A couple things I noticed, which may have been deliberate design decisions, but I'll mention here on the off-chance that they're bugs: If an energizer is active, and you pass through a tunnel, Pac-Man can't eat ghosts during the brief invulnerability period after exiting the tunnel. It seems like the freeze powerup prevents Pinky from moving at all, rather than just slowing him down. Not that I have a problem with that, because Pinky is a son of a bitch.
Bought the infinite plays and the doubler. Not only the coins you get ingame are doubled, but the coins you receive by completing quests and by watching videos are also doubled. Kinda interesting that when you have the doubler you have more reasons to watch more videos. It's a win-win for developers. I'm not complaining as the game is awesome, only pointing out that.
Oh, I wasn't referring to the Carter article. I didn't even read it when I saw the overly obvious point he was making. Nor did I mean this to be in any way snide, rude, or ironic. I simply meant that I'm aware that people like me are seen as chronic complainers about F2P, and are in the minority in today's App Store.
Count me in on that minority. However. I have slightly evolved in the issue. I actually do not mind ads if: 1: the ads are not forced in anyway. I must be the one to decide to see them. 2: I get a reward for watching the ads. Such as coins or a necessary item I would want to make the game experience better. While I always prefer to purchase a game outright, as that's the best way for gaming, if ads are done as above, then good with it. What I never see people discuss is the fact that ads use YOUR data to generate continuous revenue for the games developer. Being on mobile means you are actually paying quite a bit to play a game to watch ads in. If you play that game a lot you will end up spending more money in data fees over time than you would if you had paid a few bucks to buy the game outright. My time and data are not free and when I see a dev with an overly aggressive ad network using my data for their revenue stream the game is removed and a low rating is given. THIS game has the best of both worlds. I immediately purchased the coin doubler and the unlimited continues. After playing for an hour or so, this game is definitely worth it. It's well made. It's controls are excellent. The graphics and sounds are crisp. The gameplay is actually really fun and has that "one more time, I can make it further" feel to it. Plus I grew up with Pac-Man and I absolutely love Crossy Road. Hipster whale makes great games. The entire 256-error board coming to get you aspect is absolutely awesome and it's not overly aggressive when you got Pinky on your ass and you need to go backwards lol. I hate pinky. Anyways. I think that while I would rather have seen a purely premium edition, they gave us the best of both worlds. You can truelly do whatever you want in terms of paying or f2p'ing. It's just really done well. To me this game captures the real spirit of Pac-Man. Thank you Hipster Whale and Namco! Billy
That article means that if you want premium games, you need to support the games that are premium on the App Store. You can't stop free-to-play, but you can help make premium games on mobile a workable niche market by buying a bunch of cool games and getting the word out about them. Don't just buy them when they're on sale, or demand that they be cheaper when they're already undervalued just for being on mobile. But really, you should buy Pac-Man CE DX because it's a good game. And you should buy the infinite credits in Pac-Man 256 because the game is fantastic. Support fantastic games.
When you run out of credits it will show up and ask if you'd like to buy 12 credits for $.99 or infinite credits for $7.99 I had the same question myself until I ran out hehe Billy
Ha. Everytime the game starts up, that little 'ding' sound right after you start to move your character for the first time - ALWAYS makes me think of Mindless Self Indulgence. I always expect to hear the rest of the little beepy synth line. I'd say the name of the track, but it's kind of offensive and I don't want to offend anyone. But track 8 on Frankenstein Girls... Anyway... I'm completely diggin this. I love the endless Pacman style gameplay. It's kinda crazy that this wasn't already a game... but there ya have it. It feels like a perfect fit for the iOS and the F2P aspects aren't a factor at all when it comes to the enjoyment of the game and progress. I dunno about ploppin down $5 for the IAP just yet, I'll have to see if it stays on my phone for more than a week, but the chances of that happening keep growing every time I open the app. The goals are great. I'm not usually one for goals, but right here, they're pretty much my personal driving force while playing. I don't care about my score ATM, or whatever else... just completing those goals... =oP My wife and I both kind of had a hard time in the beginning getting use to the look of all the items and how everything worked in the game, but after about 3-4 games we were both set. She seems to really like it as well - so it might just wind up in the VERY small rotation of games that we wind up playing together (she's more into the Facebook type games, the Family Guy city builder and word games...). =oD Anywho... definitely nice to see something like this in the store. And great to see it isn't driven by the usual F2P hangups.
You're right - somehow I miscounted. Still hate waiting for the title screen. Do people prefer playing portrait or landscape?
And actually, supporting this game is saying, "I agree with your overall model." The fact that both work simultaneously is brilliant, and I want more games with this type setup.