Searched for the game but doesn't seem to be under Chillingo's listing of their games any longer (although still listed on App Shopper). I've dappled into it off and on and found it to be pretty good so if its pulled I'm surprised.
It did come out two years ago ! They probably pull a game when it's not making much money anymore and isn't worth updating. I don't blame them. If people havent bought it by now I'm surprised. You can't expect a dev to update a game forever (if that was the reason why it was pulled)
I dont expect them to update it but I would of thought they would of left it in the app store at least. Who knows.
I agree, i cant believe its anything to do with the 'developer license' you pay yearly. Maybe its a case of it doesnt work properly on say ios8 and instead of the hassle of people buying it, then complaining about it they thought it made sense to just take it off the app store. If its only generating say '$10 a month' now then its probably not worth updating it anymore as its had its 'shelf life'. I must admit this is one game i have to go back to (i've got the app saved).
Don't bother. It crashes at startup on iOS 8. Chillingo needs to take a page from Crescent Moon Games and (I can't believe I'm saying this) even Gameloft's playbooks; they both have vast portfolios of apps themselves, but they take the time to support even legacy titles. Anyway, deleted it, as I needed the space. Still in my purchase history so that's good. Means that I don't have to worry about rebuying if it is resubmitted.
Also keep an eye out for this thread as if it is updated for ios8 compatibility someone will post here. To be honest has anyone simply contacted them ? They'll probably tell you the answer. It 'might' have been withdrawn while they add iOS compatibility perhaps. Either way i would contact the dev via their support email (or twitter)
Yea honestly my most played games are ones that are updated often, oh and the ones I spend the most IAP on too.
This is on my insanely long backlog. I found it on my purchase list so I put it on my 5s before it disappears (seems like some apps are gone from the purchase list too). This makes me wonder, what happened to Chillingo? They used to have an app almost ever week, now I rarely see new games from them.
That right there is the main reason I don't spend money on freemium games - developers can decide at any time to pull their games from the App Store and shut down their game servers and there's nothing the consumer can do about it.
It's not. Iirc, the agreement policy in itunes states that you are buying the license to download the apps... And not the apps themselves. Something like that. Means that as long as you have paid for the app's license, you can always download and re-download it IF IT'S THERE.