how balanced are the classes? I feel like the archer class will be overpowered and melee useres like warrior (idk since i never played WoW, only other MMORPG) will be weak. Like in PvP, i wonder if archers or mages will always win. Any thoughts?
Any Canadians wanna gift this for me in exchange for a regift back? I'll buy you $7 worth of apps you buy this for me? I have a Canadian iTunes acct just no Canadian CC or gift cards
In wow, warriors had a skill that you could lock onto a ranged class and instantly rush them. Once you locked on to a hunter... You almost teleported directly beside the hunter and hit him with hamstring which slowed his movement by half for a few seconds... Once he was slowed most of his ranged abilities where useless and you could pummel him. Now if the hunter kept his distance and you couldn't rush and hamstring the hunter would kite you all day. It was very very fair and balances, it took skill to get good at pvp in wow. Pvp was great in wow.
I'm not going to lie, from the videos you gals/guys are posting this looks like it's going to be hella fun. I'll give gameloft a lot of credit I have really come to enjoy their game offerings. I can't wait to play.
wait so if this game is beta... then will the real version cost extra for ppl who have bought the beta? or will it be free (for beta buyers)?
Hey I created an account and picked the first server, though I had to go out for a few hours, my character is Abisco, I'd love to join!
Is it IMPOSSIBLE to run it on iPhone 3G? Or is it possible to run in 3G but it's only GUARANTEED to run in 3GS?
Gameloft does not support 3g network play. They just don't. They never have and I have reason to believe that they ever will. If and when Apple upgrades their iPhone models to support 4g, then maybe Gameloft will decide at that point to change their tone. If I only a iPod Touch, I would not use it to sit at home all day playing online games using my own wi-fi. I've got better things to use my wi-fi for than that. Like Xbox Live, amongst other things. Some people do play online games on their iPod Touch at home using their wi-fi. I don't for the life of me understand it, but to each their own, I suppose. I do have an iPhone. I have performed a jailbreak on my phone in the past for this very reason. I wouldn't bother doing it again myself, but it is a viable option. Luckily, I own a "mi-fi" box. It's a portable hotspot, basically. Otherwise, the lack of 3g would be deal-breaker for me. I just wouldn't play this game, no matter how good it is, unless I could play it outside of my house. Anyway, I guess that's just a long rant to voice my continuing displeasure with Gameloft for their unwillingness to allow 3g play in their online games. I know they never will, yet I feel compelled to vent and complain about it anyway. Go figure. Also, I don't live in Canada and I'm too lazy to create a fake account, so I obviously cannot comment on the actual gameplay itself.