Universal OPUS: The Day We Found Earth (by SIGONO INC.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Eli, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. background

    background Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    I prefer option 1 more, option 2 is acceptable as well.
  2. TeamSignalMeow

    TeamSignalMeow Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    Ah! that's interesting, not a lot of people voted for 2. Would you care to share your reason?
  3. background

    background Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2012
    more sub missions will add more replayable value to the game.
  4. NOEN

    NOEN Well-Known Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    After a pretty cray cray week, I finally got to start this one up today. Although I'm still fairly early into this, I'm really liking it. The story, the pace of the game, and definitely the music. Great job so far!
  5. TeamSignalMeow

    TeamSignalMeow Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    Ah yes adding more missions certainly does extend the raplayability, and we think there are still quite a few ways to explore the galaxy that we didn't put in, we actually kept the most cryptic missions in our bag, maybe one day it might see the light of day...

    Awesome! Really hope that you'll enjoy the rest of the game!
  6. TeamSignalMeow

    TeamSignalMeow Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015

    So our writer asked our artist to draw and share this, which looks...pretty crazy, and cryptic. Clearly has some meaning to it. Any thoughts? I'm just wondering why it's a political cartoon? Here's what the artist has to say, by the way.

    So...take it as it is, I guess.

    We're still open for suggestions on the upcoming update. If any of the options tickle your fancy, please let us know! Here's the post
  7. Verticallity

    Verticallity Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    In the same universe as you (probably)
    #47 Verticallity, Oct 28, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015
    So, sadly, here is what I found
    The sun would never get as hot as LISA is currently in the game. LISA is almost the temperature of a supernova. None of the planets match, the only one I found similar was Malkuth was similar to Venus, but I got my units for radius mixed up.

    So, here we go.
    For this star to be the distance it is from Earth (based on the end) and in the habitable zone of the galaxy, assuming Earth hasn't moved, it is probably in the Scutum-Centaurus arm of the Galaxy.

    I'm kind of upset at this conclusion. There must be some reason as to why it is here. If you were going to make Malkuth similar to Venus and provide data for all of the planets in the star itself, there is probably a reason behind this all. For now, I don't really have anything more. I'm hoping 1.1 will help me find some significance to this location, or maybe it will give more proof that this is just another random system in the vast universe.

    Edit: from here on out, it will get more upbeat and hopeful since I feel better now.

    I'm still hoping that I can find some of the planets in game somewhere, and maybe the reason I thought that this was our solar system in the first place was that some of the art is from some of our planets and moons. Who knows, maybe some of the info lines up with the pictures. Maybe LISA could even still be our sun, just that it has collided with other stars and gained some mass.
  8. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I would prefer anything to extend the amount of gameplay. Is there some way to input randomized near infinite missions? Or adding more stuff to find in space? A big trophy case of random objects sounds really awesome :)
  9. Verticallity

    Verticallity Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    In the same universe as you (probably)
    #49 Verticallity, Oct 28, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015
    Real life objects

    So, here are all of the objects in game missions that are in real life that I could find. Note: I don't currently have the cat/dog missions.

    Just right of LISA
    is a lenticular galaxy, the Spindle Galaxy.
    Right from Berossus
    is a lenticular elliptical galaxy, the Sombrero Galaxy.
    At (3,1) in the Fulruc section
    is a planet that uses a picture of the moon.
    At (3,2) in the Seryum section
    is a planet that uses a picture of the moon that Lisa has already discovered.
    To the left of the Talc section
    is a Galaxy that resembles NGC 1300.
    In between the Fulcric and Seryum sections
    are two galaxies colliding. They are NGC 2207 and IC 2163.

    Anyway, those were all of the real objects I could find in the game (besides Earth). For most of these (except Lisa's planet) you will need to have reached that mission or discovered the side mission. Good luck :D.
  10. aeveis

    aeveis New Member

    Oct 28, 2015
    Really loved this game! I definitely would want to see more story (1)!
  11. TeamSignalMeow

    TeamSignalMeow Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    Daww that's a shame! I would've savoured the full version...mobile memory management is a capricious thing indeed. That said, the short version is quite interesting as well! I asked our writer about it and he thought it was a pretty cool theory. By the way, what was left out in the short version?

