Universal Only One (by Ernest Szoka)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. RebelBinary

    RebelBinary Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2012
    Software Developer/Designer
    Ottawa, Canada
    Endless mode, allows you to play 3 times a day for free, unless you have Ultimate Power (limitless). Want to give people a chance to play it for free.

    It unlocks at lvl 35 and builds up pretty quick with constant spawns.
  2. Crazyname

    Crazyname Active Member

    May 12, 2012
    just wanted to say...

    I really have enjoyed this game a lot! It has been refreshing to see someone (specifically just you, big props for that) make a game with gameplay as the focus instead of visuals. Most of the big games out nowadays from console to mobile have been suffering from the focus to visual effects and not actual gameplay. I cannot count the number of games that have flopped over the years because of their over-focusnessed on looks and neglecting on whats inside that keeps people coming for more. Very few games have actually come out(even less lately with patching bugs becoming the new thing to do) run fluidly and are visually stimulating. I have proudly purchased the $1.99 Ultimate Power knowing that my money was well spent on a quality product. I wish there were more developers out there brave enough and talented enough to come up with something like this in every genre of gaming.
  3. Grettir0

    Grettir0 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2013
    I play this game on my ipad but now I can't play because of the new update making the attack button a little higher so
    Can you add a feature to be able to edit the HUD so you can play the game comfortably
  4. anabolicMike

    anabolicMike Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2013

    Yes. Devs who change the whole pay layout do steal/disrespect people who bought the game. Just like the dev who takes his 4.99 game and makes it free. He just told everyone who bought the game that they meant nothing to him. This is a big no no in my book and I wouldn't buy from that dev again.

    HOWEVER. Rebel gives this game away for free. If he changed it so you did have to pay after 20 levels he wouldn't be ripping anyone off. You guys who got to play for free for now should be thankful you did! Obviously people who already bought IAP should be considered already but the guys who have just been playing for free can just shut the poop up. He deserves money for his work on the game and anyone who bitches about a buck or two disgust me. Wait? Things are tight and you can't afford it? Too bad. It's the way it's supposed to be in life. I can think of a million times I could to have something cause I couldn't afford it!

    Rebel, do what you gotta do... Ill support you as will anyone else who has any class. It's been free boys. Show some respect here!

    Ps. If you load it with ads please please make an ad remover IAP or I will be uninstalling it bwahahahhaha!

    Ha so there!
  5. CzechCongo

    CzechCongo Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Update is out!
  6. your personal robot

    your personal robot Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    Endless Mode, yeeeaaaah!
    I'm a happy gamer.
  7. RebelBinary

    RebelBinary Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2012
    Software Developer/Designer
    Ottawa, Canada
    Only One 1.04

    - Endless Battle mode (fight endless waves of enemies, unlocked at level 35)
    - 2 new leaderboards for Endless mode (highscore and best time)
    - Improved joystick at start, better for new users
    - fixed floating items remaining after game restart
    - might ability is improved, now causes additional stun
    - Ability fixes (Dart,Bubble,Regen)
    - Jammed ability button fixed
    - Endless leveling without enemies fixed
    - Reduced popup frequency
    - minor optimization
    - Balancing, ui changes and bug fixes
    - some enemies hit harder

    A new update I've been working on the past week 1.05 is already in queue waiting for review and fixes more issues and adds some minor new things as well. I've also re-balanced the points on mobs and made the last boss harder. Will delete the Game Center highscores after this version comes out so ppl have a fair and fresh start on the leaderboards.

    Please give me some feedback on Endless mode, too easy, too hard, too long too ramp up, too quick, ect..
  8. Guise

    Guise Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2009
    The difficulty ramp up on Endless feels right to me. It really becomes a matter of dispatching enemies as quickly as possible so that the arena doesn't get too overcrowded and unmanageable. Will the Endless leaderboards be reset as well?

    I'm probably just imagining this, but the max character speed seems a tad slower after the update. Was it tweaked?

    Anyway, great job with the updating and thanks for your continued investment in improving Only One. A great game just keeps getting greater.
  9. PrayForDeath

    PrayForDeath Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2012
    Hey, are you planning to add controller support to this game? I think this kind of games works really well with controllers
  10. jeandenishaas

    jeandenishaas Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 29, 2010
    Senior Lead Animator at ILM
    Neat, that's good to know about the unlockable speed otion.
  11. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #211 Intendro, Feb 26, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
    Er... Your attitude in this post isn't very respectful, ironically enough. :p

    Making a free game take away the free stuff still isn't good. The product was intended to be $0, so suddenly taking away things still has some feeling of being stolen from, because it was originally supposed to be free. (Additional modes don't count as they are just adding more stuff.)

