Couldn't find a way to change my username so I've created a new email and account but this is still me the old oooooomonkey but with a new name.
Why didn`t you just ask the Mods on the Forum and explain to them why you would like your Name changed? I am pretty sure if you had explained it to them in a reasonable way they might actually had done it for you. Edit: Ok I am having a hard time to find a reasonable explaination why someone would want to be renamed from oooooomonkey to Sexy Pirate but I guess you probably could had still tried it instead of creating a brand new Account.
I did ask one of the mods but they said it was beyond there powers and then I asked Eli in a pm but he never replied Well the short version of the story goes I was married for 13 years and got divorced and rediscovered the pub and other cool things that disappeared during my marriage like going out and having fun. Anyway this was the short version, went to pub, had on pirate hat, met new women, they called me a sexy pirate and we're still together just over three months later so times are good and i thought it would make a fitting new name.
Aren't secondary accounts strictly forbidden and result always in a permanent ban of that person? Normally, every secondary account is banned in an instant. Maybe you can just get your name changed and rid of the secondary account. I think that there could be a problem when others follow your example and start opening new accounts, too. Your username is your username. You've chosen it and you need to stick to it. That's what INSM always explained to the people. It could be really confusing when several people continously pop up with new account names or when they change their names a lot. And when you are allowed to do it, everybody should be allowed to do that. But that would open all gates and doors for trolls. I think that it is problematic, what you've did here.
Yeah i'm not a fan of people changing accounts, I dont like doing those. oooomonkey surely means nothing regarding your ex, sexy pirate is a terrible forum name in my view ! We have enough to do regarding deleting medicine spam and other stuff. But anyway i'll block the old account but i do wish people would just keep to one name
Thanks and I am sorry for causing any trouble, the name might not have had any meaning to do with my ex but it was her who thought of it originally back in 2001'ish so that's why I wanted a change. I did try messaging a mod and Eli but got no luck so that's why I made the new account myself. Well I guess a new name in 10-15 years isn't a bad run
Personally think 'sexy pirate' is a terrible forum name ! Sounds like a cross between a 7 year olds name on a forum and a single guy looking for love on a forum !