    Haha we'd love to be able to create missions procedurally. Unfortunately each mission has quite a bit of custom content, so we'd have to make some pretty drastic changes to enable that sort of functionality. That said, we'll do our best to find a middle ground if this ends up to be our final decision!
  12. Bison Eye

    Bison Eye Active Member

    Jun 29, 2015
    Very cute, corny, almost cloying. Short.
  13. Verticallity

    Verticallity Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    In the same universe as you (probably)
    I was going through finding all of the planets of LISA, looking back it wasn't that good, but it was pretty obvious early on that my theory wasn't grounded in logic. I tried some other theories. Basically, I left out all of the process in which I kept finding flaws with my theories, maybe I will try it again over the weekend, but it wasn't that good, especially compared to the game itself. The whole team really outdid themselves on this game! I still hope there is something hidden, maybe once I can buy the cat and dog some crazy secret will be revealed but I don't know. Good luck with 1.1 (all of the options sound good) and all your future games! Sorry that half of this post is just praising the game, but it's so good!
  14. Verticallity

    Verticallity Member

    Jul 27, 2015
    In the same universe as you (probably)
    Alchemy and the meaning

    So, I know that I post way too much, like half of the last ten posts are mine but I figured out the writer's cryptic messages, I think.

    First was that image of the definitions.
    At first I thought the alchemical symbol for earth might be hidden in the game, but then I searched "magnum opus alchemy" and everything made more sense.
    So, I found out that the "magnum opus" in alchemy is the creation of the philosopher's stone.
    The stone was said to turn lead and other metals to gold. It was also said to extend life.
    The philosopher's stone is clearly Earth, I think, if it is that straightforward.

    The creation process had four parts.
    Nigredo, albedo, citrinitas, and rubedo.

    The first requires coating all materials in a black substance, representing the dark side of the soul.
    This probably represents the black out at the beginning of the game that brings out all of Emeth's flaws as he tries to find the doctor instead of focusing on his goal.

    The second supposedly fixes impurities and divides the subject into two opposing principles which are later joined in unity.
    This dividing and reuniting could be OPUS and Lisa (assistive AI), Emeth and Lisa (assistive AI), or maybe even Lisa (doctor) and LISA (star).
    While there does seem to be a theme throughout in which Lisa try's to bond and console Emeth, It does seem like that one flashback moment at the end of chapter 4 where Lisa is trying to explain that
    Lisa the doctor and the star are the same
    has more meaning in the story as a whole.

    The third is about "solar light" being more important than reflected "lunar or soul light". The name literally refered to "transmutation of silver to gold". I know none of this stuff by the way, just getting it from Wikipedia.
    In terms of the story, this is probably Emeth's acceptance of the previous stage at the end of the game where he is asking Lisa questions before going to Earth (this is so general does it even need a spoiler?). This also kind of explains the comic in which Emeth is trying to make Earth, but is told that he can't because "the sun has yet to rise". He has not passed the third stage yet because he is still trying to find the human Lisa.

    The fourth stage is probably the most underwhelming part. It just means "redness" and just means the stage in which the magnum opus is complete and the philosopher's stone has been made. While I wish there was more to say about this stage, but there wasn't much more on it.

    So, this is what I think the alchemy clues were all about, but I'm not sure if I got everything exactly correct, but you guys have been able to tell me if there is more before and there will probably always be more. 1.1 is still coming and that will probably create even more to explore. Thank you for this great game. It truly taught me that the journey is greater than the destination.
  15. TeamSignalMeow

    TeamSignalMeow Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    Hey thanks aevis! We're still deciding, but we'll try our very best to see how more content can fit in!

    Haha, too much sugar? Would you be interested in seeing more content? another chapter? side missions?
  16. TeamSignalMeow

    TeamSignalMeow Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    #56 TeamSignalMeow, Oct 29, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2015

    And thank you for your thoughts! As for your theory, well, this is as much of an answer as we could give! But we'd like you to know that these posts are very humbling and we are super flattered. So respect, Sir. :cool: Oh and we love to hear your thoughts by the way, no need to hesitate about posting at all :p
  17. im.krystal

    im.krystal Active Member

    May 18, 2012
    I'm definitely enjoying the track, Hope! I get the slightest sense of Interstellar from it (not saying this as a bad thing). Looking forward to the update :)
  18. TeamSignalMeow

    TeamSignalMeow Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
  19. TeamSignalMeow

    TeamSignalMeow Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
    Sorry for the late reply! Didn't notice the notification. Yeah Hope is definitely one of our favorites as well, since it's pretty much the climax! The update is currently under discussion, so we'll let everyone know when that solidifies a bit more. In the meantime, you can grab the soundtrack on iTunes, if you like!
  20. Ooni

    Ooni Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Future Updates

    First of all, it was an pleasant game with beautiful music and a creative main character.

    Will there be future updates? Will you continue the story after the ending? What happened to those 2 scientists? Does the picture in the end mean anything?

    Overall, I really enjoyed the game but it was short and I craved for more.


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