iPad Orions 2 - (by Chillingo) +lite

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, May 18, 2011.

  1. mcarthon

    mcarthon Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2009
    mechana cards seem worthless but they are far from it.

    theres a hint for ascension that is.
  2. sanitymops

    sanitymops Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2011
    I just got this game - after finding Ascension and loving it I wanted to find all the good card games on ios. Looks like I am late to the party though... i can't get a match online no matter how long i wait.

    I am down for a duel if anyone is interested.

    GC: Sanitymops
  3. rekirtS

    rekirtS Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    You missed the prime of the game sorry ha but you can occassionally catch some of us vets still playing sometimes :D.
  4. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    That's pretty sad, really. Has it even been six weeks since the release date? And now the game is dead?

    Wow. How could that happen? There was a period here where this was probably the most-updated thread at TA.
  5. rekirtS

    rekirtS Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    I wouldn't say its dead persay I still come back and find a game once in a while but mostly the game was being played by hardcore Orions I fans didn't have as much appeal to newer players. If online mode ever got updated to be as smooth and Ascension this would be THE card game to own on the iPhone. Unfortunately online matchmaking is a mess and the dev is showing 0 support.

    And yes, it was updated quite frequently ha.
  6. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    I just remembered I could check the first post of this thread. Duh.

    May 18, then ... so, 53 days. Seven-and-a-half weeks.
  7. Camzy

    Camzy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Sucks this game has been slowed to a halt.

    I still love it, and in terms of raw excitement (in a balanced game), I think it beats out Ascension.

    A sad case of the game's nitpickety flaws and lack of support hurting what could be the best iPhone game on the app store.
  8. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    Yeah, meanwhile watch how they ramp up Kard Combat, which arrives US on Wednesday.

    And Pavel is missing the boat.

    Good grief.
  9. Espekayen

    Espekayen Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Hertfordshire, UK
    What a shame. O2 had huge potential to become a classic but history repeats itself; looks like we will not get any updates, just like Orions 1. Perhaps it is not entirely the fault of the developer, but they must accept some responsibility. I suspected all along that this would be the case. I was hoping to be proved wrong, but it looks like that won't happen. What a waste. If O3 ever sees the light of day (and I SERIOUSLY doubt it), I definitely won't be a customer.
  10. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    A lot of people here put way too much emphasis on the front page of TA.

    I'm not saying it's a bad thing to be featured (well, assuming the review is mostly positive, of course), but it certainly doesn't last forever. Those articles fall right off the bottom of the page pretty quickly, especially during busy periods.

    A TA article would definitely bring in some new players; I won't even argue the point (although not the flood of players that I've seen others mention). But here's the problem for O2: after that temporary rush, the game still has to stand on its own merits. So those new players would find a game that is practically unsupported, has a wonky multiplayer, a boring campaign, and a number of smaller issues. Not to mention a developer who gives off the biggest "don't give a s**t" vibe I've ever seen**. And most of those newcomers would inevitably drift away to other games.

    Or, in one sentence: a front-page appearance won't suddenly make O2 a better game.

    **Yes, he's Russian. We get that. Last I heard, though, they had the internet in Russia. If he wants to be a developer, he needs to put at least a minimal effort into communicating. It doesn't matter if he's a Kenyan with a French father and a mother from Venezuela; if he can't communicate, he needs to go do something else with his life.
  11. Espekayen

    Espekayen Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Hertfordshire, UK
    Correct. What will make O2 a better game is a developer who listens to customer feedback, who acts on that feedback, who communicates with those paying customers, who fixes the multitude of bugs, who releases updates and who actually gives a sh*t.

    Unfortunately, the developer is none of the above. If he had any intention of updating O2, then he would surely have at the very least posted some reassurances in this thread by now. This silent treatment speaks for itself and all the earlier promises of "the developer is actively following this thread and taking notes" is, I fear, complete and utter nonsense. He is obviously doing no such thing and we will never see an update to O2.

    And so history has repeated itself.
  12. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    Life bound rules.
  13. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    Of course, you are correct. And at this point, an update (ANYTHING!) is overdue.
  14. floyd

    floyd Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2009
    "Not to mention a developer who gives off the biggest "don't give a s**t" vibe I've ever seen**."

