What? She DIED!?!? Jk. After 3 days of playing I hope everyone's that far in. I liked when you talk to your uncle and tell him. That was a pretty funny part. "This is horrible!" "I know! Ling's dead!" "Wait, Ling's dead? I was talking about the little punks who're trying to hire me!" Or something to that affect. Classic.
Very true! Well I don't think I've disagreed with anything you've reviewed yet, so going on you word about something is pretty easy.
Yeah there's like three side missions with women. The hooker attack, one chick who loves you, and that one risk taker. I meant the main story line. When I first got it on DS I assumed she'd be a major character =P
is there anyway to get thugs after that mission? damn, i was hoping a chick would come up later on. THANKS. oh and when your doing drug deals and your looking into either of the bags, whats the +,- and the number under it
some questions: 1. the blue houses are the only ones to buy? will we get more available than the houses the game offers? i won the plaza house in the lottery so which one is good to use? the one in the very northwest-corner? 2. any other method to save the game when i want to quit the game instead of -pushing the red button in the left upper corner -the right system button -options -save game ??? its's so annoying! 3. the message colour i thought after completing a task that was mentioned in a red message it gets yellow..but some didn't seem to change, one message told me to visit the man who pees in the food of his restaurant, never got such a mission 4. does deleting drug offers (via message) made by the dealers affect the game? because after i deleted some of them i didn't get any new offers for a really long time! 5. so i see there are side missions like the limo..taking the guy to the shooting or whatever, the cheating wife. does someone know how many there are? what about the noodle-van which i found by accident and suddenly started a new mission. is this another sort of side mission? is there any good faq where all side missions are listed?
It's really unimportant and anticlimactic, you're fine =P I need to know if spelling out "bitch" really gives you $60? Tim said it did.
You are talking about me i guess? I´m not a developer, but i´m sure GTA won´t hurt the indies much. It will rather target Gameloft. By the way, i just purchased GTA myself, it´s pretty nice to see it on the iPhone.
I've tried and haven't been able to get the 60... they kind of snap into place so I'm wondering if I don't have them placed correctly or w/e but... for $60 i decided it was wasting my time.
That is what I was saying on that thread, they can co exist as long as the indies offer original innovative games. What you said is different!
I played the game today for a couple of... minutes. Sheesh, the controls for it are to hectic. To precisely steer a car you need to be high Like the graphics and too bad so many sounds are out. I would rather download 600MB to get speech...