Alright, I've finally gotten Master rank for every stage on every difficulty level. Almost threw my phone several times for Hard difficulty. What do I win? Free promo code for DLC please!
Sweet game. Apologize if this has been said but.... I'd like to see a Dojo where you just fight waves of Pirates until you die. Killing bosses would earn you your health back? OMG! Ninjas Spin off? You get to play the pirate now invading ninjas?
Wow How did you do that?? It's already torture trying to get Master for the Normal mode, especially levels with bosses... if you get hit more than once or twice you have to restart the entire damn level... and that totally kills patience.
damn this game is hard... can only get master on the first level on normal and that was the only time...
Yea lol I haven't given it enough attention. Just play through a level here and there. Gotta wait to go back through them when I'm more used to the controls.
yeah, but i actually never got worse than average ninja(i have died once or twice though) *edit* got apprentice and terribad on the last two levels
So I played survival again and uped my kills to 225 and still not done because the game keeps crashing in the begginning of the Lair of Doom, however the only reason i've gotten that far is because of a bug that is certainly helpful, but takes the fun out of the game. Well here is what happened, I was playing for the second time and had gotten to the fourth(or fifth? maybe even third) level and died with 110 kills so then it took me to the Menu screen and I didn't touch the game for about 2-5 days. Then today I picked the game up to see if I could get even further then before, but when I tried to start a new game it said I could continue my last game so I did. I started back at 110 kills with no health left and I thinking I was going to die very quickly I decided to see how long I could last before getting hit. Well about 30 kills and 1 stage later I was still alive and I began to notice that when I was shot by a gun it didn't hurt me. And after I tested this thought a couple times I saw it was true. My character is currently invincible and if this helps track the bug down I got to level 30 before my last death. I don't know if this or the Lair of Doom bug has been mentioned before so dont get mad if im repeating something.
TheOZ: that should be fixed in the 1.0.1 update which went live yesterday. And yes, reaching master ninja requires that you barely ever take damage. Successfully counter attacking, and unleashing your special move help to counteract the score penalties incurred by taking damage, so you can afford to get hit a few times if you're using your super often and parrying whenever possible.
I updated this last night but didn't have a chance to play it yet. I'm gonna shoot for that Master ranking and get some of the cheats/unlocks today!!
Cheats are "promps" that you unlock each 5 Master Ranks you get on Normal and Hard Mode, I just unlocked Crazy Speed Mode and I have 1 thing to say: HOLY SH!T lol It's freaking fast I can't keep up lol. Then There's Infinite Ki (The Blue ball to cast your Uber Combo) which you unlock when you reach 10 Master Ranks (Remember, Only Normal and Hard modes count) and at last, when you reach 15 Master Ranks, you unlock God Mode or sumthing like that.
i can probably get crazy speed if i play enough, and maybe get infinite ki at a stretch, but forget god mode, that's just gonna be impossible! unless i use the cheats...
actually the cheat mode ranking goes like this: first 5 master ranks, you get the uber speed mode, which has the game's pace doubled (your character along with all the pirates move and attack really fast) next 5 master ranks, you get the unstoppable mode which means that even though you get hit, you don't flinch and just continue mercilessly attacking pirates the last 5 master ranks (which I'm still working on) is the unlimited use of the special move