    Gotta agree. As a business owner and software developer myself, I have to say most internet businesses would kill for the kind of buzz generated by a forum thread like this one. And that is with essentially NO developer intervention at all! Just people discussing a game they clearly love.

    Yes, maybe a thread like this isn't a signal of financial success - but its certainly a good base to build on. Like, create a small update, run a sale. Not rocket science!

    O2 is a very good mobile game but it is indeed buggy and unbalanced (sorry beta testers, but that's my opinion). I've certainly already got my $3 worth of value out of it so I'm not sorry about my purchase but its a sad situation to see O2 decline so soon.
  15. mojoman0

    mojoman0 Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2009
    Just speculating here but with the way the release was handled and the while situation of having a publisher for no apparent reason that we can see, I'm under the impression that pavel gets paid by chillingo hourly or salary wise to work on new games. Therefore an update would require permission from chilling or come out of his free time and if sales don't matter on a personal financial level, there's not much motivation there. Purely speculative reasoning however and maybe none of our business
  16. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    It's crazy how much hype can want me to get in on a game, and how much hype I lose when wanting to get a game, and the developer has no intentions (seemingly) of fixing the bugs and balances existing in the game lol. I read the first few pages of this thread and though "2.99? Well the first one was awesome so the second one has to be awesome!" and I waited around until now when I can get it and I read the last few pages of the thread, and suddenly, I don't give a shit about it. Has nothing to do with the price, and some people seem to be enjoying the game which is great, but I'd rather wait for a game to become balanced and the bugs smashed before I enjoy the experience and whether or not the dev decides to do so, I will wait and see. I won't hold my breath though. I either get the game when it's worked out, or a won't. Plain and simple ^.^
  17. SupraKarma

    SupraKarma Active Member

    May 19, 2011
    Are we really comparing Ascension to Orions 2? Seriously? Ascension is boring, lifeless and drags forever.
    The only (and quite alarming) issue with Orions 2 is lack of support. It's miles away from any other ios card game.
  18. Quorlan

    Quorlan Well-Known Member

    Sep 5, 2009
    Game Designer
    Quite simply disagree with this. Ascension is a fun game, albeit very different from a more traditional type of trading card game (because Ascension is NOT a TCG). There are also other decent iOS card games. If you're into CCG's Shadow Era fits the bill nicely (WoW TCG clone basically). If you're into more tradtional card games with a 52 card deck one that stands out for me is Durak. There are also a slew of other TCG-like games that maybe aren't as good as those I've already mentioned but are also fun (at least for some people) on their own merits. A few of those include: Deckmake Fantasy, Wizards War, Heroe's Blade, Pagans TCG, Reise Battle for Eleysia, BattleSpell, Summoners, and a few others.
  19. rekirtS

    rekirtS Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    Disagree. Ascension is pretty fun.

    Orions 2 is great but its online just sucks. Invite play sucks, no async, lots of bugs, draft mode broken (and to fix it is literally the easiest thing in the world) the dev just does NOT support the game.
  20. TheDukester

    TheDukester Well-Known Member

    I have no idea what game you're talking about here, but it surely isn't Ascension.

    "Drags forever"? You realize that every game is essentially on a timer, right? That limited pool of Honor points? The one that ends the game when it gets to zero? How does that equate to "dragging"? Seriously, have you even played Ascension?

    Ascension is also balanced and has some depth. This stems from it having been massively playtested before it was released as a physical card game. Can Orions (either version) say the same thing? Given that balance issues seem to be the top complaint here, I'd say the answer is a resounding "no."

    Finally, let's compare bugs ... well, "compare" isn't the right word, since only of the two has them. I've yet to find a bug in Ascension or hear of one from another player. The only issues appear to be occasional problems with online connectivity, but those could easily come from each user's internet set-up; the servers themselves have worked flawlessly with the exception of a couple hours of downtime last week.

    In contrast, Orions (both versions) is full of bugs, and, given its invisible developer, the likelihood they will ever be addressed is somewhere between slim and none. And Slim just left town.

    Yeah, no kidding — are you really trying to be serious here?

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