iPad Orions 2 - (by Chillingo) +lite

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, May 18, 2011.

  1. mr.Ugly

    mr.Ugly Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Berlin, Germany
    That was an typo on my side .. agenda right.. my agenda is that the devs fix their product.. nothing more nothing less.. whats yours? Making excuses for them?
  2. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    Not at all. Just stating the obvious.

    In fact, I just emailed the developer this morning about a draft bug. So much for your wrong assumptions. [edit: Meneisyys can attest to this since he was copied to the email]
  3. mr.Ugly

    mr.Ugly Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Berlin, Germany
    Lol, why not? There is no reason why a bug need extended documentation.
    A doc makes it only easier to track down.. your phantom memory glitch excuses only shows how much you understand about it.. Its your general excuse for everything you dont understand..

    Yeah so everyone else posting bugs.. Err memory hickups is wrong, because if you cant write a novel about it it does not exist and therefore can never ever be fixed.. I feel like talking to a child who stomps on the floor, stuborn and want to have his way..

    Every bug can be fixed, sometimes easy sometimes with alot of work, there is stuff hard and easy to track down.. you talking people down doest make it right, your statement is just false.

    The question is if the critic is valid or not, not if its harsh or sugar coated

    Lol what top100? i hope you dont speak about sub sub categories of the appstore..

    Of course i must be wrong, how ever can it be the fault of the code that an hermit attacks an skeleton with 5hp and he dies right a few rounds with nothing else active.. Of course my fault..as all the other bugs.. Ermm memory breakdances, no one can do anything about.. :)
  4. mr.Ugly

    mr.Ugly Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Berlin, Germany

    ? what has one thing todo with the other.. apparently your fully documented bugs are bugs.. and everything else you don't encounter does not exist and is an imaginary memory glitch.. which is like saying the world is flat because people could not imagine the world being a globe... and they need extensive proof for that.. you know.. the earth was a globe all along even before it was proofen to be so..

    the same is true about all bugs posted by players who possibly played thousands of games.. and encountered "memory glitches" here and there..

    well the devs could easily log everything that happens in their game.. for some reason they did not.. every hit cause by every entite, spell etc. could be dumped into a simple logfile.. so customer won't need to play beta testers and could just send them the logfile to the dev can check out how the game played out and what went wrong at what point..

  5. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    Wow, you are really, really good at making assumptions, aren't you?

    Could you please rephrase that?
  6. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    Given your passion for accuracy and perfection, you should really contact the developer and fully explain all of this.
  7. rekirtS

    rekirtS Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    The Hermit killing the Skelaton is actually not a bug, just an unwritten effect on the Hermits card-- automatically kills any creature lvl 3 or lower.
  8. Menneisyys

    Menneisyys Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2008
    regarding his unwillingness to enhance the app, Pavel could consider releasing the source code for iOS only, making it public domain, so that we could go on vastly enhancing it if, in the future, it would stop selling. (Retina, Universal support, redrawn images etc.) Based on some kind of "no money should be ever made of it by others and Pavel still has the rights to even stop PD work and regain ownership of the possibly improved code".

    As far as coding, OpenGL ES, GC etc. is concerned, I'd be really willing to help.
  9. rekirtS

    rekirtS Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    Dunno any of that stuff, but I could give me take on balance :D
  10. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Yes, Orions 1/2 has more untapped potential than damn near any iOS game I've ever played. What you mention above, as well as building an online community (with leaderboards, rankings, tournaments, communicative features, tournaments, card gathering and trading, etc)... it all could add up to one of the most extensive, tactical, thorough and deep strategic experiences for any mobile platform, easily challenging other excellent iOS CCGs such as Shadow Era and Urban Rivals.

    It's a shame it might never be more than just a way to play random card duels without any context or persistence...
  11. mr.Ugly

    mr.Ugly Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Berlin, Germany
    lol then its still a bug.. how is an unwritten feature of a card not a bug? either add the description or remove the feature.. i could care less about how they solve the bug but it still a bug.

    as for going open source.. i doubt the'll ever do that.. they still make money with it.. they don't bring in millions, but apparently they do not really care about that.. the contract with chillingo is probably good enough for them, so they can continue to work on other games, which they have prooven they are capable of doing.
    stuff like orions will probably always be the "cheap" winmo port :/ if the devs are not willing to push it to an appropiate level for a bigger audience.
  12. rekirtS

    rekirtS Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    Look I'm not saying it shouldn't be fixed, the description should absolutely be included in the card and should definitely be updated (where is the dev now... no talk of the update in weeks). But a bug is an unintentional effect by most definitions, while the Hermits ability to kill lvl 3's is intended and was just left off the card.
  13. rekirtS

    rekirtS Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2011
    It already not only challanges Shadow Era and Urban Rivals (actually never played UR), it surpasses them. More work put into this game would honestly make it a must have for anyone romotely interesting in card gaming. Too bad though. Still, O2 is AT LEAST on the same level of Shadow Era as is now.
  14. Camzy

    Camzy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Cool I didn't know about the unwritten ability of the Hermit.

    I always wondered why the Hermit would be able to kill something like a wall of fire in one turn. Now I know...
  15. mr.Ugly

    mr.Ugly Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2009
    Berlin, Germany
    a bug is a bug.. any error in a software may it be text, code, design , sound whatever is a bug.. one can hopp around definition all day long.. if something is perceived as faulty its a bug not matter what causes is..

    well that very faar from the truth.. you personally like it better.. that an valid point.. but SE is x-fold bigger than O2 will ever be due to several reason like actual dev support, multiplaform, extendable etc. numbers speak definatly against o2.. but then again i like the gameplay of orions more than SE.. but thats personal taste and does not reflect the poor execution orions is by todays standards.. and thats whats holding orions back to become as succesfull or surpass their competition..
  16. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    #1356 amn624, Jun 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2011
    Proof of Life (next act)

    Ok, just received reply from Pavel about the bug in draft, wherein you might have two identical Death creatures or be missing one, such as happened to Camzy. I was not entirely accurate yesterday, since this bug happened to me as well in a draft. I had said I encountered one bug in 100 duels, I guess it was two.

    Meneisyys can attest to the developer's response, since he was copied.

    In any event, Pavel asked if he could have a list of any other bugs noted in the "last 400 messages," since he has not had time to go through them.

    So, can we make this the action of the day? Please note all bugs recently seen and document as carefully as you can. I'll distill them and send to Pavel. Please be sure to title the post with "bug report" and check previous postings before posting your own to avoid duplication.
  17. Camzy

    Camzy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Bug Report

    Draft Mode:

    - Starting player (player getting first pick) starts the game a whole round of mana short. 19 elements as opposed to 25.

    - Following player (player getting second pick) sometimes does not receive the final death card, or receives a duplicate.
  18. Camzy

    Camzy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    Just lost to a scareling - solitude combo.

    It's a pretty devastating combo. It's tough to kill a scareling with early game units.
  19. amn624

    amn624 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    Nassau County, NY
    Important: does the mana short occur only after alternating picks or every time when you just pick first and then start the game as well? Thanks, Camzy.
  20. Camzy

    Camzy Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2009
    It's not a bug that occurs every game. It happens about half the time when I pick first, not alternating, I start the game with 19 mana.

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