Universal Open Bar - Keep 'em coming! (By Gingear Studio)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. gingearstudio

    gingearstudio Member

    Dec 29, 2015
    Hi Carlos! There's 20 skins (drinks) to unlock, but an infinite amount of puzzles.

    The first 50 levels were designed by hand so that difficulty increases smoothly. We made sure not to increase difficulty too steeply, that's probably why you find those puzzles a bit easy.

    Starting from level 50, puzzles are automatically generated. We use 3 presets to generate them: easy, normal and hard. At level 50, there's a lot of easy and normal puzzles, but you'll encounter a hard puzzle once in a while (you'll know it when you see it, trust me). As you progress, the probability of getting a hard puzzle increases. When you're at level 150, the difficulty is at its peak. But even then, you'll still have a mix of normal and hard puzzles. We didn't want to generate hard puzzles one after the other, because it can become very tedious. You'll spend about 15 minutes to solve the hardest ones, so we wanted to give players a break after solving one of them.

    Hope it answers your question!
  2. gingearstudio

    gingearstudio Member

    Dec 29, 2015
    Thank you all for your feedback on that matter, that's really appreciated! We decided to remove the "use a hint" missions and keep the ads. We'll also remove the reward when the player used a hint to solve it.

    As for the puzzle number, one solution would be to have 2 leaderboards: one for the highest puzzle reached, and another one for the number of completed puzzles without hints. The only thing is, the game currently doesn't track the number of completed puzzles without hints. So when we roll the update, we'll assume that every completed puzzle was done without hints. It's not perfect, but the alternative is to start counting at 0, which would be unfair to players who played a lot before the update.
  3. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    That's for feedback and the generation and difficulty and being attentive. I'm gunna purchase the game because I can't resist any more !
  4. gingearstudio

    gingearstudio Member

    Dec 29, 2015
    Gingear loves you. <3
  5. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Was on the fence, then bought the game..... A day later, now I'm on PUZZLE 80! Haha get this game away from me ! Lol
  6. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Lol looking at my last post I bought this last night, then worked today, so I have no idea how I even had time to bang out 80 puzzles
  7. gingearstudio

    gingearstudio Member

    Dec 29, 2015
    Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that we're about to submit the first update for Open Bar. Besides fixing a low-repro crash and added the completed puzzles leaderboard, we:

    * Removed all "use a hint" missions.
    * Reduced cost of using a hint to 20 credits (from 25).
    * Removed the reward of solving a puzzle (5 credits) when a hint was used.

    This way, the effective credit cost of buying a hint stays the same, but you don't get the 5 credits reward when watching an ad. This will give an advantage to players who don't abuse hints.

    We're satisfied with that solution, and we hope you'll be happy with it as well! :)
  8. CarlosR

    CarlosR Member

    Jan 29, 2016
    Thanks for the update!
  9. skylined87

    skylined87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2014
    Now free! Wonder if this will be the app of the week?
  10. ROGER-NL

    ROGER-NL Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2012
    Playing the game again now that it haves Achievements, thanks for the update.
  11. FiloMJ

    FiloMJ Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2015
    Got it.

    Thanks guys.
  12. gingearstudio

    gingearstudio Member

    Dec 29, 2015
    Glad you like it! The game's going to be free until April 26.
  13. icoker

    icoker Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2013
    The fizz makes this sweltering summer wonderful.
  14. Rawk GWJ

    Rawk GWJ Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2014
    Unplayable due to colorblindness. No colorblind option.
  15. mr_bez

    mr_bez Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    Really enjoying this. It's surprisingly challenging for something that looks so simple.

    Not keen on the missions though. They nearly all make the game less fun to play. I want to unlock the next skin so want to complete them, but generally are solved quickest by repeatedly doing something and pressing undo or, in the case of the timed missions, by taking a screenshot and solving the puzzle in the Photos app.
  16. #56 AppUnwrapper, Apr 22, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
    Same. Other than the timed ones (and maybe the no hints ones), I'm not even understanding the point of the missions -- you get them automatically just by playing. Are the levels randomized so everyone completes the missions in a different order or at a different pace?

    I'm not in love with the game yet. I think the presentation is appealing to me more than the puzzles themselves. 60 levels in and most have been too easy, then there's the occasional one that stumps me for a while. If it is endless as the description says (still confused about that part), I guess I'll just take it out once in a while until I completely forget about it.

    Edit: Just realized the "complete two puzzles in under 120 seconds" means two puzzles in a row under two minutes -- not two separate puzzles each with their own timer. I was wondering why I wasn't getting the mission completed. Not a fan. :/
  17. mr_bez

    mr_bez Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    An earlier post said that after level 50, they are automatically generated. I don't know if they're randomised though, or if it's procedurally-generated like Desert Golf where everyone gets the same.
  18. Thanks for that comparison! I was trying to think of another endless level-based game and I couldn't.

    Been getting some tricky ones lately, which I like...but not a fan of this timer for the missions. Might not get anymore themes at this rate.
  19. mr_bez

    mr_bez Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2012
    #59 mr_bez, Apr 22, 2016
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
    Glad it worked for you. I bet it's the first time this game has been compared to Desert Golfing!

    I resorted to screenshotting the boards so I'd have more time. You can still get themes without the missions, but it is slower.

    Edit: Here's my level 126 screenshot. You can test the theory if you get this far. :)

    Attached Files:

  20. But even if you screenshot -- how do you stop the timer for the second one? If you don't figure it out right away and solve it while the timer is still going, you'll have to start back at the top. Even f you leave the game minimized, you'd need to get to it before it gets wiped due to memory.

    And I'll let you know when I get to 126 if it looks the same! I'm only halfway there.

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