Universal [Open Alpha] Push: Calm, turn-based strategy (async, abstract, board game, 2 players)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by dbltnk, Jul 6, 2019.

  1. dbltnk

    dbltnk New Member

    Jul 6, 2019
    #1 dbltnk, Jul 6, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
    Hi everyone!

    After two years of working on the game in our spare time we've just released the third Alpha season of Push and I'd like to invite you to come play with us:

    Details: http://push.vg
    Android download: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/de.leenox.hagish.cgc.push
    iOS download: https://testflight.apple.com/join/8ZcOqCdK

    This is the game:

    google-play-store-screen-8.png google-play-store-screen-1.png google-play-store-screen-2.png google-play-store-screen-3.png google-play-store-screen-4.png google-play-store-screen-5.png google-play-store-screen-6.png google-play-store-screen-7.png

    Push is a calm strategy game for two players. I designed the core of the game for Global Game Jam 2016 and decided to work on the digital version because I want to play more turn-based asynchronous games (read: play-by-mail) with simple rules but decently deep gameplay.

    So yes, if you like Chess, Go, Abalone, Words With Friends or QuizDuell then this might also be a game for you. There are two simple rules: Push the red pieces off the board and capture both goals. Easy to learn but hard to master. If you enjoy that then you can compete with players from all over the world (we've got a rating based on Glicko-1 and matchmaking). We‘ve also made sure it‘s easy to stay touch with your friends by challenging them to play (friend list & friendly game invites).

    Note that there currently is no local multiplayer and you cannot play games in real-time or with short turn timers - our default right now is to give players up to 48 hours per move. Also do not expect too much fancyness in terms of social log-in and the likes. This is still an early alpha that we are building from the core features outwards.

    Questions, thoughts, feedback? Join our Whatsapp or Telegram groups (linked in the game), post here or drop me an email.



    Attached Files:

  2. dbltnk

    dbltnk New Member

    Jul 6, 2019
    If there's someone here who has played a couple games by now I'd like to talk to you, chat about your initial experience and any interesting strategies you might have found. PMs are open.

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