Understood but it is not fully documented. To ensure it is a bug rather that some unforeseen circumstance, there should be a complete list of what was on the board for both sides. I'm not trying to give you a hard time. Maybe Meneisyss has a better idea of what could cause that to happen but I've had some strange stuff occur that I could not figure out until he prepped me. Re real bugs, full documentation can be instrumental with tracking down exactly why something happened that shouldn't have happened.
Actually, the bug was that when all slots were full you couldn't cast a card even if it didn't need a slot (i.e. instant with no ongoing board presence). This was a big complaint in O1 - why can't I cast a Quicksand (or similar effect) with all slots full. So, in fact, this version corrects that glaring bug. You are only prevented from casting critters that will take up a slot if all 5 slots are full but are still free to cast instant effects. This is as it should be.
Well, I thoroughly disagree. I love the campaign mode. My major problem with it is that they made the non-uniform deck option not affect the campaign! WTF??!?! That was the single best option in O1, and the reason I could replay the campaign so many times and enjoy it each time!
I'll try to reproduce it a 4th time, but screenshots are difficult since the animation is very fast. As soon as I cast the skill, everything immediately speeds through automatically without waiting for further input, and I'm left with the screenshot I provided that shows I have a +'ve lifepoints even though I lost. Losing while having any amount of life and cards remaining should not happen.
Seriously, Menneisyys, pipe down, will you? Some people may want to try the modes without such dismissive preconceptions. You don't like campaign mode. Cool. Let others decide for themselves, huh?
So apart from the multiplayer, is O2 markedly better than O1? Trying to decide which, if either, to get.
bought it before sleep last night, looks like there are quite a lot of bugs. Will stock it for now, will wait for the update then
Finally got the game to work, and having a blast online, only tried 3 times, took less than 30secs to match with anon. Still figuring out the new cards. I'll jump on the "campaign is useless" wagon. Duel is where it's at. This is the main reason to get O2! Haven't found any bugs yet. Fairy is stupidly overpowered. More blatantly so online. Won a game with just 3hp left against a fairy lover with some death card that switches their best card to your side (can't remember the name). So far, i'm loving it. Anyone can add me on GC by my username.
You may not need to. If your opponent had Astral Cloud in play, that could have cost you the game, since it requires 3 additional elements for you to cast your spell. If you did not /// could not pay, you lost 3 life and the game. What it showed after that for life was inconsequential.
Yeah, I gave it a try. Seemed good, although I was a bit lost. The thing is, I'm not sure I care too much about multi-player in this instance, so if one were to play the campaign only, would it be worth getting part 2 when part 1 is cheaper? Which has more cards and better campaign in your opinion?
There are quite a few spelling errors, too. You know, I wrote to Pavel several times offering to beta test / copy edit for free and I never got a response. Not to horn toot, but I'm a best-selling author who started out as an editor. Grammar is my bitch. A couple hours with a full manuscript would have been all it took. :/
It really annoys me when games have tons of spelling mistakes and grammar issues in them, it just shows lack of effort and dosent come across professional. If you were completing a document for work or at school you would make sure its fully spell checked before submitting. The same care should be taken here. While it might not be a huge game breaking thing but grammar in my oppinion really adds polish and finishing touches to a game.
They didn't have Astral Cloud in play. And like my description, it cast Steal Life, but instead of acting immediately, it ended my turn and the AI killed me by activating a Cast which deals 2 damage, finishing off my hitpoints. Once my life hit 0, I lost, and then the 2 were returned to me along with the +14 I should have gained in my turn before from Steal Life. Is there some sort of hidden rule that Steal Life happens a full turn after it's cast? It appears like there's something wrong with the stacking order of events: 1 - Steal Life should have given me 14 life points before the AI's turn, reducing him to 0 and raising me to 16. 2 - My spell didn't take effect as described, but instead part way through the opponents turn, after he used Cast, but before he summoned anything. 3 - Game should have ended the moment a player reaches 0, but instead my life points were rewarded afterwards, producing the loss with 16 points left, and the AI was left with 0.
Review Hi there! I've been enjoying O2 quite a lot this day (got the "8 hours played" achievement 12 hours after downloading). I managed to get my girlfriend mighty upset on me after ignoring her all day :-/. There are some slight problems, like the spell Peace doing nothing at all whenever I cast it or Solitude not working the few times I tried it (can someone confirm that this bug doesn't happen to me only?). Otherwise I'm really liking what I see, most of the new cards are really innovative and imaginative and the balance is pretty good (with a few slips). With a few bug fixes and balance patches, this will be the best strategy game the App Store has to offer, period. I just hope this game will not be as shamelessly ignored as it's predecessor.
I haven't had any time to spend with the game today but will later and I'll see if I can find another reason why that might have occurred. Maybe Mene can too.