    It doesn't really make good business sense to offer someone a totally free thing then take it away out of nowhere.

    Sure it was free, but then again, it was supposed to be totally free and not some free trial with an unforeseen expiration date you didn't even know existed... :eek:

    And anyone who bought only consumable IAP in a free game would suddenly have to buy the full game even though they already were supposed to have it (and consumable IAP can't be restored, so there's no way to tell)... So, yeah, you can't do that.
  12. RebelBinary

    RebelBinary Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2012
    Software Developer/Designer
    Ottawa, Canada
    #212 RebelBinary, Feb 26, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
    Controller support would be great, but my SDK Corona doesn't support it yet. Would support it in a heart beat if they did.

    Game is free to download only but I never intended to give it away completely, unfortunately my IAP model wasn't very good and it's getting changed. Ultimate Power is the full game experience and it's 1.99 and permanent, so last 6 abilities will be paywalled by Ultimate Power in 1.05. If you already have them it's fine, but sorry, I'm not giving the farm away. It's only $2 so deal with it, uninstall my game and give me a 1 star review, it's not changing. My one regret is not doing that model from the start.

    I've been having a lot of issues with ppl not being able to figure out the cake so it's going to disappear after 20 seconds. Also some ppl who have had issues with loading because Game Center isn't responding back and that is now fixed in 1.05. I've been fortunate to expedite the review process so it could be out as soon as next morning. There's also a bunch of cool stuff and a new Gag.
  13. psj3809

    psj3809 Moderator

    Jan 13, 2011
    The dev has to make money. Let's get real here. The problem in ios land is everyone expects everything to be free forever. If you bought the odd IAP as a way of a thanks then things might be different. I don't like IAPS normally but in this case I'm loving this game and want to donate/give the dev something. In your case you just seem to want it all for free?

    It's a great game, I want the dev to make a lot of money so we get a sequel or more from his guy. Otherwise it'll be one less talented dev and we'll be stuck in a nightmare world of crappy flappy bird clones
  14. Puke Aces

    Puke Aces Well-Known Member


    I loved the game as soon as i played it and i even bought the ultimate power iap :) . But, After I saw the endless update i got hyped about the game that i updated it ASAP :D . Now it wont load because its stuck at the new loading screen :( . I use an ipad mini and i hope a new update fixes this :confused:. hope to see more improvement and cheers :eek:
  15. RebelBinary

    RebelBinary Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2012
    Software Developer/Designer
    Ottawa, Canada
    Go to settings, game center, sign out.

    Start the game again.

    1.05 currently in review, fixes this by not waiting for Game Center before starting the game
  16. RebelBinary

    RebelBinary Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2012
    Software Developer/Designer
    Ottawa, Canada
    Will probably rest all leaderboards yes

    The character speed was bumped a bit, he's bumped a bit more in 1.05 and the time between sword swings is decreased
  17. Puke Aces

    Puke Aces Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much :D but will you ever make an update to fix this?
  18. RebelBinary

    RebelBinary Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2012
    Software Developer/Designer
    Ottawa, Canada
    Yes, I just did, it should be out tomorrow if Apple approves it
  19. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #219 Intendro, Feb 27, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
    And like I said earlier, that turns the game into pay-to-win. You want high scores, you gotta buy upgrades for better chances. There went the game being fair... And there went my respect. :mad:
    This is not right.
    And anyone who only bought money packs essentially has their "freemium" experience stolen from them.

    Words. Being put into my mouth. Bleh. :p

    And yet, these decisions can obviously cause major backlash...

    Anyone who bought just money packs in this "free" game effectively had their purchased money (for the going-to-be locked skills) made worse. Those people have been ripped off. :mad:

    The game turns from a free game with high scores into a pay-to-win game because now you need to pay money to actually compete with the same chances.
    People don't like pay-to-win. And people don't like things being stolen from them. :mad:
  20. CzechCongo

    CzechCongo Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2013
    Or you could just play it to have fun and not worry about competing. Up to you.

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