Because they are California based and its already 1 o'clock in the morning here. It has to get approved by people and they won't be working until the morning. So that's the earliest we will get it. This is just a speculation, but its a rather safe bet
To prevent people who purchase the game and complain about the same thing he's complaining about from purchasing in the first place?
A couple of questions... canadian gift card...OK 2.After i need to open a new itunes account with a new private mail...right? (CANADA) 3.Loggin on the iphone with my new account... 4.After this i can use the canadian gift card to buy o&c.... 5. ..then relog with my older itunes account and i can play o&c and use my older account right? Thanks
Hey, does the game crash for anyone once they have created their character? I can't seem to get to the server select screen...
that sucks. at least you have the game installed haha. I would suggest reinstalling it and see if it keeps on crashing
Level 15 Orc warrior. Have only met 3 online so far. The world is absolutely huge. I still can't believe I'm playing this on my iPad 2
Tho it wasn't my suggestion - I was more on the lines of moving to Canada lock stock and two smoking barrels - Yeah - you can then log into your old account and continue will all your apps and with Order & Chaos - at least I think so from my exp. with creating a US acct and downloading and running Dragon Dictation (like finally) - However - Dragon was free with no in-app-purchases - so not sure how that will pan out for you if you create a Canadian acct jst for order and chaos. Im still counting on a grand international release sometime tonight. You will however need to log back into said hypothetical Canadian account form time to time to receive any updates to that app in particular.
I'm stuck on "Connecting" i'm trying with the personal hotspot feature between iPhone and wifi iPad. Anyone else had this issue?
The problem could be with your network (happens with me when I get stuck on my other MMO (iOS) - blame it on the wi-fi going limp). Usually restart my whole set up. Switches off then back on. But your using ur 3G (assuming). I read somewhere the game was only supposed to work wifi to begin with. So there could be the problem right there. Try going through the wifi and you should get past that connecting freeze ?
Order & Chaos hasn't shown up in the NZ Store yet. Guess it still may take a few days. There also was no official release announcement over Twitter or FB. Maybe they will release O&C at the same time everywhere.
they might release it at the same time, but apple stores around the world will release it to the end consumer at different times