That's why i asked to make it as an option. Those who like it may keep it, those who don't should not!
Hi everybody! First of all sorry for my lack of response in the last couple of weeks. I had lots going on but I'm back with some nice updates! I would like to thank everybody for all the ideas, the robo shouts and every suggestion. We're receiving lots of e-mails with compliments and requests that help us make ORBITAL better and better. Thank you again. The coming third mode will include CHAIN REACTION and some other additions, which we would like to surprise you with. We are sure that you will love it like we do! It will probably be released around x-mas/new year! The FREE VERSION of ORBITAL is also coming very soon after being rejected by Apple. Remember: Don't use an iPhone icon in your app or you will be accused of © infringement. Now we did it according their policies and expect to release the free version very very soon. We didn't plan to do so at the moment but are discussing this and other suggestions for future updates. That's it for the moment but i'll be back with more insider news!
Good news everyone: announced the winner of the DiscoveryBeat Apps Contest, which is: Orbital. Feels good! Read it here!
We added the Deathline-Zoom and slowdown to help people realize why they lost the game. You guys definitely know how the game has to be played, and it does slow down the game - so we will have an option to disable zoom in the update.
LOL I still like the deathline zoom after a zillion games ... it reminds me that I (still) suck. I'll be keeping mine "enabled"!
I hope the new update gets the icon of the lite. The current one is a little dull compared to the lite :|
Nominations for the Best App Ever are now open. If you think that Orbital is the Best Productivity Killer of 2009, head over to the site and nominate the Game! Nominate for all categories you see fit. Thank you a lot for your support!
I just discovered this game and decided to take it for a spin and managed to lose an hour and a half completely mezmerised by it. I find it feindishly difficult yet amazingly enjoyable and am so pathetic at it that in all that time I only managed a highest score of 16 in Gravity Mode which puts me in 13,695th place on the galactic leaderboard. Great fun. EDIT: Big news now 13,328th after a stageringly high score of 17.
I'm loving the new update. The new mode is awesome, combos look supercool, nice stats screen and a better icon too!
The only new aspect I know for sure as I couldn't read any update info is the amazing new mode, Super Nova! I mean, geez, it's got a FRICKIN' LAZER BEAM ON ITS HEAD! What is this new mode you ask? Okay, picture Gravity Mode where each orb needs 5 hits as opposed to the standard 3. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! To make up for this tougher twist you'll be given a laser sight and then there is the whole GOING NOVA aspect to help you out. Each orb you bust gives off some explosive waves (range based on size of busted orb) that will knock all orbs within range down a hit. If you work it out right one shockwave can bust another orb who's shockwave might take out a few others and so on and so on. Even cooler is that the game features cool progressive scoring that seems to simply be the square of how many orbs that got busted in that move (2 = 4, 3 = 9, etc.). So a freaking awesome new play mode that seems to incorporate the best aspects of many user suggestions!