How do you unlock survival? I've beaten this game twice(though it's STILL fun!) with 886 pirates dead by my hand and 16 deaths(from the first go) my highest combo is 69 and my lvl is 24. Btw what is the lvl cap?
Not iffy, that's how they're supposed to be. Controls are excellent IMO and I always complain about controls.
Around an hour. Depending on difficulty. Replay value is EXCELLENT. Every time I play it it's like the first time(minus the repeated deaths of course. Just go ahead and buy it. It's amazing.
Wow, looks like a great game. Looks like it's gonna be a hit. Kudos to Mika Mobile - Hope you sell lots!
There really is nothing wrong with the control. By design, the game doesn't allow you to stop an attack and turn around (a staple move of more casual beat 'em ups). The devs recommended jumping backwards to chang direction, which is working fine for me.
oh see that is my biggest problem i kinda wish there were two arrows at the bottom one for walking one direction the other for tuning around a walking the other instead of the joy stick i also belive that the skill cap is like 30 and i am already there( a few survial play throughs get about 40-51) and bam level 30 i also kinda wish that the ability to block bullets came earlier instead of like 27, at the same time i want to have more control of what abilities i unlock( purchase or something like when you level up in quest knight) hopefully this dev updates this game with more abilities levels and the like but a good game
This is an excellent game! Hope the devs add more content later, but I am having so much fun right now regardless.
But with arrows you wouldn't be able to move up and down (farther and closer), and the game would basically be another Zombieville with swords. I agree with your other suggestions -- it would certainly deepen the RPG aspect of the game. You've got to admit, though: what you're getting for a $1.99 is pretty amazing already.
very very true forgot about up and down though guess i will live, anyway whats your record for survival mine's 51 want to compare my self,
I've been working all day, so I'm still going through the adventure mode (at the Bar Fight, as matter of fact). Part of me wants to take it slow, because I'm having such a blast with it. I also need to go back and repeat the early levels -- I kind sucked badly at them.
That gif makes him look like he's waving smoke away, his hands are separating faster than they come together.