iPad Air or newer? Wow! I've played this on other platforms. The graphics aren't pushing the limits of PC or console. They just lost a sale. I would have bought this.
I'm pretty sure if they could make it work on older devices without a further loss in quality, they would.
Whoa, W.T.F!!??...Mind Blown!! I didn't see this coming. I always wanted to try this out on my Xbox One but I have a huge backlog and never really got around to clearing it out because I rarely play on my Xbox anymore. This is crazy. This price is crazy too. I never thought this would come out for iOS. This is sooo effin cool.)
Geez.. this has been the most expensive week on iOS gaming... what to do with growing backlog and amazing new games? Ugh... kingdom and ticket to earth as instant buys and now this... The madness of purchasing may need to stop and finding ways to actually play the backlog of games may need to begin??? This game looks great!
I'm in the same dilemma. There's just not enough time in the day and not enough space on my IPad.. 64gb just doesn't cut it anymore
Played about a half hour so far. Feels great on an iPad. Tap-to-move or drag your finger. Only thing that's weird is that when you choose a speech bubble, she moves to that spot. Seems like an oversight that might be fixed later? Loading times between scenes can take a while, too, but they don't seem *too* frequent. But I think that's the only time the game saves. Anyway, so glad I can play this on my iPad instead of my PC! Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
This is probably better played on iPad, huh? I tend to like to load things to my iPhone (always on me), but I think the visuals might be better on a bigger screen in this case. Gonna have to spring for this tonight -- been eyeballing it awhile on Steam / Playstation store.
Yeah when it comes to P&Cs I usually prefer to play on my iPad. I didn't even install this on my iPhone.
I won't partecipare in future conversation for spoiler fear as well, but the game it's GLORIOUS and the port is excellent. Played tucked in bed with headphones on iPad. Made it out from the caves. Got goosebumps. It's sooooooooo good. It's like being into Stranger Things for real. Awesome.
SO many good games lately, and SO little space left on my iPad Air, 128 gb. All the recent games seem so large in size as well. Decisions, decisions!