Universal Paint it Back - Picross with a Purpose

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by CasualLabs, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    All I can say is that sometimes I just can't get going well on the section first presented to me - in that case I drop it and go to a different section first to get some ideas as to how the other section should look. Seems there are some puzzles that have easy parts and one really difficult part/area.

    Then again, if you've been completing them on normal, that might do the same thing.
  2. CasualLabs

    CasualLabs Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Game Developer
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Yah if you upgrade on the iPad 1, the white dotted line and the upgrade buttons will be gone and your completed levels will show.

    The iPod Touch iCloud not working - could be because of jailbreak, I guess. I don't really know much about jailbreaking.
  3. Dazzlemi

    Dazzlemi Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2010
    Thanks for the help - I purchased the full game (to support you, the developer), and am now able to play on both my ipad 1 and mini.
    Now if only I can figure out the ipod touch.
  4. bluewomble88

    bluewomble88 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2009
    Pretty decent game to be honest. However, there are 2 reasons why I won't yet be upgrading to the full version.....

    1. Value
    I don't think £1.99 represents good value. Why? Because Pixelogic HD is the same price and offers 1,400 puzzles with a new daily challenge each morning. By comparison, Paint it Back offers 140 paintings and the dev has already said he can't promise any future updates in this respect.

    2. Symmetry
    A LOT of the paintings have 2 or more sections which are simply mirror images of what you've already done which not only make them dull, the various sections are not strictly unique to each other.

    I will, however, keep an eye on the progress of this title.
  5. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    Modojo review.

    "Hands-down the best introduction to Picross puzzle solving you can get on the App Store right now, and even old hands should find something to entertain them. A superb puzzle game by anyone's standards."

  6. CasualLabs

    CasualLabs Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Game Developer
    St. Louis, Missouri
    1. Yah I don't know what's gonna happen yet with future puzzles. I'm not going to be cranking out 1400 puzzles, though. It takes me a bit of time to make just one.

    2. Symmetrical levels - there's some truly symmetrical levels in the game. A few of those were early on in the first and second room, where the game is still being taught to the player. Seemed appropriate to me there. Later in the game - Righty Tighty/Lefty Loosey, Infinite Roadtrip and Hazardous Love are truly symmetric, but I'm ok with that because the final paintings needed to be symmetric to look right. Usher at the Circus Wedding is nearly symmetric, so is Stallion Caught Wearing High Heels.

    So 8 or 9 paintings are symmetric or close to it, and 3 or 4 out of those are small training paintings.

    It's a judgment call - is 9 out of 140 paintings a lot?
  7. Breinstein

    Breinstein Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2012
    The Netherlands
    Well, maybe i am doing it wrongong but the actual picture is not that important to me, so most of the time I do not even notice symmetry . I just enjoy solving the puzzle and if that puzzle happens to be a picture is added value. But as I said maybe I am playing it the wrong way
  8. Buss1985

    Buss1985 Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2013
    CasualLabs, firstly congratulations on this game. First of its kind I've ever played and really enjoying it.

    Two questions though.

    1. How do you achieve the different types of medals (Tick, Droplet, X)

    2. What is a "Quick Fix" painting?
  9. Wow, didn't even realize it was free to try until it was winning the gotw. Gotta try it now.
  10. Rivalsan

    Rivalsan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 26, 2011
    Yes, I agree with the rest of you. Paint it Back is one of the most polished gaming experiences that I've had on iOS. Excellent job! The game is fantastic!

    Also, I went on your website and saw the following on the About page:

    "Casual Labs is a small game studio located in St. Louis on top of the arch, exactly in the middle.

    Edward Brown works at Casual Labs.

    When it’s time to go home, he slides down the arch."

    This made me laugh, because I live in West County :)
  11. CasualLabs

    CasualLabs Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Game Developer
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Hooray - Another Mid-Westerner!
  12. CasualLabs

    CasualLabs Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Game Developer
    St. Louis, Missouri

    (When you say medals, I'm thinking you're talking about the different purple ribbons.)

    1. Gotta play Mystery Masterpieces "for glory" to win purple ribbons.

    2. "Quick Fix" paintings are Mystery Masterpiece paintings that are smaller and easier than the ones "for glory." You can't win a purple ribbon playing a quick fix, but there are achievements they count towards.
  13. Buss1985

    Buss1985 Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2013
    Ah I see. Yeah, I did mean the ribbons. Thanks for letting me know
  14. mr_bez

    mr_bez Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    Finally beat all puzzles and earned all achievements. There are definitely no errors in any of the puzzles in answer to an early question in this thread.
  15. Andy C83

    Andy C83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2010
    Over the Rainbow
    Those both sound like nice ideas. I'm no artist but I would give it a go. :p
  16. slamraman

    slamraman Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Aug 27, 2011
    Now I really do feel silly. The only reason I didn't pick this up is because I saw it was free. Finally downloaded, played and bought the full package last night. Absolute peach. I'm hoping for John Squire's Full Fathom Five in a future painting pack.
  17. Rivalsan

    Rivalsan Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Feb 26, 2011
    I posted a five star review on the App Store earlier today, and I just sent text messages to six of my gaming buddies with a link to the game.

    In case anyone wants to send text messages to members of their crew about the game, feel free to cut and paste what I wrote:

    Have you ever heard of Picross? Is a fun and relaxing puzzle game that has you logically filling in boxes to make pictures. The best version of Picross that I've ever seen on the App Store was just released the other day. And it was made by a guy from St. Louis! Check it out for free:

  18. fathertaylor

    fathertaylor New Member

    Oct 13, 2013
    It's not because of of the jailbreak. I have a iPhone 4S not jail broken and can't access the upgrade from it. I've deleted the game and reinstalled but no change. I tried it on my iPad 2 and it worked no problems. Now when I try to restore purchases on my phone, it asks for the password, but then tells me something about not being a tester and needing to log in on sandbox mode. Very frustrating.
  19. CasualLabs

    CasualLabs Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    Game Developer
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Try turning off the iPhone by holding the power and the home buttons until it powers down. Then turn it on again and try the restore.
  20. jarboo

    jarboo Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2012
    Really good but a bit too easy

    Really nice and polished game.

    Lot of content for the price, lots of achievements to earn.

    But it's a bit too easy. If you're used to play this kind of games, it's really not difficult.

    For example, LambdaMu's Shady Puzzles is much more difficult, with a 3-level guess system which is really nice.
    But the game is 3 years old so no Retina support.

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