Universal Omber (by Zarista Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by swisssk8er1, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. nxtboyIII

    nxtboyIII Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2014
    Game Developer
    Ok so to check triangle count open the Unity Editor and play the game there, and open the Stats window at the upper right hand corner, and once it is opened it shows a bunch of different things and one of them says "Tris" with a number next to it (like 20.2K or whatever), tell me that. :) Also shaders are a big killer on mobile so you should try to be using only vertex lit shaders or unlit shaders with lightmap support. If you look up on google "shadow gun optimization" there is a link where you can download a sample scene from the game "Shadow gun", and in that scene there are some nice shaders you can use that are very optimized for mobile (like the unlit lightmap shader). :) If you want more help I have Skype, you can just PM me yours if you also have skype
  2. Retro Nug

    Retro Nug Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    The Netherworld
    Well, I guess I'll be checking this out tonight. It's not a big risk either way since it's only a dollar! I've wasted a dollar on things alot worse than a videogame lol downloading now!
  3. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    The tris are between 60k and 200k, usually closer to 170k. Googling shadow gun optimization now. : ) Sending you a pm. Thanks.
  4. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    #184 Catacomber, Jul 20, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2015
    I think you'll get a lot of bang from your buck. But keep in mind we're doing an update--so far I've gotten the spiders back on their feet. They no longer try to float on their invisible webs.

    Am changing the whole interaction event with npc's and shops to an Interact system---so as in Aralon--you'll see a golden question mark over the npc's or door or shop's head and you can click on that to start or continue a conversation.

    Not sure whether to do this with items you collide with in the scene.

    Turning is now a little faster.

    All graphic textures are increased to 1024 from 512, which I thought was good for mobile but maybe not.

    Working on improving the graphics. NextboyIII gave me some wonderful tips and going for it. : )

    And lots of other stuff.

    Thanks to qdiddy for his comments. He found some mistakes that are like typos.They shouldn't be there. Fixing. : ) Problems with UI on iphone 5 will take me a while. Or maybe we'll have to cut iphone 5 from the list of devices our game works on but I hope not. We have some loyal players on iphone 5.

    So hopefully your .99 cent investment will grow to give you an even better return on the next update. : )

    Chain quest added for the mage Gemineye---and adding some more hidden books and scrolls and maybe a few other things that are interesting.

    Thanks for supporting us. :)

    Your .99 cents went toward buying this monster for our next game.


    OMG, I love this guy/gal. You helped to adopt a monster. Hurrah! The update will take a little while because I have to go through all the scenes and change the events to Interaction rather than colliding but will get there.

    If you're playing on iphone 5, there might be some ui problems it will take me more than one update to address. The update is probably going to take me a week to finish but we're having a heat wave so who can sleep? Working day and night.
  5. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    Although I love our old icon. I thought an icon of Princess Kroma might be a little bit stronger and look more flashy on your device. If no one has any objections--this might be our new Omber icon in the update. Update is coming along---terrains are smooth. : )

    You are saving her after all. : )

    Attached Files:

  6. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    I like the tree icon too, but agree that the face will 'pop' more, which is what counts.
  7. Lokina

    Lokina Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2014
    That icon is gorgeous but she's a princess who's been kept in a cell by her evil captor Somes, much as qdiddy will hate me I have to say that for that reason alone I prefer the Ent. I can't believe anyone kept prisoner for a long time could look so lovely. Just my opinion. :)
  8. dhammerer

    dhammerer Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    Fine with either one. But that image will stay in my mind now and forever be Princess K. I imagined after I rescued her she rested up and got a nicer collar. Don't mind rescuing her again.
  9. Lokina

    Lokina Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2014
    My opinion on the icon was simply an icon comment not a feedback to Drebs, ( hope you didn't think it was!) qdiddy hates it when I praise the game or anything to do with it so I was sure he would hate me saying again that I prefer the Ent because it sets the atmosphere to the story. Sorry Drebs if I upset you, or might upset you. I agree the new icon is more pop but I think the Ent suits the story better. Just my opinion.
  10. Lokina

    Lokina Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2014
    If she reappeared at the end looking like the shown icon that would be different.
    I could run with that idea. :) it would be believable. :)
  11. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    @Lokina: I agree about the ent being more fitting to the story.

    No offense taken.
  12. Lokina

    Lokina Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2014
    Drelbs, sorry I spelt your name incorrectly! Remembering names not my best ability!
  13. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    #193 Catacomber, Jul 23, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2015
    The image of Princess Kroma was my first choice for an icon--but then I took a second look at the Ent and realize that it has more power--and is more compelling in an old-school way. Even if it might be pixelated. : ) I think running it through Tiny Png to keep texture sizes down was not the best.
  14. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    I know I said it might be hard and it might be hard---but am going to try to do it. Basically I think that means the menus and buttons have to look better in portrait mode. If I'm wrong and there's more to making it look good in portrait mode, let me know. I'm willing to try. Can't guarantee results but willing to try.
  15. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    #195 Catacomber, Jul 28, 2015
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2015
    Working on a new update for Omber to improve graphics and many other things. You will lose your save files so try to finish. : )

    Improved UI--dialogues should look good whether you're in portrait or landscape mode. Crisper font. Cleaner dialogue boxes.

