Just got promoted to masters! Well... Repromted as I have been in masters twice now. One boot after the ladder reset and then demoted one game after the 2nd set of qualifiers. Had a bad day yesterday losing 3 out of 5 games, but went 8 - 0 in the last couple hours and promoted. Had 4 games on glitch too which is annoying. Hate both feedback stages. outwitters://viewgame?id=ag5vdXR3aXR0ZXJzZ2FtZXIQCxIIR2FtZVJvb20YjvJLDA Turn 13 I didn't know if going fog to fog ( had to tell since no fog in replay) but thiugh visable arra made your move visible. Answer is nope. Was in the perfect spot where he didn't see me move the runner. Was a great game lol still hate the stage.
Got promoted to Masters as well. Number three in the division. Games are probably going to get pretty tough from here on out which is cool. Hopefully I can work my way up some more. But I think I might be playing too much ;-D Might have to play this juice guy everyone is pumping up
Had some minor league tweaks effecting a small portion of players. But I just pushed an update to the server so that climbing between league tiers should be easier now, so if you feel you deserve a higher league tier, it shouldn't take as long to get back to where you think you should be if that's truly the case.
It's nice because there are so few units. You don't have to study an encyclopedia before you go into the game. In other words, you can focus more on tactics and allocating resources and less on, "I wonder what kind of gimmick they're going to try on me?" ... unless you're second player on Glitch.
Hey, guys, I was thinking about starting my way up the 2v2 League, but I wanted a dependable partner. If anyone here wants to try the 2v2 Leagues and is interested in a dedicated partner, hit me up! I respond to plays pretty quickly, I think, so that should help 2v2's flow a *little* better.
Just a heads up to certain players out there: (that, and I need to vent) I will NOT be pressured into taking a turn, or scheduling my play time to please you. I will take my turns when it suits me, as or when I am able to, and feel like it, within the rules of the game. If this happens to cause you undue stress due to perceived loss of maximum possible points, or prompts you to construct elaborate conspiracy theories with regard to my motives, please understand that that is your problem entirely, don't be obnoxious, and kindly spare us both another totally pointless discussion. Additionally, consider the possibility that asynchronous gaming might not be for you. (To be completely honest, I think I'm just starting to feel like not even playing this game any more due to the way some players behave. I don't game to feel stressed out.)
Hi Gabrien Was thinking of getting this game Don't think I'll bother now and save the hassle of others!!!! Thanks
It is a great game. There is no reason at all to not get it; I'm not sure if I've given you the wrong impression. Unless you meant that you don't like asynchronous games, or aren't very patient, in which case yes, this just woudn't be the game for you.
Yeah, for some reason, the app keeps crashing before I get a chance to log in through game center. Is this happening to anyone else?
Ok Gabrien I will get it I guess I give more weight to your comments and rightly so .... You know your stuff Just hope the game doesn't crash like what's being referred to just now Ok thanks
Yes, same here, and looks like the servers just might be down as it is crashing while trying to get the list of games.