Lets Get Paid! Email me at [email protected] or 326 329 765 10k at the start of the game is what will give you the edge you need
Overlord I am an Overlord, code is 334 729 720, email [email protected] Nice spreadsheet, come look! http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pGJNYSaOIEWNOdpZ7Vn5nDA&hl=en add at http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?hl=en&formkey=cEdKTllTYU9JRVdOT2RwWjdWbjVuREE6MA..
Areopagus Overlord: 338454774 Just out of curiosity, am I expected to stay away from attacking other Overlords?? Ie: those that are NOT in my court?
Switched on over to Overlord, here's my code/email: Use the email if you want the $$ [email protected] 616 851 149
Overlord code Add 235-018-736 For 10,000 in gold use email [email protected] Mafia live code 171-936-028