    More interesting scene where you create your character--more 3d.

    Improved hp and mp bars--nicer looking.

    Terrains now cast shadows--that was a misery to fix but fixed it. : )

    New objects to find--

    You now interact with people and things by seeing a question mark pop up so that if you want to ignore it you can.

    Sprint button if you want to move faster.

    A lot more fixes--making them slowly but surely.

    Price will stay 0.99 cents. : )

    More news about the update coming soon.

    The music is still good.

    The quests are still good. The story is still good. : )

    New objects to find.
  16. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    #196 Catacomber, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
    Wow! I just noticed we have some Bronze Supporters and Gold Supporters of Touch Arcade in our thread. Thanks for your support of Omber too. : ) Update should be a lot of fun. Getting there.

    Some people made some very heavy comments about graphics that were helpful to doing an update--some people made just one but nevertheless very helpful comment that led us to find better ways of doing things--so we decided that we would put in the Credits in the update, "Thanks to the folks at Touch Arcade for their very helpful help that drove this update." Or something similar because there are so many of you that were helpful.

    Thank you for that.

    And now back to working on the update. : ) Have made things more beautiful if you're playing in portrait mode. That was very important to me. Let's see how it turns out. And many other updated things. Shadows on terrains--not my fault--lost them updating to Unity 5 as I always want to keep the option of updating Omber in the future. Will update a few important scenes so you can have shadows.

    Am going to ditch the onscreen shield and sword and just have the attack button and a new shield (block) button in the hot bar. I was trying to keep our Quest players happy because the Quest has an onscreen shield and sword but the graphics I was using didn't really make enough people happy.

    Now I am an addict of Redshift's games going back before the Quest to Legacy and those of you who know me know I made at least thirteen expansions for the Quest.

    But....I think if anyone here ever played Legacy for the PC and Palm--yes, there was a Palm handheld at one time--you know there is no onscreen shield and sword--it's all done via icon---and I also know you never missed the onscreen shield and sword and you'd probably sell some small portion of your soul to play Legacy on ios. I know I'd be tempted. But the code was lost. You can still get it and play it for PC by contacting Redshift and I made a few free expansions for it. The Quest is a great game but Legacy actually made me cry because I couldn't conquer the revolving holes until I got some good forum help. : ) And it had no onscreen Shield or Sword.

    There are a lot of things in Omber that grew from my pleasure in playing Legacy---like traveling from scene to scene by teleporter and other things.

    So I hope you won't miss the onscreen shield and sword in the update and take a fresh view of the battles. Your sword and shield that are equipped will still be important because their stats will drive the damage you can inflict and how much you can protect yourself with the new block addition to the hotbar.

    And that's actually a little bit more "old school rpg" of a way of doing things. : )
  17. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    #197 Catacomber, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
    And.....I have to look back at all the comments here--because I'm always passionate about my games and take every comment to heart. I'm glad that any negative comments more or less have to do with the graphics polishing and that's something we're working on in the update. And the shield. : )

    Am super glad there are no negative comments at all about game play but then we've been doing this for many years.

    Some of the comments were about such things as a few floating grasses in a level that our beta testers and me missed. I know it's my bad that I missed that, but we always gave a little gift in our games to finding things like that---you could have an item named after you in the game. I know we're not perfect and we never will be.

    But we always give the option that if you find a bug or graphics glitches in the game you can have an item named after you. That still stands. : )
  18. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    So far the update is coming along. Someone asked that we show quest rewards when you get them and that's added. Also added is a notification of battle rewards. What's added is getting to be a long list. : ) Will put up the long list when I get a chance. : )

    Actually got the shield bobbing and the sword, well, doing what swords do---testing to see how the new animations and graphics work. So far so good. I know a lot of our long time players were ok with the old sword and shield but I think the update is better. Just have to test it to make sure it's not buggy. Not going to put any new screenshots up until am satisfied that new things don't break old things.
  19. abstractcolors215

    abstractcolors215 Active Member

    Sep 12, 2013

    Sounds like it's coming along great, Cat! :)
  20. Catacomber

    Catacomber Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    Yes, thanks. Adding some new quests and some new objects to find. You can find one scroll for example in a scene and when you find it's complement in another, you get a reward.

    Made it a little harder to get the key piece from the chest in the Branches.

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