Guild Names: Lazer Guided Taco SHARKSWITHLAZERSPEWPEW gnomestaycrunchyinmilk snakes on a planestrider Hangin wit my Gnomies OMG KITTENS MEW MEW MEW Sapped girls can't say no Gnomeland Security Razorfen Downs Syndrome I pissed in the moonwell Tony Extravadanza GIANT ENEMY CRAB Raiders of the Lost Orc Sectual Choclate Dingo Stole me Nublet IHAVECANDYGETINTHEVAN Dude Wheres My Mount! The horde who cried nerf OMG ITS RUSSEL CROWE Clan of Redundancy clan Naga Please! I Got a Horde On Pizzabell Tacohut PWNTATOES Vagitarians The ORLY Factor OH EM GEE RUN Me So Hordey NuKkAz wit ChRoMe WhEeLz Ill Tempered Seabass Gnomemercy The riders of Alba Thrallstars Spaceballs the Guild The Spears of Britney You No take Candle Operation Arathi Freedom Hardcore Pwnography Mavis Beacon Teaches PVP Jesus Ate My Doritos Ourserva Bin Laggin IfyoucanreadthisIjustgankedyou Naga Gave Me Harpies BeepBop Im a Robot Oprah Windfury Leetsauce In Your Mouth My Little Pwnies Noob Kids on The Block Two Dollar Hordes Totally Not Horde Spies Pretentious Latin Name Order of Fries Peon This Roflicer of teh lawl Your Moms an Epic Mount Right Clique Mushroom Vendor Bob Ross Painting Squad Losers in a basement Horde dOeuvres Member FDIC Huge PVPness Is A Chinese Gold Farmer Those in Bold are the best.
That doesn't even sound right, can anyone else verify this? Not that I don't believe you audioteknika, it just sounds...silly.
Universal? Did i read somewhere that this is going to be a Universal App?...that would be a first for gameloft...But it would make me happy...I can't wait to try this on my Ipad2!
I assume that your character/progress is stored on the server. Can I play from my iPhone and then log off and pick up where I left off with my iPad? Awesome that the game is Universal and if it plays the way I would expect it to then it could be pretty dangerous for my productivity to be able to log in from my iPhone when I want to. Need to finish up some games to clear the way for when this comes to the US! I was way hooked on WoW way back when and this could be trouble.... Can't wait!
There's a screenshot ealier in this thread that shows 3GS, iPod Touch 3rd gen and up are supported (with OS 3.1.3 or higher).
Is anyone else having issues connecting? I hit connect and get a "Connection timed out" message with an error code of 30001, 30002 or 30003. Nice informative error codes there Gameloft Anyone else in the same boat as me? Managed to fix it?
This is totally wrong. There's two factions with two separate starting zones. I assume that one of the zone is pvp only for chaos vs order battles. Also you can duel at any time, there's some loot rules that you can fix, you can roll dices for the best loot... The good thing is that you can trade premium items so with the auction house you could obtain them in game
Does anyone know if you can play over 3G on jalilbroken devices using 3G unrestrictor ? Best question so far in this thread!!!
Yes, I knew about duels already. Right now I'm chilling with some orcs and we are about to start a guild. How is this PVP system going to work if both chaos/order can be in the same guild ?
Hodapp, you deleted my posts about discusing the "pay to win" items, but you're now allowing others discuss it in the same detail no problem? This game is claimed to be a "beta" (without facts supporting that), yet the thread in upcoming games was closed.
Nothing is being deleted. Posts that don't pertain to the game itself and instead only speculate on pricing and other things that are largely irrelevant get moved to this thread-