I haven't seen a video go this viral since Kony / Rebecca Black... crazy! Some of the parodies are downright hilarious; not to mention the guy seems extremely humble in all of his interviews. VMA's in 50 days... insane!
Babe Alert: Hyuna - Bubble Pop! Watch this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw9CALKOvAI&sns=em Bubble bubble bubble pop!
Yeah, she's in the first video, just not a prominent role in the video. Anybody got some good links to some good youtube parodies of this video? I heard there were some good remakes of it. Saw in the news some lifeguards got fired for making a video at their jobs.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-eCB6R5tCM&sns=em Pretty funny. Anybody that's Korean, can you tell us what this song means and is about? Edit: here's some others I found on youtube: English Reaction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYFmxgzPP3Q&sns=em Oregon Duck and Cheerleaders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDpgzn7KuzE&sns=em Korean Dance Team http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpZhZAr1cQU&sns=em
Haha me to, well I don't really think its just for Asians. I have friends from different backgrounds who thought the vid was funny.
Well, I knew that. Who wouldn't love this right? I just wanted to share that I'm an asian. Haha! So random.
I love this song. I've been working out to it for weeks. I get weird looks sometimes?? Like what a causcasion can't enjoy Korean pop now?? I love the beat. "baby's on fire" by die antwoord is another one of those crazy beats with a strange film clip. I love them both
Well, I'm not Korean, but my social studies teacher said that oppa means older brother (or something like that), and Gangnam is a district from Seoul. He said that Gangnam is a rich district, and maybe what Oppa Gangnam Style meant was your older brother has rich or sophisticated style, maybe.
Wow, that was real? Mitt Romney really danced? Wow... They seem to be pulling some of the youtube videos for some reason, can't see some that I could view just yesterday!