPhone 6. Totally unplayable for me, jittery motions and struggles to run. Boots up fine, but when it starts - it is unplayable. Liked the original PAKO too! Anyone else run it fine on a 6?
I have it running on iPhone 6, the performance is alright and playable for me. It is unplayable when the low power mode is on. The game always crash for me on the 4th map when I completed about 7-8 jobs, the first 3 map is fine.
Hello, and big thanks for the support!!! There has been problems with iPhone 6 plus and regular iPhone 6 with ios11. First performance update which should help 6/6plus users is out now. Feedback is welcome! Update includes also iCloud integration. -TMG
Has anyone managed to get beyond the 15th job yet? By the time you get that far and there's enough police and choppers coming after you, your HP starts depleting so fast that it seems like there's no way to survive no matter which car you start with.
This game is great but why have many of the features from the pc version been excluded? Like perks and upgrades and maps? It would be awesome to have a sort of free roam mode, 3rd person view from first Pako and optional accelerator as well. (It would be fun to just drive and check out the detail of the maps without being killed by cops).
Cant believe I managed to finish Devils Plains. Ended up #6 in the world! The Wanderer is the best choice, if youre struggling.
Not sure if this a bug or intentional, but the Roadking car runs out of grenades and stops firing after a handful of deliveries.
flying car bug and sunny coast map Had this bug been fixed? Video is from the original release version. Anyone else ran into this? https://mobile.twitter.com/motska1/status/959908879202217984 ***Fixed with ver. 1.0.4*** I also miss the sunny coast level...is that map bigger and/or more complex then the rest? Anyone here who played the steam version of the game can maybe shed some light on why the devs chose to leave this level out.
heat I guess no has any thoughts about this game anymore. Anyway, Reckless Racing 3 is still installled in my old ipad mini (1) and I usually return to it every week for some racing. I would say that just judging from the looks reckless is probably making a device work harder but having been played both I have to say that pako 2 can easily bake my iphone se in 30 min game session while reckless only makes the ipad mini (or the aging iphone 4s) mildly warm after the same time of gaming. What is this low poly game doing that's taxing the iphone se harder than Real Racing 3? Any ideas?
Will the mobile version of this game have as many features as the PC version in the future? If more features are implemented, it will be a better game.
...well, this project seems to have lost momentum, no fixes or updates for over a month...no interest around here kinda sad
I doubt they've forgotten us, but the older PC version needs some love as well as maybe some new projects. I have faith they'll drop by with little updates and fixes once in a while.