I didn't complain that the game is too easy, just said it is very easy, and no, I am a completely average player and not hardcore at all. Occasionally I had to restart from a checkpoint, too, but this was more due to my inattention and less due to the game's difficulty. This game definitely needs an additional, more challenging difficulty level and/or something like a New Game+.
It's definitely good to have touch-based games of this genre on the iPhone (or the IPad)! I had high expectations from Heroes Call, but was finally quite disappointed - not so much because of the dubious IAP model, but mainly because of the extreme level recycling (presenting me again and again with what simply felt to be too much of exactly the same) and the general lack of content. I also don't like getting spammed with mostly useless loot and gear, which Heroes Call did a lot. Just like Orc Vengeance, I finished Heroes Call twice (with both of the characters), too, and certainly had fun with it, but wasn't overly excited. Having that said, Orc Vengeance isn't free from problems, too. IMO both games have a massive replay value problem, where after finishing the campaign once, there's only very little incentive to play the game only one minute longer. Unfortunately Heroes Call makes (in contrast to Orc Vengeance) the greenhorn mistake to provide absolutely no achievements, additionally hurting replayability. Nope, absolutely nothing. At least, as a completist, I always play until all achievements are accomplished, but after I discovered that some of these seem to be broken in Orc Vengeance (at least the "reach character level 25" achievement didn't register properly in my game), I even stopped doing this. Same here. In general mixing movement, combat and gestures can become quite unnerving and a future update should give the player the option to use on-screen buttons instead of gestures.
In Loot the King Tomb chapter, I took the king's sword and shield, but he didn't seem woke up at all, any clue? How can I get pass this level? Thx
Ok. I wasn't too upset the first time I lost my gamesave because I enjoyed the game enough to play back to the point where I was. But now I've just hit my third lost gamesave and I'm getting pretty pissed. I assume this probably has to do with iCloud save issues...so I'm thinking just turing off iCloud saving. Regardless, something should be done to fix the issue. Really like the game, but continuing gamesave losses is ruining my experience.
I finally finished the game over the weekend. As far as I know, there isn't any counter anywhere, but I would totally guesstimate somewhere in the 7-8 hours range for gameplay. For less than 50 cents an hour, I call it money well spent. While not a top five game, certainly very enjoyable, and I would definitely buy an Orc II. One tip, which may be incredibly obvious, I didn't realize you could level up your potions like you do your skills, swords, and armor, until almost at the very end. It definitely would have made the game easier along the line. Too easy? Hard to tell. One more suggestion to add to the others ont he thread -- the opening and closing videos should have subtitles like the rest of the game. I often have to play without sound, and it's odd that those videos don't have subtitles. Overall, I've said it before -- if you're a fan of this genre, get the game and enjoy.
new update coming soon from the facebook of big cave games and two new pics of the upcoming levels "Big update for ORC: Vengeance is coming soon! The update includes new dungeons to explore, more control options (virtual controls), difficulty modes, and more." http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/564781_499507850068913_546259815_n.jpg http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/375874_499507690068929_1645398917_n.jpg
Thanks for the info. If you can continue from a completed game, I'll definitely have to reload for these. I'm glad the save stays in iCloud save after you remove the game.
Yes, we are finishing up an update to ORC! This update includes new dungeons to explore, more control options (virtual controls), difficulty modes, and more. We are looking for a few BETA testers to help us squash any remaining bugs before wrapping it up. If you are interested in helping out, visit our Contact Page on our website to get in touch. Please send information regarding yourself and what iOS device you have. We will select a few testers so we can test every device. http://bigcavegames.com/contact/ Thanks again to everyone who has played the game. If you didn't see these before, we posted a couple shots of the dungeons from the update.
Update looks great! Sorry I couldn't help out with the beta. I am finally able to sync my iPhone, but for some reason, I still had problems getting a beta version of Blood Roofs on my device. With IB : Dungeons pushed back, I'll definately be redownloading this when the update hits.
Excellent news! Any chance of larger fonts and/or brighter colored text for iPhone/Touch? Kinda hard to read stuff right now.
We'll take a look at brightening and enlarging some of the text in the text update. Thanks for buying the game.
Thanks for supporting the game. I have thoroughly enjoyed it and Am sure I will again with the new update.